The Shepherd’s Care: Understanding Psalm 23

Close up on priest reading form the bible

Pastor Lawson Perdue

Understanding Psalm 23 gives us insight into His, the Shepherd’s, care. Many people who don’t attend church will likely encounter Psalm 23 at a funeral. People often explain Psalm 23’s meaning by focusing on its comforting imagery, like still waters and the promise of being with Jesus in eternity. In Psalm 23, as explained by a shepherd, presumably David, God is depicted as a caring and loving guide for His people.

I grew up in an agricultural area and understand the challenges of raising sheep. Sheep aren’t easy animals to work with and aren’t very smart. A shepherd knows the sheep will wander off and be unaware of dangers, so he must know the area and always watch. In many ways, we act like sheep and don’t heed the warnings in the Bible and wander off God’s path for our lives. The good news is that God faithfully shepherds us here on this earth—if we listen to and follow Him.

What are the three main points of Psalm 23? Psalm 23 beautifully explains three main points: God’s provision, protection, and peace on this earth. God’s provision is seen in verse one, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want,” and in verse five, “my cup runs over.” This reminds us that God isn’t withholding anything. He provides so abundantly that we are not lacking but overflowing, a true blessing!

Verse five also mentions another provision, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” We must witness God’s blessing and care for us even when adversaries surround us. This verse is part of Psalm 23 explained beautifully, as it emphasizes God’s provision even in the face of adversity, a theme found throughout the Bible.

Another important aspect of Psalm 23, explained by a shepherd, is protection, depicted in verse five: “You anoint my head with oil.” The shepherd pours oil over the head of each sheep for protection. The oil repels nose bugs, kills parasites that spread diseases, and lubricates to minimize head-butting injuries. This proactive step helps the sheep avoid pain, injury, and even death. God’s protection over our lives is often unseen, but we reap the benefits of His constant love and care.

Protection is also the focus of verse four, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death… .” Did you know that Wadi Qelt is the actual location between Jerusalem and Jericho, which is believed to be the Valley of the Shadow of Death mentioned in this Psalm? I visited the Jerusalem Desert and saw the treacherous ravine cut through the rocks leading down to a stream where a shepherd would have taken the flock for water. When the psalmist wrote this, the area was well known for the thieves and wild animals hiding in the many caves along the pathway. This is also the same setting for the New Testament parable, “The Good Samaritan.” Traveling through this dangerous area meant a shepherd must be vigilant to guide and protect the flock. The meaning of Psalm 23 is deepened by understanding this setting, highlighting God’s protection in every situation.

Walking through the valley of the shadow of death on your own doesn’t produce a sense of peace. The following phrase in verse four says, “…I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” The “rod and staff” are tools used by the shepherd to correct wayward sheep and retrieve stuck lambs. Notice that when correction is accepted, it brings comfort. God’s peace comes because He is with you, and you can trust Him.

Psalm 23 paints a peaceful picture in verses 2 and 3, “He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.” The green pastures and still waters provide a peaceful setting, but the serenity around you doesn’t permeate your soul if your mind is fearful or panicked. God’s peace restores the broken and hurting parts of our souls—the mind, will, and emotions.

Psalm 23 reminds us that God loves us and cares for His sheep in grand style. With God as your shepherd, you will never lack and always have His protection and peace!

Pastor Lawson offers you his 4-part FREE digital download of Psalm 23 in our store on our website here: This series teaches how God is loving and faithful to care for you. As you experience the Lord guiding you as a loving Shepherd, you will see provision, protection, and restoration fill your life! Learn how to be led by God into abundance in every area as you feed on His Word. If you want to experience Jesus as your Lord and Good Shepherd, we want to tell you more about Him and pray with you. Consider joining us at Charis Christian Center on Sunday mornings at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. or Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. You can also visit our website at for more information about our services and resources.


The Shepherd’s Care: Understanding Psalm 23

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