Freedom Part 4 – Lawson and Aaron Perdue – 10/06/25

I believe the true gospel is this: God wants you to be free. He wants you to be free spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. I believe Jesus has already paid for that.

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Jesus came to preach the gospel and to set the captives free! Many people are enslaved by sin, past mistakes, legalism, or self-reliance. Jesus wants to set you completely free so you can be everything God has created you to be! Today is the day to let Jesus reign in you and through you!

Journey of Faith

Praise the Lord, friends, welcome to the broadcast. I believe the true gospel is this: God wants you to be free. He wants you to be free spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. I believe Jesus has already paid for that. I believe that The Word of God promises that. But how can you receive it? You must renew your mind in The Word of God. Open your heart and receive The Word today. Friends, I’m so glad that you’re here. We’re sharing on experiencing freedom through Jesus Christ. And there are several ways that we really experience freedom. First of all, we talked about how knowing Jesus is the only way to experience true freedom, but then we begin to move into this. You’ve got to receive true freedom through The Word of God. You know, Jesus actually said this in John 14, verse 6. He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, and no man comes to the Father except by me.” So him being the way, he’s the only way to the Father. That’s the only way we can be truly spiritually free is through knowing Jesus Christ. But he’s also the truth. He’s the embodiment of the truth. But Jesus said this, he said in John chapter 8, where it’s the basis for our teaching, Verse 30 through verse 36, he said to those who believed on him, “If you continue in my word, you’ll be my disciples indeed. And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” It’s the truth of The Word of God. And it’s through knowing the truth of The Word of God, that we experience true freedom. But the third way we receive it, which will be sharing in a future broadcast, is through the Holy Spirit. And number one, we receive the spirit of Christ when we’re born again, when we believe on him. So Jesus said, I am the way, I am the truth, and I’m the life. And I think about that. The life comes how? Number one, Jesus is the life, right? But number two, The Word is life. And then we what? The Holy Spirit brings life. So we receive the life of God through the spirit of Christ in us, but we receive the life of God through through the truth of The Word of God, and also through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That’s another aspect of the Holy Spirit. Now, we’ll be sharing on that tomorrow, but here in John chapter 8, to those who believed on him, Jesus said in verse 31 and 32, “If you continue in my word, then you’re my disciples indeed. And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” There’s a lot of people that even though they’ve received Jesus, they haven’t continued in The Word of God and become true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. And when you become a true disciple of Jesus, you’re gonna get a revelation of The Word, amen?

And have a love for The Word too. You know? People say they love Jesus or that they have a close relationship with Jesus, but if they don’t believe The Word of God and are continuing in it, they’re just lying. They’re just deceiving themselves, you know? In the Bible, she talks about in the end times, there’s gonna be a lot of deception out there. And one way to know if people are in deception or if you might be deceived about something or, it’s really, it comes down to The Word of God.

You know, there there people that claim to know Jesus, people that claim to, you know, there’s a lot of churches out there, but if if they aren’t founded upon The Word of God, they’re just full of lies. It is just deceit.

Well, sometimes, you know, people even get mad when you teach ’em the Bible and teach ’em the truth from The Word of God. And it’s either because, number one, they may not be doing it, you know, or number two, they just don’t have a revelation of it, and it’s offended their religion, you know? But James talks about this too, in James chapter 1. The Bible says that we are of his own will. We were born again by The Word of truth that’s living and abiding forever. We’re born again by The Word of God. What happens when you hear the scripture preached about Jesus, and you believe that word, there’s a seed of The Word that joins with your spirit, and you’re born again. 1 Peter 1:23 says, “Being born again, not a corruptible seed, but of the incorruptible seed that lives and abides forever.” So we’re born again by that word. But then it goes on to say that born again people, that in verse 20, that we need to receive with meekness, the engrafted word, which is able to save our soul. So our spirit will say when we’re born again, but our soul, our mind, and will and emotions needs to change. We gotta renew our mind in The Word of God. And so we’ve gotta take a meek attitude like God as a born again person, as a person that believes on Jesus, I believe The Word is the truth. So I’m gonna receive with meekness the engrafted word. And then it says, to become a doer of The Word of God. He says, “Don’t be hears only deceiving your own self.” And that’s like you’re saying, there are a lot of people that they’ve heard it, but they haven’t become a doer of it. So they’re really personally being deceived.

And that’s really where a lot of people are at. They’ve heard it, they know it, but it, they haven’t become a doer of it. They haven’t applied it yet.

They haven’t had knowledge of it.

Yeah, and in Proverbs, Proverbs talks about knowledge, about understanding, about wisdom. There’s a lot of people that have knowledge about scripture. They might know different truths, they might know different, you know, verses, but they don’t really have an understanding. They don’t really know God’s heart behind it.

It’s not a revelation of the truth.

You know, and I recently preached on the commanded blessing and sometimes that that really strong message about the blessing of God on someone’s life can be offensive to people. Because, you know, Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of all that includes, you know, sin and sickness and poverty. And, you know, people get very offended when you preach that God wants to bless you, that he wants to heal you. That he, which is very silly but this is why, it’s ’cause they don’t have an understanding. God wants to bless you, you know, he does care about you, but ultimately the blessing of the Lord, it’s to impact you in such a profound way that actually points people to God, to Jesus.

Yeah, and that you can make a difference in the world. You know, Acts 3:26 says that God sent Jesus. He says, he’s speaking to Jews, right, “To you first God sent Jesus,” right? That you might be blessed. He sent Jesus to bless you in turning every one of you from your iniquity. Now again, freedom, the message of freedom really is the message of the gospel. That you can be free spiritually, right? You can be free from sin. Only Jesus can set you free from both, number one, the power of sin and the penalty for sin. Jesus paid the penalty for sin through shedding his blood, but he broke the power of sin through sending his Holy Spirit. So for the penalty and power of sin, so freedom from sin, you can be free. Not only freedom from sin, but freedom from anxiety. You know, Jesus came to set us free, not only in our spirit, but in our soul, in our mind. We don’t have to be tormented. We don’t have to be troubled by the devil. But then freedom, physically, the scripture actually says, “That by his stripes, we were healed,” 1 Peter 2:24, “Who his own self bear our sin in his own body on the tree, or on the cross, that we being dead to sin should live under righteousness.” By who stripes you were healed. Jesus paid for our healing at the same time that he paid for our forgiveness and our peace. Right? And finally, financial freedom is available through the gospel. You say, “What are you talking about, pastor?” Did you know there were 2000 scriptures on wealth, on money, on finances in the Bible, promises? And yet a lot of people refuse to receive that because it’s offensive to them. Maybe they don’t want to, you know, do what some of the things the scripture says, or maybe they just, you know, they just don’t wanna believe what the scripture says. But, you know, I wanna believe the Bible. And the Bible actually says this in 2 Corinthians 8:9, but you know, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that for our sakes, he became poor, that we, through his poverty, might be made rich. Now, when you look at that, it’s talking about Jesus dying on the cross, experiencing extreme poverty. He left everything on the cross that we through that Through Jesus’ identity with us on the cross, we can identify with his provision.

Well, and I wanna let people know too, about just being free financially. I think a lot of the church today, a lot of the body of Christ today, and a lot of ministries and churches don’t really understand this. They’re very debt-driven. You’ve even tried to help other ministries here in town get out of debt, you know, pay off their mortgage. But they didn’t want to, they wanted to keep that debt. It’s a very silly thing. And you know, there’s actually people in the world that are smarter than that. You know, I’ve been to universities where they have, you know, billions of dollars in savings and their endowments to just fund, you know, their education and research in the future.


I had a picture that at, at some point in time, this church, this ministry would have a hundred million dollars invested like an endowment. And from the proceeds of that, from the, you know, just the interest off of those investments, we’d be able to give out $10 million a year. And we’re actually on the way to do that. And I believe God’s gonna make it happen.

And Aaron, we started this church, right, 23 years ago, 24 years ago, and we had almost no people and no money, but we sowed seed and believed God and invested in other ministries, and God has caused us to prosper.

But I wanna let people know, too, I actually just saw a video with, you know, 9 or 10 just missionaries that we support, people that have international ministries, and, you know, we helped fund the gospel all around the world. Last year, our ministry here gave away over, what, $750,000 to outside ministries. And I just saw some of these ministries that we support, you know, they build One minister we support, she is a missionary to Congo. She built a feeding center there. We helped her build this.

This is a complete miracle. This woman has come to our church for years. Her husband died. She has six children. And I told her, Julie, Jesus is gonna take care of you. I didn’t know how!

But her husband died. She was left with six kids, but now she’s from Congo. You know, most people would say, well, she’s gonna be just, financially-

She personally feeds her ministry. Personally feeds over 1200 single women and orphans every day of the year. And God has supernaturally provided for her. We helped her build this feeding center. We’ve helped her build a pastor’s home. We’re helping her build a church now!

And as I was watching this, you know, just, and all the impact we’ve made around the world in Congo and India and Israel, just all around the world. I was just thinking, this is the gospel. You know, when God spoke the gospel to Abram, he said, “In, you, all nations will be blessed.” You know, it’s hard to bless the nations if you’re just-

Bound yourself.

Bound financially.

So we need to believe The Word of God so that we can receive the promises. You know, this is one of the first things that happened to me when I got baptized in the Holy Spirit, is The Word came alive to me. And I thought, “Thank God I don’t have to be sick and poor and defeated by the devil.” I got a Bible full of promises I can believe. And I started believing these things. And they’ve not only changed my life, these things have changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. And we got people that are doing the same things we are because they’re believing the same promise. And you know what? God has no respect for persons. He has just a respect for faith. We’re gonna go on a short break and be right back after that. But if you need prayer during this break, feel free to just give us a call here at the church. I have trained prayer ministers ready to pray for you right now. Blessings. Friends, we’ve been sharing on freedom, and I have a lot to share about freedom. Actually, my book, “Absolute Victory in Christ,” covers the way we teach about being free. Number one, through knowing Jesus, number two, through believing The Word, and number three, through receiving the Holy Spirit. You can get that book on Amazon or on our website at Charis Christian Center. And also many free teachings on freedom. The Word of God will work for you. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, it doesn’t matter where you came from. Glory to God. It matters what you believe. And you need to begin to believe what God said about you, because anywhere in the world that people will believe the Bible, they can prosper. And he said, you have a revelation of it. So I want you to teach it. Hallelujah! Friends, I’m so glad you stayed with us. You know, we’ve been talking about being free through The Word of God, becoming a disciple of Jesus. But really, how does that happen? That happens as we renew our mind in The Word of God. You know, the Bible talks about this in 1 Timothy 2:4-6. It says, “There’s one God and there’s one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, who gave him Himself for our sin.” He says that he might bring us back to God, but he says, “For God will have all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” It is God’s will for all men to be saved. Jesus came for all men to be saved, but he also came that we can come to a knowledge of the truth. And there’s two aspects of truth, number one Well, there’s actually more than that. There’s at least three, and we’re talking about all three this week, and talking about freedom. First of all, there’s the truth of Jesus. He’s the embodiment of the truth. He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. And no man comes to the Father except by me.” Secondly, there’s the truth of The Word of God. You know, in John 17, Jesus was praying for those of us who would believe on him through The Word of his disciples. And he said, “Sanctify them through thy truth.” John 17:17, “Thy word is truth.” We’ve talked about that, The Word of God is the truth. And as a believer, you need to just accept what the Bible says is the truth. And he says, “Thy word is truth.” There is, this is absolute rock-bottom the truth, The Word of God. And you know what? If something I think comes into contradiction by, with The Word of God, I’m gonna take the truth of God’s word every time. Amen? But the third aspect of truth is the Holy Spirit. And Jesus said the Holy Spirit was gonna come, and he said, “He is the spirit of truth.” And when you get baptized in the Holy Spirit, it causes the truth to come alive to you. The truth of God’s word. Aaron, you’ve seen this happen in different believers, that you knew they were strong believers, but they weren’t really convicted in some certain eras. Then when they got baptized in the Holy Spirit, the truth, they just had a heart for the truth.

Well, one thing that Jesus said about the Holy Spirit when he was speaking to his, you know, disciples at the Last Supper, in his last message is preparing them for the day of Pentecost. He said, the Holy Spirit’s gonna be your teacher. But there has to be that heart that’s willing, that meekness, you know, that willing to say, you know, I’m gonna set aside my own ideas and emotions and thoughts. And if The Word of God says it, that settles it. But the Holy Spirit actually helps illuminate those things that you need to believe and trust in. And you know, I’ve just seen awesome testimonies when people receive the Holy Spirit, just certain things make sense to them,


You know, where they might have been open to homosexual marriage before, or open to abortion, but then they receive the Holy Spirit. And it’s just like they just, this light comes on and they just see.

You know, but one of the first things the Holy Spirit will do, and Jesus talked about this in John 4:14 and verse 26, but he said, “The Holy Spirit’s gonna guide you into all truth.” And The Word of God. He said, “He’s gonna bring to your remembrance what I have said to you.” And then he said the Holy Spirit’s gonna testify me. The Holy Spirit makes the truth of Jesus a reality, but he’ll also make The Word of God a reality. And you know, we need to do, all of us as believers, once we’re born again, once we believe on Jesus. And, you know, we should go ahead and take the next step and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. But we need to renew our mind in The Word of God, you know? And there’s a lot of people that are saved, but they just don’t know what the Bible says. And so the Bible talks about-

I mean, the enemy does too. I think he tries to separate people. You know, I’ve just seen, like a lot of people don’t go to church. I think it’s really important for every believer, no matter how long you’ve been following Christ, to go to church, go around, be continually, systematically around other believers where The Word is taught, where Jesus is worshiped, where His presence is, where the spirit of God is moving. It’s important for us to continually do that. But also it’s important to continually, individually be in The Word of God. Yeah, and that’s really how you renew your mind. Everyone needs to constantly be, yeah. Every believer needs to constantly be renewing your mind. Because we’re in a world where it’s against The Word of God. There’s a lot of lies, there’s a lot of conflict with truth. There’s a lot of darkness. It’s being pushed, you know, and, you know, just the world is constantly pushing fear, pushing lack, pushing, you know, all this stuff all the time. You have to daily be renewing your mind in The Word of God. That is how you renew your mind, by being in The Word of God, by being around other believers who, who believe The Word of God. People of faith, being in a household of faith.

Right. You know, other believers can help you. If you’re getting off, they’ll, you know what? They’ll talk to you.

Well, you’re gonna kind of gravitate towards the people that you’re around. And you need to be around other people of faith, other strong believers of faith.

You know, Paul says this in Romans 12:1-2, He says, “I beseech you now, therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your body a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” We’ve gotta renew our mind.

Well, and you and I both know people who maybe, they were pretty strong believers, pretty strong people of faith. But then they end up going, moving away, going to a church that’s watered down, and it affects them. You know, if your pastor isn’t preaching the full gospel, the full counsel of The Word of God, it’s gonna affect you. And when you need to have that word implanted in you, that that fate, like it’ll be watered down. You’re not gonna have that fruit in your life, that root in your life. That word, that full complete, you know, the only part of the gospel that’s gonna work for you is the part that you’re not ashamed of.

And the part that you believe. If you believe it, it’ll work. You know, I can’t tell you how many people get offended because we preach something promise-

And they’ll go somewhere that’s watered down.

Yeah, because it’s not offensive to them. And they become ineffective and they have challenges. You know, I have an older couple in the church, they are a great couple, Bob and Ronnie Hostetler, and they’ve been serving Jesus for years, but they’re counseling, ministering to some younger families that are having marriage problems, different things. But this family said, well, “la-la-la we don’t like this because Pastor Lawson focuses-” And they just told them, we don’t know whether you’re doing this or not, but you need to do it. And this will affect your marriage, it’ll affect your family, it’ll affect everything.” And they just told them, and they’re probably not doing it. That’s probably why they’re a little bit offended, you know? But they said, “You need to get, get this working in your life.” And they said, “You know what? A pastor cannot take you somewhere that they haven’t been personally. And if you have no revelation, you know, in this area, it could be offensive. I know there, Mark Hankins, when I first heard Mark Hankins, he was offensive to me in the area of finances and prosperity. But you know what your mom said, “He’s right and you’re wrong,” and I got over it. And this happened like in 1998. So this happened 26 years ago. And you know what, I came to a brand new understanding in that area, and I’ve moved forward so much. My life doesn’t even look like it. Thank God I got that revelation! Thank God Mark came and preached to me and offended me, and I had to get over it. Praise God. Some of you need to get over it and believe, start believing the Bible!

Well, to, to be offended, that’s a choice The offenses are gonna come, you know, when you’re around other believers that-

Well, that’s religion is what I got offended, because of religion, because I was just thinking carnally, and this was religious-

But you made a choice to-

To believe the truth, to believe the Bible. And God said, “He’s right and you’re wrong.” Your mom told me first, your mom told me, “He’s right and you’re wrong, and you need to get over it.” And it was in the area of finances. And that affected her in a kind of negative way. ‘Cause I thought so little. And then I went and prayed, and you know what? God said, “He’s right and you’re wrong and you need to get over it.” And I got completely over it. And I’m operating at a completely different level in that realm, because I chose to believe the truth. I chose to renew my mind in The Word of God. You know, that word “renewal” means to take on a brand new mind.

And it’s a continual thing, too. That’s one thing that-

You gotta continually renew your mind.

I see some people, they kind of get off. They really, you know, they, but you gotta continue. You gotta have certain habits in life. You know, just trusting The Word of God, reading The Word of God, going to church on a regular basis. There’s certain things that are really good for you. In the long run.

In Ephesians 4:22, Paul says this; “Put off the former lifestyle, the old man or conversation behavior, which is corrupt according to deceitful us. You don’t wanna be just led by how you feel, right? But he says, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. This word “renewed” means , “renew or renovate to take on anew.” You gotta have not only a new spirit, but you gotta renew your mind where you begin to think like God. And the way you do that is by going to The Word and just saying, “God, what’s your mind on this?” What’s your words on this? And he says that you put on the new man, which after God in the likeness of God is created in righteousness and true holiness. You know, true holiness comes from, it’s in your spirit. When you believe on Christ, you’re righteous truly holy in your spirit. But when you renew your mind in The Word of God, that righteousness is in your spirit, will begin to flow in the outside. It’s not all these things that you do to the outward man, it’s a reflection of the inward man working out. And that’s how the things of God work. They begin in your spirit, but they float through your soul or your mind, will and emotions and to your body. And you know what, if you really renew your mind, the God that’s living on the inside of you is gonna be flowing to the outside of you. You know, you can’t live the Christian life in your own strength and power. It takes Jesus on the inside of you. But if you renew your mind in The Word of God, people will begin to recognize, hey, something is different. Man, when my family got involved in this Bible study years ago of Andrew Wommack, it just changed our life. And our neighbors, they never asked these questions before, but they begin to say, “Where do you go to church?” And it’s because we renewed our mind in The Word of God. And Jesus, it’s hard. You can’t do it in your own strength. But when you got Jesus living on the inside of you and you renew your mind on The Word of God in The Word, it just becomes easy, because it’s no longer you, but it’s Jesus living his life big in you. Some of you watching today need to receive Jesus, need to receive the Holy Spirit. You need prayer. And you know, some of you should join us and partner, help us take this message around the world and change lives. But Aaron, why don’t you just share with them. And if you need prayer, be sure and give us a call. Check us out on the web. We’ve got hundreds of hours of teaching and we’ve made it free of charge, downloadable audio, downloadable video. It’s cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars to make this all this available to you.

I think it’s important too, if you’re really receiving, you know, if you’re being taught The Word and growing in The Word from, you know, this ministry, I think it’s important to give back and to partner. Actually, years ago, before I moved back here to work here at the church, I just felt like I should, I should give here and make this a part of my regular giving. I did that years before I moved back. It’s because I really received and was growing from what’s happening here. And actually, God, when I started partnering here and giving here, my income grew exponentially. And I believe it’s because I was selling in good ground. And good ground is where The Word is being taught. So if you wanna become a partner, just connect with us that way at, you know, at a deep-heart level financially. Just give us a call. God loves you. See you again soon! Through grace, you have absolute victory in Christ. In absolute victory in Christ, discover how you can live the victorious life every day. Get your copy of Pastor Lawson’s book entitled, “Absolute Victory in Christ,” when You visit our website, Follow the Amazon link to get your copy in either Kindle or in paperback. While on our website, download your copy of this teaching, “Freedom,” from the store. Go to to get your copies of these powerful resources.

Hi ladies, I am so excited to have you personally join us for this year’s Rejoice Women’s Conference. I know that God has something amazing in store for you. I know that he has good plans for us. I hope to see you there February 6th through 8th. Cathy Duplantis is our keynote speaker. My daughter-in-law, Heather Purdue, will be joining us as well as I’ve even asked my husband, Pastor Awesome-Lawson. And he’ll also be ministering. It’s gonna be a great time. Look forward to seeing you there!

Friend, we here at Charis Christian Center and Grace for today believe in being good stewards of the resources that God has given us. So we pay a professional service that’s actually available to help you do that in a couple of ways. Number one, you can make a will, absolutely free of charge, with professional legal help. And number two, you can go to “Tax Smart Ways of Giving.” You can find them all on our website.

Narrator Thanks for watching Grace for Today. This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer or have a question, please call us at 418-4000, or to partner online, go to You can write us at P.O. BOX 63733 Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80962 See you next time on Grace for Today.

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