Bible Covenants Part 3 – Lawson and Aaron Perdue

We’re continuing to share on Bible covenants, and we’re gonna be talking specifically today from Jeremiah 33 on God’s covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah, but not only that, on God’s covenant with day and night or God’s covenant with the earth.


Explore the powerful teachings of Bible Covenants by Pastor Lawson Perdue in this free curriculum. This comprehensive study delves into God’s covenants throughout scripture, revealing His eternal promises and their fulfillment through Jesus Christ. Covering key biblical figures such as Noah, Abraham, and David, this course provides deep insights into the Old and New Covenants, emphasizing God’s unchanging faithfulness.

Bible Covenanats Transcript

Praise the Lord, friends. I am so glad that you’re here today. We’re continuing to share on Bible covenants, and we’re gonna be talking specifically today from Jeremiah 33 on God’s covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah, but not only that, on God’s covenant with day and night or God’s covenant with the earth. When God speaks a word, His Word goes into eternity and produces fruit. Stay tuned. Friends, it’s so good to have you with us. We’re sharing on Bible covenants, and I’ve actually been teaching this for over 20 years at Charis Bible College. And praise God, I appreciate that opportunity. And you know, one of the things when I studied every word on covenant and covenants through the Bible, I found out it’s not just these individual covenants, but it’s overall one covenant that God has with man. And it’s based on Jesus. There’s an old part and a new part, or there’s just two covenants. the old covenant, new covenant. And then these different aspects are like pictures, right? They’re types and shadows of the new covenant, and they’re pictures, you know, into the covenant.

And even as we’ve been looking at some of these covenants, as you’ve seen when God’s speaking a covenant, He’ll oftentimes relate it to another covenant, like day and night would have to cease, or heaven and earth would have to pass away for this word to not come to pass. So He relates it to other covenants. And it’s like us as individuals, you know. If you are only truthful in some areas but lie in other areas, it’s like, well, you know, where can I really trust you? So God, you can trust Him all around. You can trust every word He has to say ’cause He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. All of His promises, they’re yes, they’re amen, through Jesus. All covenant really points to Jesus too.

Amen, and we’ve been looking at this in Jeremiah 33. We were yesterday in verse 14. And then we went through verse 20, and I wanna begin again in verse 20. We talked, first of all, about God’s covenant with David and then God’s covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. And then He begins to talk about His covenant with day and night or His covenant with the earth. You know, you just tied that together when you said His covenant of day and night and then “Heaven and earth,” you know, “will pass away, but my word will endure forever.” When you say that, you’re talking about this covenant. And He makes this statement in verse 20, and He says, “If you can break the covenant of day and night…” Other words, you know what? You can’t break the covenant of day and night. You may be a major screw-up, but the sun’s still shining, right? God’s covenant with the earth, God’s covenant with day and night, it’s good. And the scripture actually says in Genesis 8, “As long as the earth remain, seed time and harvest, summer and winter, cold and heat, will not cease.” And so that’s a covenant that He made, and He’s kept that covenant. I remember a number of years ago, there was a major Christian leader fell, and he had made the statement, big, very large ministry. He had made the statement, “If my ministry fails, world missions is gonna fail.” Well, his ministry failed, and it’s a sad thing. But at the same point in time, world missions has went on. The Bible is true.

And maybe, you know, maybe someone watching right now, maybe someone you really looked up to, maybe a family member or maybe a pastor or maybe a big ministry leader that you looked up to, really received a lot of revelation from, maybe they’ve screwed up big time. You know, things fell apart. That shouldn’t impact your relationship with God.


You know, this is something I thought about. You know, I look up to different ministry leaders as well, and the thing that I really like about some of the people I glean from is they create in me a desire to learn more about the Word of God. They’re pointing me more towards the Word of God than towards themself as a person.


So if something were to happen to them, it wouldn’t impact, you know, my relationship with God, my relationship with the Word of God. But if that person is just building, you know, a kingdom around their personality, their persona, and that’s what happens sometimes. You see someone like a great, you know, Christian music artist or minister. And they’re building something around their persona, making a celebrity figure around themself. And when they screw up, just people leave the faith. Their faith wasn’t really in Jesus. It was more in that person and their celebrity status.

Yeah, but He makes a statement, “If you can break…” Now, when that happened, I had actually gone for a number of years to a full gospel, you know, word-of-faith denominational church. And that person that fell was part of that denomination. I was already in Bible school when that happened. But one of the people in the church or from the town called my pastor, and they said, “What are we gonna do?” You know, “What are we gonna do?” And he said, “Look outside.” And they said, “Well, what do you want us to see?” And he said, “Is the sun still shining?” And what God’s saying is, “You’re not big enough to break this covenant. This covenant is not based on you. This covenant is based on me. It’s not about your performance. It’s about my performance. It’s about my faithfulness. It’s about what Jesus has done.” And when you begin to understand this, in Jeremiah 20 or 33 here, where he talks about His covenant with the House of Israel and Judah, His covenant with David, and His covenant with the earth or His covenant with day and night, all of those aspects of covenant are based on Jesus. So again, this is one covenant, right, with the old part and new part, but the focus of it is Jesus. Genesis 3:15, the seed of the woman, Genesis 12-22, the seed of Abraham, right? 2 Samuel 7, the seed of David, right? We go on through here, and He just brings different aspects of this covenant that He makes. And He keeps, He keeps His covenant. God never breaks His covenant. If a word goes out of His mouth, that word goes into eternity and never quits bearing fruit. And that’s what we have to understand about God. And so He said, “You’re not big enough to break it.” He said, “If you could break that covenant, then the covenant I made with David could be broken.” In other words, you can’t break my covenant. Nobody can break my… Nobody can stop my covenant, the things that I have promised. Nobody can stop that.” You can stop it by unbelief in your own life. You can hinder what God wants to do in your own life by unbelief, but God’s Word is still good. God’s covenant is still good.

And believing and receiving go hand in hand.


You know, and you look, especially in the gospels, like, “As you believed, so let it be done unto you,” believing and receiving. So God has established it, but you have to receive it by believing, by trusting, by entering that covenant with Him through faith.

And so He goes on in verse 22. He says, “As the host of heaven cannot be numbered…” You know, one time they thought they could count the stars, and then they developed a bigger telescope, and they found out they’re like the sand. They’re innumerable. He says, “Neither the sand of the sea measured. So I will multiply the seed of David my servant and the Levites.” Did you know we are a priesthood of believers today, “that minister to me.” Our first ministry of any believer should be our ministry to Jesus. And then our second ministry should be the one in the church or in the body of Christ, our ministry to one another. And then the third ministry should be that to the world. He says in verse 23, “Moreover, the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah,” this is Jeremiah 33:23, “saying, ‘Consider not what this people have spoken: “The two families which the Lord has chosen, cast them off.” ‘Thus, they’ve despised my people that they would no more be nations before them.’ Thus says the Lord, ‘If my covenant be not with day and night, if I didn’t keep this word with the earth or with day and night,'” right, “‘seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter…'” Gee, some people think that we’re gonna go through, you know, a green time, and you know, the ocean’s gonna go away. We’re not gonna have harvest anymore. As long as the earth remains, there’s gonna be enough provision on the earth for the people of the earth. He says, “If my covenant be not with day and night, if I’ve not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth, then I will cast away the seed of David.” He’s not gonna cast away the seed of David. “So I will not take any of their seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, for I will cause them to come back into the promise I’ve made,” essentially what He’s saying. “And I will have mercy.” The covenant is about mercy. And we can see that, for instance, in the life of Hosea. God told Hosea, a prophet, to go marry a prostitute. And Hosea in his love was a type of God in His love for Israel. And He said, “Israel is acting like a prostitute.” But ultimately, what he was saying in that, and we may or may not get to that in this teaching just because of our limited time, but it’s all in my teaching, you know, in the syllabus. But it’s based on God’s eternal love for us, and it’s not about what we deserve. You know, Hosea had three children. One’s Jezreel. It means judgment. One’s Lo-Ruhamah, means “You will not receive mercy.” And the other one’s, Lo-Ammi, “You’re not a people of mine.” But He said, “Yet in this place, you’re not gonna be judged. You’re gonna have mercy, and you’re gonna be called my people,” because it’s not about our performance. It’s about His grace. It’s about Jesus. It’s about Him. Amen, when you understand that and believe Him, then you can begin to receive the promises of this covenant.

I like too that, you know, He’s talking about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You know, God establishes, you know, a covenant with groups of people, with families, but also with individuals. You know, it wasn’t just Abraham, but it was also Isaac. It was Jacob. So, you know, you need to enter that relationship with God, that covenant with Him, as an individual. You can’t really do it through someone else.

Right, God has no grandchildren. It takes personal faith. You know, you have to have your own personal faith. Your brothers had to have their own personal faith. You know, I did my best to teach you the basics of the gospel.

But people have to enter that-

But have to believe it for yourself.

That’s why, you know, here at our church, you know, that’s something I love about this ministry. And we have obviously our television broadcast, but we have a church, a very strong local church. And one thing I love about our church is, you know, it’s based upon the Word of God, but we have a fantastic children’s program, youth program. You know, we want every generation to really enter that covenant, really understand the gospel, understand God’s grace.


And understand how to enter it by faith. We want every generation to receive it, every individual, both young and old. I love when we do water baptism services. We have kids, you know, eight years old to 80 years old, people getting baptized in their 80s, every generation entering that covenant with God.

It’s marvelous. What a marvelous covenant. And so, thank God for His Word. Thank God for the truth of His Word that we received in Christ. You know, we’re gonna take a short break in a few seconds, but we have trained prayer ministers that are here that you can call, and you can receive prayer. If you want to partner, you can become a partner. And we also have tremendous resources available free of charge on our website. And you can go there and get this syllabus. You can get teachings, all this free of charge. And so just give us a call, and we’re gonna be back right after a short break. Friends, we’ve been teaching Bible covenants from my syllabus that I’ve been teaching at Bible school that I developed over 20 years ago. I’ve been teaching it for over 20 years in Bible school. We actually have that syllabus free of charge on our website plus “Hebrews: The Better Covenant” in book form, in audio and video downloadable form. Check our website out.

I just had this headache, like a migraine or tension headache. When we came into the service, he said, “It’s on your left side, specifically right along your head right here.” And he even motioned that way and said something like, “This power of God’s gonna come on you.” I just felt like this electricity. Like it felt like it outlined my whole entire body. Then I just felt, wow, just touched by God.

I’m so glad that you stayed with us, and I’m so glad Aaron’s here. We’re gonna continue to share. Now, when we read the verses in Jeremiah 33, and I just love it, right, because it shows Jesus, but it shows different aspects of the covenant, the covenant with the House of Israel and Judah, the covenant with David, the covenant with with the earth, right, the covenant with day and night. Now, we can go many other places in the Word of God, and we can substantiate aspects of that covenant and that it’s based on Jesus. So the first one he talks about there was the covenant with the House of Israel and Judah. And, Aaron, let’s read in Isaiah 61, Isaiah’s prophet that prophesied about the same time as Jeremiah and about six or 700 years before Christ. So just jump in the Word there, Isaiah 61:1-7.

Yeah, this is powerful. This is actually what Jesus quotes when He began His ministry when He opened the scrolls in His hometown synagogue, as was His custom.


So he went to the synagogue on a, you know, regular basis.


But He began His ministry by preaching from Isaiah 61. This is a great messianic prophecy. It’s a prophecy of jubilee, you know, the Messiah just ushering in jubilee. And this is a prophecy for us today as well, so.

Right, so this is literally… You know, from verse one to the first half of verse two was Jesus when He came the first time as the Lamb of God. The end of verse two through verse seven is really a messianic prophecy about Jesus coming to rule on the earth and restore the nation of Israel. However, when you read that, there’s aspects of that that figuratively speak of the church. So we can receive the promises of that because we’re in the church because we believed on Jesus.

Yeah, and a lot of prophecy is multilayered, kind of like an onion. There’s different layers. They’re all still part of that onion. So there’s different layers to this prophecy here.

Lawson Right.

Isaiah 61:1, it says, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” And when Jesus was reading, that’s where He stopped. And He had a dramatic pause there.


‘Cause people knew this was about the Messiah, and they were wondering what He was gonna say. And He said, “Today, this is fulfilled in your ears.” And so the scripture goes on here. It says, “And the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord that He may be glorified.” So these are promises that we have, covenant promises through Jesus. You know, if you have a spirit of heaviness, sometimes there’s a heaviness. There is something spiritual about it.


Jesus has another spirit. He gives you a spirit of joy.

You can begin to praise. You know, the Bible actually says that God has ordained praise to still the mouth of the enemy and the avenger. And so you can stop the Devil in his tracks by making a decision as a believer to begin to praise and glorify and magnify God. No, go ahead.

I just thought about just that power of praise. I heard a really awesome quote that when you pray, you lay hold of things, but when you praise, you bring it into manifestation.

Lawson Hmm.

I think Kenneth Copeland said something along those lines-

Oh, wow.

Very similar to that.

Lawson That’s great.

It says here in verse four, Isaiah 61:4, “And they shall rebuild the old ruins. They shall raise up the former desolations. And they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolation of many generations.” We talked about how this prophecy is multilayered. You know, I’ve been to Israel a few years ago, and Israel was wasted for centuries, but it’s been rebuilt. You know, we talked about just a lot of prophesies concerning the nation of Israel are literal. In a lot of these places, there were ruins. Actually, Mark Twain, the famous American writer, you know, in the early 1900s, he went to Israel before it had became Israel. So it was still the Mandate of Palestine. And he said, “This place is just a wasteland.” And the reason why was because at the time the Ottoman Empire was in power there, the Muslims were in power there, and they had a law, a taxation law, that taxed people based upon the number of trees they had on their property. So people just cut down all the trees to lower their taxes. It was a really stupid law. But now there are palm trees everywhere. There’s olive trees everywhere. You know, you can actually see, and when you go to the border, like, look at the border between Israel and Lebanon. You know, on the Israeli side, there’s vineyards. There’s, you know, wineries. And on the other side it’s just opium fields. It’s just wasteland. So, you know, there’s desolation. These ruined cities have just flourished.

Lawson Right.

Verse 5 says, “Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the foreigners shall be your plowman and your vinedressers. But you shall be named the Priests of the Lord. They shall call you the servants of our God. You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory you shall boast.” I actually just shared this recently at church-


During offering. And I went on to verse seven. It says, “Instead of your shame, you shall have double honor or a double portion. And instead of confusion…” You know, God is not the author of confusion.


The Devil wants people to be confused. God wants you to think clearly. That’s why He says, “You have the mind of Christ.” That way He can teach you.

Lawson Amen.

And instead of confusion, “They shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land, they shall possess double.” I believe that is a word for 2025, a year of double, possessing double. “Everlasting joy shall be theirs.”

Lawson Amen.

I’m gonna read one more verse.

Lawson Yeah, go ahead.

‘Cause this talks about covenant: “For I the Lord love justice.” I’m glad that our God is a just God.


He loves justice. He hates people who are two-sided and not fair. You know, our justice system is actually based upon the Bible, that you shouldn’t favor the rich over the poor.


You know, and just recently, you know, when this broadcast, we’ll probably have a new president, but right now there’s President Biden. And he said for a long time, “I’m not gonna pardon my son, Hunter.”


And he just issued… He just went against his word and issued this, you know, whatever he has done for this 11 year period, he’s completely pardoned of it.

Let’s move forward.

Anyways. That’s not really justice. You can’t favor the rich. You can’t favor the famous. You can’t favor the politically connected over others. But God loves justice, and really, a true justice system is based upon the Bible.


And instruction-

What a lot of people-

And morality from the Bible.

Fail to understand, that in the United States of America, our Constitution and different things were laid out from principles of the scripture. And for instance, I believe Jesus died for our freedom, and I believe the United States stands for freedom. So when we operate the way our forefathers wanted us to operate, we’re actually living according to the scriptures. And when you do that, it leads to good things.

And God loves justice. It says, “I hate robbery for burnt offering.” And as I was thinking about that, you know, God wants to reward you. When you bring your offerings to Him, He’s not gonna rob you. He doesn’t wanna take from you. He wants to give to you. He says, “I will direct their work in truth.” Man, being truthful is so important, especially the work of a ministry.

Right. Now, all these promises here are promises. They’re messianic promises of Jesus coming again in the last days and restoring the nation of Israel. And this is something, Aaron, you were talking about when you were in Israel. I traveled to Israel when I was studying with Dr. Lester Sumrall in 1987. But whenever the people of Israel, right, the sons of Israel, the children of Israel, have possessed that land, they have prospered.

When any foreign country comes in, they’ve lost that prosperity. So these are physical promises to the nation of Israel, right, in the last days that Jesus is gonna fulfill. Right, but there also, notice He says, to a point in verse three, “To those who mourn in Zion.” Zion is where the Holy Spirit was poured out. Zion, that’s a hill in Jerusalem where the church was born. So this is physically a prophecy to the nation of Israel that will come to pass. But spiritually, it’s a prophecy to the church because we’re a type of Israel, and so we can receive these promises and believe them for our own lives. And we can receive beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. We can begin to believe and receive double in all of these different things because we are, the church is a type of Israel.

We’re part of that covenant, you know.

We’re part of this covenant.

End of verse eight says, “I will make with them an everlasting covenant.” That’s what you’ve been talking about. This covenant we have, it’s really one covenant.

Yeah, and so this everlasting covenant, again, has to be on Jesus, based on Jesus. Jesus established it. He’s the author of it. God made it. But Jesus, He comes, and when He begins His ministry, He starts with these verses right here: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me because He anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He sent me to heal the brokenhearted.” Do you know preaching the gospel and healing the sick is still the gospel? We had a lady that came this past Sunday in our church, received prayer, was healed in her body. She said, “This is the first church that I’ve ever been to where they encourage people, give prayer for the sick people.” And we see a lot of people healed, a lot of miracles. Thank God the Word still works. And Jesus fulfilled this first part.

Well, Jesus said that we would do the same things that He did.

But He’s gonna fulfill the last part of it too.

And Jesus, He went about teaching and preaching and healing the sick.

That’s the ministry of Jesus.

So that’s what we do. We teach, we preach, and we heal the sick. You know, primarily when we’re sitting down, we’re teaching, but oftentimes when my dad ministers Sunday mornings, he’s preaching. He’s with the power of the Holy Ghost preaching words in due season. It’s very anointed. You know, we’ve actually incorporated some of those Sunday preachings here-


Here on our broadcast. So we’re a teaching ministry. We’re a preaching ministry. We’re a, you know, heal-the-sick kind of ministry.

Right, Jesus said, “These signs are gonna follow them that believe. In my name they’re gonna cast out devils. They’re gonna speak in new tongues. If they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them. And they’re gonna take up serpents.” There’s gonna be divine protection. But then He says, “And they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

And I wanna encourage you. If you’re dealing with a sickness, illness, pain in your body right now, the Bible says that He sent His word, and He healed them. That is a covenant promise.


Yeah, as you’ve heard the Word, I hope that healing is coming into your body right now. If you feel, if you’re believing, that healing is happening in you right now as you’ve received the Word, give us a call. We’re gonna pray with you. And we know that healing is coming into full manifestation right now in Jesus’ name.

Amen, so give us a call. Receive prayer if you want to become a partner. It takes partners to take this message to the world, and we’d love to hear from you.

Announcer Hebrews 8:6 says that we have a better covenant based on better promises. “In Hebrews: The Better Covenant,” you’ll learn how the new covenant is better than the old, simply because of Jesus. We’d like to bless you with a digital copy of “Hebrews: The Better Covenant,” a $30 value free of charge. Don’t miss this opportunity to know what Jesus accomplished in establishing this better covenant. Visit today to download your copy.

Hey, everyone, I want you to mark your calendar for Family Camp Meeting. We’re gonna have great teaching with Mark Hankins and Pastor Max Cornell, great worship with Philip Renner, sharing the grace of Jesus all around the globe. And we’re gonna have great children’s meetings, great youth meetings, something for the entire family, right here at Charis Christian Center in Colorado Springs. We want to see you here. Blessings. Hey, everyone, I want to invite you today to subscribe to the Charis Christian Center YouTube channel, where you can get hundreds of hours of teaching and different materials absolutely free. We live stream all of our services there, and so, check it out, Charis Christian Center on the YouTube channel. Thanks so much and have an awesome day.

Announcer Thanks for watching “Grace For Today.” This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer, or have a question, please call us at 719-418-4000. Or to partner online, go to You can write us at PO Box 63733 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80962. See you next time on “Grace For Today.”

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