Lessons from the Wilderness: God’s Provision for the Israelites

Dr. Aaron Perdue

It is absolutely essential that every believer knows God’s promises for provision! You might have reached the promised land or you might be going through the wilderness, but God’s promises are always true. Wherever you are in life, God’s provision is available to you! Psalm 34:10 says that “those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing.” The Bible is full of scriptures about God’s provision. These promises include finances, healing, relationships, and so much more! You can put your trust in the Word and start praying for God’s provision in every situation.

Repeat this prayer with me…

“Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you that you care about me! You only have good things to give. Every good and perfect gift comes from you. Thank you right now that Philippians 4:19 is true! ‘And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.’”

There are many examples of divine provision in the Bible. One of my favorite instances is of the Israelites as they left Egypt. God told Moses to have the Israelites ask the Egyptians for great possessions. Out of the burning bush, God told Moses, “And I will give this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians; and it shall be, when you go, that you shall not go empty-handed” (Exodus 3:21). As they left the house of bondage, they essentially plundered the Egyptians. They took silver, gold, and fine clothing. As they continued throughout the wilderness, God was always faithful! He consistently provided manna, meat, and water until they reached the promised land. God’s provision is always consistent and He never runs out!

What is God’s provision for you today? 

It can be different for different people. Whatever God has called you to do, He will always provide and make a way! Years ago when I finished my master’s degree in music, I was going through a wilderness period. I was 24 years old, sleeping on an air mattress, in survival-mode, and had a lot of student debt. As I was studying scriptures on God’s provision, I saw that Melchizedek blessed Abram and said, “Blessed be Abram of God Most High, possessor of heaven and earth” (Genesis 14:19). Even though I was in the wilderness, I felt God tell me the same blessing. “You are blessed by the Most High God, the possessor of heaven and earth.” I wrote that blessing down and put it above my bed. My mentality shifted. My faith shifted. Rather than having a lack mentality, I began to have a blessed mentality. Rather than focus on the difficulty, I began to see opportunities. God led me to start an online business and within a year, I made $100,000 profit and was able to pay off my student debt and begin saving for the future.

God’s provision examples can be seen throughout scripture. The very first redemptive name of God was revealed to Abraham. Just as he was about to sacrifice his son Isaac, an angel of the LORD stopped him and he looked up and saw a ram caught in a thicket. Abraham built an altar there and called it Jehovah-Jireh, which means the LORD-is-my-provider. Jesus fulfills that redemptive name of God! His very first miracle, turning water into wine, was a miracle of provision. One of the greatest miracles recorded in all four of the gospels, taking 5 loaves and two fish and feeding the 5,000 was a miracle of provision. Jesus is the LORD our provider! He is our redeemer and meets all of our needs!

After completing my doctoral studies, I gave up my pursuits in the musical field to become a pastor. I was single at the time and knew that God had a wife in store for me. Although I wasn’t seeing much progress, I continued to trust God and knew that He would provide for me. I wrote this scripture and put it on my bathroom mirror. “Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the LORD” (Proverbs 19:14). God had provided finances for me. God had provided a house for me. But I wanted Him to provide something even greater for me. Some of God’s greatest blessings are worth more than you can describe or set a price to. God came through again and provided my wife Heather. We now have two beautiful children together and live each day full of God-given purpose.

Whatever need you may have, keep trusting Jesus! He is the LORD our provider and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Living in God’s Abundance with a Community of Support and Provision

In every story of need, every moment of lack, and every season of waiting, the Bible shows us a God who provides, who fills the emptiness with abundance, and leads us from the wilderness to the promised land. At our Christian Church in Colorado Springs, we gather as a community of believers who stand on the promises of God’s provision. We come together to share in the journey of faith, to support one another in prayer, and to witness God’s faithfulness in our lives. Whether you find yourself in a season of waiting or celebration, we invite you to join us. Here, we delve into the Word, encourage each other to trust in God’s provision for every need, and celebrate the countless ways He meets us in our journey. Together, we discover what God’s provision looks like in our own lives, inspired by His promises that are true yesterday, today, and forever.


Lessons from the Wilderness: God’s Provision for the Israelites

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