Bible Covenants Part 2 – Lawson and Aaron Perdue

We’re sharing today on Bible covenants. We’re actually just sharing a portion of one lesson. I believe you’re gonna be really, really blessed by this.


Explore the powerful teachings of Bible Covenants by Pastor Lawson Perdue in this free curriculum. This comprehensive study delves into God’s covenants throughout scripture, revealing His eternal promises and their fulfillment through Jesus Christ. Covering key biblical figures such as Noah, Abraham, and David, this course provides deep insights into the Old and New Covenants, emphasizing God’s unchanging faithfulness.

Bible Covenanats Transcript

Praise the Lord friends, welcome to the broadcast. I’m so glad that you tuned in. We’re sharing today on Bible covenants. We’re actually just sharing a portion of one lesson. I believe you’re gonna be really, really blessed by this. And there’s very practical aspects that you can take home and apply to your life. And if you do it, praise God, you will prosper, God will help you. So stay tuned and receive the word of God and be blessed. Friend, it’s so good to have you with us, and I’m glad Aaron’s here today. We’re continuing to teach on Bible covenants. And Aaron it was actually your idea to teach this, so I’m excited to share it.

Yeah, my dad has actually shared this as a course at Charis Bible College in Woodland Park for over 20 years. And I’ve always thought this would be a great series because I haven’t heard a lot of pastors, or even a lot of television programs just go into that subject of Bible covenants.


But my dad has a really clear understanding of covenant and just how, you know, there are these separate covenants that God makes with the individuals throughout the scriptures, but they’re really part of one big covenant.


That we have with God through Jesus now.


That new covenant. And my dad also teaches a class, has written a book on, “Hebrews: A Better Covenant”.


And, you know, at different parts of this series we’ll mention that as well. He has a great book on that, I know. They’ll offer that as a product.

Yeah we have helped. A lot of material on our website, we have downloadable syllabus that I teach at Charis Bible College that I developed years ago. We also have, “Hebrews: The Better Covenant”, which is a link, we have to actually sell our books through Amazon because tax rules. And then we also have downloadable audio, downloadable video on, “Hebrews: The Better Covenant”, teaching that you can get free of charge. So we make a lot of stuff free of charge. It costs me thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars to do it. But we wanna get the word out because the word of God literally changes people’s lives.

Yeah, when you understand God’s covenant, His promises towards us, His word that never changes, it encourages you. Your relationship with Him will grow, your faith will grow. My wife, I saw something she posted on a social media account of hers recently, but she said all anxiety really stems from a lack of trust.


And I thought that that’s really true, you know, when people really deal with anxiety, they deal with worry. And when you really just understand God’s covenant, His promises towards you, His word that never changes, you can really trust in Him. And you know, you’ll have that peace that only He can give us. Jesus is the prince of peace.

Right. Right. Faith and fear are polar opposite, so what she’s saying is exactly true. And there’s a lot of scriptures I could use to prove that. But we wanna get into the message. We laid a foundation yesterday, really that the Bible is the book of God’s covenant. Right? And it’s God’s covenant with man. And it’s because of God’s faithfulness to man. God wants you to receive the promises more than you even wanna receive them. And Jesus is the complete fulfillment of this covenant. I wanna go into Jeremiah, a lot of people never read these verses, but Jeremiah chapter 33, we’re gonna read verse 14. We’re gonna take our time and go through the end of the chapter. But we’re gonna talk a little bit about different pictures right here that we see of the covenant that God made with man. And it’s actually, you talked about it yesterday, it’s everlasting covenant. So let’s look at this starting in Jeremiah 33:14. Aaron, why don’t you read verse 14 through 17.

Okay. So it says here, “Behold the days are coming, says the Lord, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. In those days and at that time, I will cause to grow up to David, a branch of righteousness. He shall execute judgment and righteousness in the earth. In those days, Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will dwell safely. And this is the name by which she will be called, the Lord our righteousness, for thus says the Lord, David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel”. I actually love this passage of scripture because it’s clearly a messianic prophecy.


You know, this branch of righteousness that extends from David, the house of David. It’s talking about this king, this Messiah, but this is so clear in the Old Testament, in the biblical Hebrew here, that the name of the Messiah, Messiah would not be just a man, but Messiah’s name would be called in verse 16, the Lord, Yud Hey Vav Hey, our righteousness. So this is saying that the Messiah, that Jesus would be Lord.


And that’s actually really huge.


And that’s actually, doctrinally that’s the main split off between Judaism and Christianity. The Jewish people have a hard time accepting Jesus, not just as a Messiah, they’re fine with someone being a Messiah. And they’ve even, through the past 2,000 years, there have been other people who’ve claimed to be a Messiah and people who followed them in Judaism, but they consider them still to be Jews. But their problem with Jesus was his claim to be Lord.


But here in their Bible, it says, “This is the name of Messiah”.


His name would be Yud Hey Vav Hey, YHWH, Jehovah-tsidkenu.

Our righteousness.

Our righteousness, Tsidk.

Amen so when we look at this, now in this portion of scriptures between here and the end of Jeremiah 33, He talks about three aspects of covenant, but right here in these first few verses, verse 14 through 17, He talks about two major aspects of covenant. He says, “First of all, I’m gonna perform”, in verse 14, “The good thing which I promised to the house of Israel and house of Judah”. A lot of people still don’t get it. A lot of believers, a lot of people who claim to be Christians don’t understand. Listen, God made a covenant with Israel and Judah.

This is something I realized too, like about a year ago, for some reason, I don’t spend a lot of time on social media, but every now and then I’ll get on Instagram or Facebook, but on Instagram, for some reason all the algorithms were just showing me these different kind of ex pastors who had deconstructed their videos. But I noticed a common thread of these people who deconstructed, who kind of walked away from, you know, fundamental Christianity, but a lot of them are actually anti-Israel.


So people who throw out the Bible, who throw out, you know, just foundational Christianity, a lot of them will throw out, you know, the nation of Israel.

And I have never seen a ministry truly prosper who does not believe in God’s covenant with Israel. And you know, for instance, in the recent mess with Hamas and all these different things, listen, they’re fighting a battle they’re not gonna win. God made a covenant with Israel and He keeps it. And it’s not only in the Old Testament. See years ago, before Israel became a nation in 1948, people said, oh, this is just all, you know, fluff, it’s not all real, you know, doctrine, so on and so forth. And Israel’s never really gonna become a nation. And it’s all figurative, but it’s literal. And then the real Bible believers, right? The real true, scriptural conservative, they said, no this is a promise and Israel is gonna become a nation and this is what God said. And then in 1948, against all odds, Israel became a nation. And Israel has remained a nation. But this isn’t something that’s just Old Testament either, when you go into Romans 9, 10 and 11, Romans is about as foundational as you get. And I also not only teach Bible covenants at Charis Bible College, I also teach Romans, and I’ve taught Romans for well over 10 years now. And it’s God’s plan of righteousness, it’s the revelation of righteousness for the Jews and the Gentiles by faith in Jesus. But in Romans chapter 9, 10 and 11, Paul says, you know, “What’s God’s heart for Israel? My desire for them to be safe”. Well that’s God’s heart. He said, “Has God cast away His people? God forbid”. I mean, just like, shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound, God forbid. Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid. All those statements are right there in the book of Romans. But a lot of people don’t really read the scripture. And then, you know, when you stand up and say something, right? And it’s actually biblical, you say, well you don’t love people. No, I love people. I love people enough to tell them the truth. Because when you acknowledge the truth, the truth will make you free. And that’s what brings true freedom. And so, you know, it’s back, we ought to get back to teaching the Bible and telling people what the Bible actually says. So He says, “I’m making a covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah”. Then He says this in verse 15, “In those days, I’m gonna cause the branch of righteousness to grow up to David”. So He makes this covenant with David. Your seed is gonna have someone who’s gonna reign on the throne of the house of Israel and Judah forever, right? And when you go through the Bible, you follow it, right? You talked yesterday about Genesis 3:15, “The seed of the woman will crush the serpent’s head”. You go into Genesis 12, “The seed of Abraham”, right? In Genesis 17, in Genesis 22, right? The seed of, so that’s, right at the, you know, when man says about 4,000 years before Christ, when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, then 2,000 years before Christ you have, you know, Abraham and God says the seed of Abraham. And then you go into 2 Samuel, God makes this promise to David, there’s not gonna cease to be one from your house who’s gonna reign on the throne of the house of Israel forever, the seed of David, about a thousand years before Christ. And then Jesus shows up, right? So we could just see these promises and they get clearer and clearer as, you know, they’re coming to Christ. But He makes this promise to David. And He says, “In those days”, again in verse 16, Jeremiah 33:16, “Judas shall be saved. Jerusalem will dwell safely. And this is the name wherewith she shall be called”. It’s really interesting because when you read this in Jeremiah 23:6 it says, “This is the name wherewith he shall be called”, speaking about Jesus, right? The Lord our righteousness

Because this is the name of the city of God.

Right. But then, “This is the name wherewith she shall be called”, so this is actually speaking of the church, right? Or the covenant people of God. Because when you believe on Jesus, His righteousness is ascribed to you. Now I can prove that to you through the book of Romans and many other places in the New Testament. So He says, “She shall be called the Lord our righteousness for thus says the Lord, David will never want a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel”. So we see it, right? Genesis 3:15, 4,000 BC, Genesis 12, Genesis 22, 2,000 BC Then we see it 1,000 BC, 2 Samuel. Here we see it about 600 BC in Jeremiah, it’s brought back up because this is the unchangeable word of a unchangeable God. And when you keep your eyes on Jesus, the scripture becomes clearer and clearer. God has a covenant with man, it’s based on the person of Jesus Christ. And all of God’s promises to us are true. They’re yes and amen.

Awesome. Well we’re gonna take a brief break here. You wanna stay tuned. If you need prayer right now, you’re welcome to give us a call. We have trained prayer ministers ready to pray for you. But stay tuned, we’ll be right back after this short break.

Friends, we’ve been teaching Bible covenants from my syllabus that I’ve been teaching at Bible school that I developed over 20 years ago, I’ve been teaching it for over 20 years in Bible school. We actually have that syllabus free of charge on our website, plus, “Hebrews: The Better Covenant”, in book form, in audio and video downloadable form. Check our website out.

Wednesday afternoon my knee started hurting, my right knee went out. So I went forward for prayer. The change didn’t come immediately and my husband Mitch encouraged me, just keep laughing, ha ha ha, devil, you think my knee is not healed, but ha ha ha, I believe I’m healed. Just continued getting better and better. And so I was able, by the time we got home, I was able to kneel down on the carpet.

Friends, I’m so glad you stayed with us. We’re gonna continue sharing for Jeremiah chapter 33, we were in verse 14 to verse 17 where it talks about God has a covenant with the house of Israel, with the house of Judah. God has a covenant with David, right? And it’s based on Jesus, right? But He goes on down and begins to talk about this in verse 18. Aaron, if you want to move and read these verses, why don’t you read in verse 18 through verse 22.

So this says, “Nor shall the priests, the Levites, lack a man to offer burnt offerings before me, to kindle grain offerings and to sacrifice continually. And the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah saying, ‘Thus says the Lord, if you can break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night, so that there will not be the day and the night in their season, then my covenant may also be broken with David, my servant, so that he shall not have a son to reign on his throne. And with the Levites and the priests, my ministers. As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea measured, so will I multiply the descendants of David, my servant, and the Levites who minister to me'”.


So here He’s talking about His covenant with the day and covenant with night. That goes back to-

Genesis eight.

Genesis as well.


So God’s covenant, like, it’s like you were saying, it’s all one big covenant, it’s all interrelated,


God’s word is His word.


It’s all one big covenant.

Yeah. We have the unchangeable word of a unchangeable God. Now when you begin to understand it, these promises that God made in the Old Testament, and then Jesus paid for in his death, resurrection, sending of the Holy Spirit. And now we can receive through the power of the Holy Spirit in our life. But it just shows the unchangeability, you know, Hebrews six calls at the immutability, right? In the King James. The unchangeability of God’s covenant with man. And he’s talking about God’s word then to Abraham. But Genesis eight, that’s with Noah, that’s about 2,500 BC, about 500 years before Abraham

And that covenant’s very similar too, like we talked about that covenant of night, covenant of day with no, there’s a covenant too, like I’m not gonna just, like there’s gonna be seed time and harvest, winter and summer. So a lot of people worry that just-

Oh yes.

You know, that, you know, global climate change or whatever, it’s just, you know, we aren’t gonna have…

Oh, I’ve heard.

So there’s a lot of movies about it, about those fears like, you know, “Interstellar”, where the last thing people can grow is corn and just, that’s the only food that people have is corn.

It’s crazy. It’s totally anti God, anti scripture. I remember Y2K and we were pastoring in Kit Carson, Colorado in a church that mom and I, and you were there, you were just a little boy when we started that church with a group of believers in Kit Carson, little town of 300 people in eastern Colorado on the plains and where the buffalo roam, and you know, it’s a beautiful place, beautiful Christians there, very strategic place. And we pastored there actually for 13 years. But I remember we started in 1988, so, you know, or we started in 1988, so about 10 years into our tenure there, you know, they had these fears come up with Y2K. And I had this lady, she said, “Oh pastor, can we fill the church with food because…”, I said, “No, we’re not gonna do that. If you just want to exist, I got five grain bins over behind my house on my property, we can fill those up and we can feed this town for the next a hundred years. Just if you just want to exist”. You know? ‘Cause it doesn’t take much to exist but we’re not thinking about existing, we’re thinking about living.

And that fear mentality, it really strips people from opportunities that God gives them.

Yes. It’s terrible.

And there are different periods of fear. You know, even I know of something you’ve talked about, your grandfather, the Purdue’s originate from southeastern Colorado, but your grandfather was there during the Great Depression.


During the Dust Bowl. And people had this fear during the Great Depression, during the Dust Bowls that, you know-

In the 1930’s.

Impacted a lot of the plains, you know, eastern Colorado is part of the Great Plains.


It’s called the High Plains. But you know, basically there was drought going on and a lot of wind and all this dirt just covered up everything. And people thought there would never be seed time and harvest there again.

Yeah. My granddad actually had been taught by his parents when he was a young man, he was born in 1908, but he had been taught by his parents, you know, take care of what you have, you know, keep it, you know, and manage it well and you’ll always be okay and he was. But in the 1930s, so, you know, he’s in his, you know, mid twenties, the Dust Bowl is going on. He had the opportunity to buy thousands of acres around him for $1 an acre. And he actually was unique because he had the money in the bank to do it, but he was afraid to do it. Now I worked for my grandfather in his seventies, right? In his early eighties. And he actually regretted not buying that land because he limited, you know, where he could go. And I thought when I get older, I’m not gonna regret not taking steps of faith. And I’ve been pretty aggressive. And once in a while I thought, maybe I shouldn’t have done that. But I’m not looking back and saying, I wish I would’ve tried, I might’ve coulda. Most of the time I’m out there-

Every so often there’s something that happens that just creates global pandemonium.


You know, where people are just afraid of their own shadow, you know? And recently we kinda lived through that with the Covid pandemic.


But every so often that there’s these things that happen, and often a lot of Christians are actually very susceptible to that. But if you understand God’s covenant…

Yes, a lot of Christian people are just overwhelmed with fear. And there’s-

Whether it be the Y2K or the blood moon or the, you know-

Oh yes. And it’s just like, you know what, there’s things that are gonna come. But a lot of stuff that people worry about, really, I don’t believe it’s gonna happen until Jesus comes for his church. And why do you wanna live in fear and go hide in a hole? Why don’t we be… You know, I’ve been aggressive investing different things and it has served this church well, it has served our family well. And thank God. You know, but you can’t just live in fear. But sometimes Christians are the worst. And we shouldn’t be the worst, we should be out there on the cutting edge. Sometimes Christians are making 1% when they could making 10% to 20%. And I have a goal on my investments of making 10% on the church investments. And you know what? I meet it, many times I go beyond it-

Well I talked to-

Year over year.

Someone about my age, Chad, who now does investing, he said there’s a lot of Christians that are just very afraid. And the way they try to invest, it’s like they’re always just afraid that they’ll just lose everything, you know? And they don’t really have an understanding of scripture and covenant. They’re just-

Well they don’t even keep up with inflation. And it’s just like, come on guys, have a little faith. You know? And so I’ve taken risks and you know what? I was thinking the other day, I remember buying these cattle and they were like 67 cents a pound, those same cattle today would be $2 a pound. But it was in a drought, in a hard time. And I remember, you know, they were 67 cents a pound. And the man at the feedlot loaned me most of the money for them. And I remember on some of those cattle making over $200 a head. I didn’t put that down, but. $78 a head-

This something I’ve realized too, you know, right when Covid kind of started, real estate actually dipped a little bit, but then it shot up, like everything almost doubled.


But I actually bought in that little dip.


You know, when interest rates were low, but then everything shot up and interest rates went up. But it, by doing that, in that timing, it made me hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Essentially in real estate. But this is something I realized too about the tithe, I was thinking about Jacob.


You know, Jacob, when he was running away from Esau, he came to this place that was called Bethel, where he saw this ladder and angels going up and down. But he made a covenant with God there and part of his covenant was, I’m gonna tithe, of everything that I get, I’m gonna tithe. And because he tithed, he would just make the right financial decisions. Even though his father-in-law was trying to rip him off all the time, he would just say-

Change his wages ten times.

He’d say, “Hey, this is what I’m gonna do. I’ll take the speckled sheep”. And then all the sheep would be speckled, he just made the right decision business wise, investment wise, because he had that covenant with God.

Yes. And with having a covenant with God changes your life. And yet a lot of covenant people forget they have a covenant. They don’t act like they have a covenant.

But I’m a tither as well.


That’s part of like, it’s a great thing. You know, it’s mentioned in the Old Testament, it’s also mentioned in the New Testament, Hebrews seven says that when we tithe Jesus receives our tithes.


So I, and that’s, and Hebrews is talking about our new covenant.


So I have a covenant with God and it impacts my finances as well.

Right. And you know, mom and I give much beyond the tithe.


In fact, if you look at our married life, we’ve been married for 40 years, and all the money that we’ve made, our net worth, it is more three times all the money we’ve made. And if you look back and look at all we’ve given, we’ve given away about 30% of the money that’s been given to us. And there’s no way that you can naturally explain it. The only way that you can explain it-

It’s covenant.

Is covenant or the blessing of God. The Bible actually says in Proverbs 10:22, “It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it”. Toiling doesn’t add to it. And so, you know what? This ministry actually, I believe, has a anointing of increase and people that get connected with us in giving and receiving increase financially. We’ve seen this happen over and over again.

And covenant and even how it relates to us financially, covenant, you know, you as an individual with God, God is extending His grace to you.


But you respond by faith.

Right. Giving is an act of faith.

It is. And you don’t have to do it to, you get to do it because you believe.

You’re not cursed if you don’t do it, but you limit God’s blessing in your own life by not getting involved in giving and receiving.

You know, the Bible actually says, “God resists the proud but He gives grace to the humble”. So you can actually limit God’s grace towards you through your own pride.


Through thinking that you know better than God, you know better than what the word says. You know better…

Nobody knows better than God.

You limit His grace flowing in your life. And I don’t wanna limit God, so I wanna-


Have faith. I wanna believe Him. I wanna believe His word. And His grace is powerful, it will transform your life.

Yeah. Psalm 78:41 says, “They tempted God, they limited the holy one of Israel”. So don’t limit God. And maybe God’s speaking to some of you to consider partnering with, “Grace For Today”, Charis Christian Center, our ministry. I believe it’ll be a blessing to you. You know, we actually pray for our partners, and I believe when they begin to partner that the Lord Jesus will increase them.

I actually, you know, I was away in college for about 11 years and before I moved back here to become a pastor, I went to church every Sunday, but I always felt like this was home and I was receiving a lot from here. So I started tithing here, giving here, partnering here before, you know, I moved back and my finances actually exploded.

Ten times.

Ten times over. And it’s a God thing. But I was really receiving from here, you know, the word is preached here. So if you love the word, you’re welcome to give us a call, partner with us. If you need prayer, give us a call, we’d be happy to pray for you. God loves you. See you again soon.

Narrator Hebrews 8:6 says that, “We have a better covenant based on better promises”. In, “Hebrews: The Better Covenant”, you’ll learn how though new covenant is better than the old, simply because of Jesus. We’d like to bless you with a digital copy of, “Hebrews: The Better Covenant”, a $35 value free of charge. Don’t miss this opportunity to know what Jesus accomplished in establishing this better covenant. Visit today to download your copy. Friends, I want to thank you for being with us today. It’s our pleasure to share with you the word of God. We believe it changes lives, and because of that, we’re broadcasting all around the world. It costs me right now around $2 million a year just for my staff and paying for our broadcast costs. But if you wanna become a partner and help us share the message all around the world, we would love to hear from you today. Friends, in the last few months, we have heard from over 50 nations in the world. People from all around the world are downloading our curriculum, our syllabus, our downloadable audio and downloadable video teachings, our confession cards, and all of these great teaching materials. And you can go receive it too at Receive these resources and be blessed.

Narrator Thanks for watching, “Grace For Today”. This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer or have a question, please call us at 719-418-4000 or to partner online, go to You can write us at PO Box 63733, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80962. See you next time on, “Grace For Today”.

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