Restoring Hope: The Return of the Prodigal Son

Pastor Lawson Perdue

Let’s look at Jesus’s story about restoring hope with the prodigal son’s return. This story is found in Luke 15:11-32 and follows two other parables, one about a lost sheep (Luke 15:4-7) and the other about a lost coin (Luke 15:8-10). Both stories focus on restoring hope through the return of what was lost. Jesus was addressing a large crowd of tax collectors and sinners when the Pharisees and scribes accused Him of associating with sinners, as they had on three similar occasions (Matthew 9:10-11, Mark 2:15-16, and Luke 5:29-30). Their accusation revealed they did not view themselves as lost sinners needing saving. Jesus stated His purpose in Matthew 18:11 (NKJV), “For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.” The main message of the prodigal son was to lovingly direct people to see that they are lost prodigals and need to return to God, their heavenly Father. This timeless story also offers hope to families with prodigal children. 

What is the main message of the prodigal son? What does the prodigal son teach us? To answer that question, let’s look at 5 lessons from the Prodigal Son.

  1. The father in the story gave the son his share of the inheritance and the freedom to choose his path. This father, a representation of God, did not withhold any good from his son. Similarly, God, our heavenly Father, does not withhold any good thing from us. He is a loving Father. Often, we mistakenly view God as wrathful and punitive, but His true nature is love. He desires good things for us and respects our free will, not imposing His will and plan for our lives. 
  2. The prodigal chose  to squander his entire inheritance on riotous living. In this story, the prodigal son represents each one of us because we have all sinned and been apart from God. The prodigal son chose to go far away from his father to a place where his father couldn’t see or know his situation. Hebrews 4:13 (MEV) tells us, “… for all things are bare and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account.” You may have hidden your sin from people but can’t hide it from God. The prodigal son’s actions led him to a place where he only found a job and food in a pig pen—the ultimate low for a Jewish person. This was never his father’s best for him, but it resulted from his choices.
  1. When the prodigal son reached the end of himself, he was finally ready to humbly return to his father. This moment of realization is crucial in our lives as well. God wants to do good things in our lives, but we must reach the end of ourselves and cooperate with His plan for our lives. The attitude of humility signifies that he recognized the reality of the situation and no longer flaunted his choice of sinful lifestyle but was ready to submit and return to his father. Humbleness is necessary for salvation because a person must reach the point where they accept that they are not good enough and cannot earn or deserve forgiveness from God—it is God’s gift of grace to us.
  2. The son turned his heart to his father, took responsibility for his actions, and repented. His repentance was more than simply saying, “I’m sorry.” True repentance results in changed thinking and actions. He realized how good things were at his father’s house and was ready to appeal for his father’s mercy. When we repent, we receive God’s mercy, confirmed in Psalm 103:8 (NKJV), “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.” We don’t have to beg or offer plea bargains. God willingly and mercifully forgives every repentant person who asks Him for forgiveness.
  3. His father was eagerly awaiting his return. When the father saw his son from a distance, his heart was filled with compassion. He ran to his son and welcomed him with great joy. The father never once mentioned his son’s past mistakes. He could see the change in his son’s heart. The father restored him with a robe (symbolizing righteousness), a ring (restoring his authority), and shoes (for his journey ahead). The father’s joy at his son’s return was boundless, and he restored him to a position far greater than what the son had asked for. Our heavenly Father too rejoices when a sinner repents and turns to Him!

What is the moral of the prodigal son?

The moral of the prodigal son is simple—God, the loving Father in heaven, wants you to repent of your sins and follow His ways, which are always the best for you. If you have experienced walking away from God, this parable offers hope for your relationship with Him to be restored. God is waiting for you to return to Him and begin the restoration process. Instead of picturing God as angrily waiting to punish you, the way an earthly father might, imagine His arms widely open and ready to receive you. No matter what you’ve done, His love and forgiveness are always available when you ask. Don’t delay. Run back to your heavenly Father!

I would love for you to visit Charis Christian Center. Our four foundational statements are: Know Jesus, Experience Grace, Build Relationships, and Live with Purpose. We preach the Gospel so the lost prodigals can restore their relationship with God. Please check out our website,, where you will find free teachings, including over two hundred sermons. May God bless you!


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