Covenant of Healing Part 3
In Covenant of Healing Part 3, Pastor Lawson Perdue shares how healing is always the will of God. Explore examples of healing in Jesus’ ministry and how He healed every sickness. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so you can know He will still heal you today!

Holy Spirit Package
If you love Jesus, you are going to love the Holy Spirit! Before ascending to heaven, Jesus explained to His disciples that it was necessary for Him to go to the Father so He could send the Holy Spirit. He told them to not leave Jerusalem until they had received this great promise! This package will help you understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit and how to live the spirit-filled life!
Covenant of Healing Part 3 Transcript
Praise the Lord, friends. We are talking about healing today in the ministry of Jesus. And we know that healing is the will of God, because 14 times it’s written in the New Testament that Jesus healed them all. He healed them, everyone. He healed them, every kind of sickness of every kind of disease. So we want you to open your heart and receive the Word of God and receive the healing power of Jesus Christ. Blessings. Friends, all this week we’ve been talking about the Covenant of Healing and we’re sharing today, we started talking, first of all, about healing is the nature of God. And we started in Exodus 15:26, where the Lord says, “I am Jehovah-Rapha, I am the Lord who heals you.” Praise God, and we can be healed, first of all, because healing comes from the nature of God. That is who God is. And when you understand all the promises of God really come from the nature of God and we begin to understand that, then along with the nature of God, we talked about healing is provided for in the atonement. So when Jesus died on the cross, not only did Jesus take our sin, but Jesus also took our sickness. You see, the Bible says in Isaiah 53:5 that he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our inequities. The chastisement of our peace was upon him. And by his stripes we are healed. Now, just like he was wounded for our transgressions, wounded for our overstepping law, our sin, by his stripes we are healed. So at the same time, Jesus took our sin, he also took our sickness. So he paid for our forgiveness and our healing at the same time. We can see this in many, many places in the scripture. 1st Peter 2:24, who his own self took our sin in his own body on the tree, on the cross that we being dead to sin should live under righteousness by whose stripes you were healed. Peter looked back at the cross and said, the work’s already been done. Jesus said these three beautiful words in John 19:30, he said, “It is finished.” And then we begin to talk about, we have many promises of divine healing and we have ’em in the Old Testament and we have ’em in the New Testament. Some people like to say, “Well, that’s an old Testament promise, doesn’t have any…” Well, the Bible says, first of all, it says this, in 2nd Corinthians 1:20, it says, “All the promises of God in him, in Christ are yes, and in him, amen, to the glory of God by us.” And then it says this in Hebrew 8:6, it says we have a better covenant established on better promises. And what makes this covenant better is Jesus, praise God, Jesus is the surety, he is the guarantee of this new covenant, praise God. So if it’s a better covenant, if the old covenant included promises of divine health and healing and the old covenant did include promises of divine health and healing, then the new covenant being a better covenant would have promises then of divine health and divine healing, and it does have promises of divine health, praise God, 3rd John 2, “Beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper in being health, even as your soul prosperous,” and then many promises for healing, 1st Peter 2:24, “By his stripes, we were healed.” So we have all these promises. Now we’re gonna look at some more promises, continue sharing on the promises. It’s so important for you to get the Word of God down on the inside of you. Because when you come into a battle, you don’t know how it’s gonna come, but if you’ve been believing the Word, praise God, it’s easier for you just to move through that battle and walk in that victory that Jesus already provided for you. Now, we’ve been sharing some of these promises, Psalm 103:3 we just quoted, he forgives all of our sin. He heals all of our diseases, Psalm 107:20, “He sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions.” I love Proverbs 4:20-22, “My son attend to my word, give ear to my sayings. Let them not depart from your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your heart for they are life under those who find them in health. They are medicine to all their flesh.” That word for health in the Hebrew, I’m correct, is Marpe, it means healing, health and a cure. Thank God, the Word of God is medicine. It’s healing, it’s health, it’s a cure. You can take the Word of God and receive health to your physical body. So thank God for all these promises. Another one we find in Jeremiah 30:17, “I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds.” Now, then not only do we have the promises of healing, but we see that Jesus Christ is the healer. And as we go into the gospels, I love what Lester Sumral said. He said, Jesus was either going somewhere to heal people, coming from healing someone, or he was in the act of healing somebody. I mean, his life was so full of healings and so full of people getting set free from the power of the enemy, praise God. John said, listen, if I tried to write all the things that Jesus did while he was here on this earth, all the miracles that he did, there wouldn’t be enough room in this world to contain the books. Jesus healed. Now let’s look at a couple examples of this, right? We already looked at Matthew 8:16-17, and Jesus was there. Matthew looked at Jesus healing the sick and said, “This is that which was spoken by the prophet Isaiah himself, took our infirmities and bear our sicknesses.” Now, let’s look at Matthew 4. This is kind of an overview. In Matthew 4 we’re gonna look at verse 23 to verse 25, just the beginning of the ministry of Jesus, and see what Matthew says about Jesus, Matthew 4:23, “Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel, the good news of the kingdom, and healing, all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.” Jesus went teaching and preaching and healing among the people. “And his fame went throughout all Syria. And they brought onto him all the sick people. And they were taken with different kinds of disease and torments, and those who were possessed with devils, and those who were lunatic, and those who had the palsy, and he healed them, and there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and all Decapolis, from Jerusalem, and Judaea, and from beyond Jordan. So what did he do? He went about preaching, teaching and healing. The other day, in the intro, there was about about six-year-old little girl. She said, “Pastor, I wanna go teaching and preaching and singing about Jesus.” I said, “Well, that’s just almost like Jesus, because he went teaching and preaching and healing.” Praise God, it’s amazing, these kids get this vision on the inside of ’em, praise God. But as Jesus went about, I think we need to get back to the Bible way of evangelism. You know, they say that healing is the dinner bell of the gospel. We talked about healing is a covenant, right? Healing is the children’s bread. We read that in Matthew 15. Now, I also want you to look in Matthew 9, and we’ll look at verse 35, verse 35 through verse 38 of Matthew 9 It says, “And Jesus went about all the cities,” how many? All of the cities around him. “And villages teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness, Jesus healed every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted and they were scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is truly plenteous, but the labors are few. Pray that the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labors into his harvest.'” So Jesus had a preaching, teaching, healing ministry. And if we’re doing ministry the way Jesus did ministry, we’re gonna have a preaching, teaching, healing ministry. Praise God. You see it says this in Acts 1:1, this former treaty, have I written oath Theophilus of all that Jesus began to do and to teach. Jesus began to do it, but he continues to do it. You see, Jesus is alive today. He’s the head and we’re the body. We’re the fullness of him who carries out all things, according to Ephesians 1, the end of the chapter. So Jesus is still healing. How’s he doing it? He’s doing it through his body, the church. Now, how did Jesus heal people? I had this question. How did Jesus heal people? You know, a lot of people, they get kind of, “I like to see people healed this way. This is the way I would…” You know what? I don’t care how it comes. Just receive it, praise God. But there’s seven ways to, at least seven ways Jesus healed people. One way that Jesus healed people was through the spoken word. Many times he just spoke the word unto them, you know, “Be a good cheer.” You know, “You’re well, praise God, according to your faith, be it unto you.” Jesus would do different things and speak words of healing and speak words of health. It’s important for us to speak words of healing and words of health. We’ll be sharing more on that next week, because I’m gonna be sharing on my series of “The Cross is the Cure.” And we’ll talk about how we apply the cure of the cross. Amen? Praise God. We apply the cure of the cross. Amen? And we do it by faith. But one way faith is released is through our word. So Jesus, the foundational way heal people was speaking the word of God, he spoke words. He told the woman who had been sick with infirmity for I think, 18 years, he said, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity. And then he laid hands on her, praise God, and raised her up. So the spoken word was one way Jesus healed people. Laying on of hands, probably those were the two most prevalent ways that Jesus healed people, was another way Jesus healed people. Another way, we just read a scripture about it, Jesus cast out devils. Some sickness and disease is associated with demonic oppression. And Jesus took authority over the work of the devil. Praise God. And so we can take authority, you know. Acts 10:38 says this: “Haven’t you heard how God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost in power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil for God was with him.” God the Father anointed God the Son, Jesus. Amen. How God anointed Jesus, God the Son with the Holy Ghost in power, with God the Holy Ghost? When you have the Trinity in unity, you find the power of God. You see, the Father promised these things. Jesus paid for our healing at the cross, and the Holy Spirit gives us the power to get it. But we hear that, read the scripture again, Acts 10:38, how God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost in power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. How many did Jesus heal? He healed them all. You know, it says 14 times in the New Testament that Jesus healed them all. He healed them of every kind of sickness, of every kind of disease, and they brought unto him everyone who was sick and possessed, and Jesus healed them all. He healed every kind of sickness, he healed every kind of disease, and he healed them, every one, it says in certain places. 14 times in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the Book of Acts, the scripture says Jesus healed them all. Praise God. So Jesus took the healing power of God to the sick. You know, just this past Sunday morning, you know, after services, I went over and I was talking to a group of people. They’d driven about 100 miles. I have people drive from miles and miles away, 130 miles, 110 miles, 100 miles, you know, regular 35 miles, 45 miles, they come to church nearly every week, praise God, to hear the good Word of God. But you know, they come to hear, but the Bible also says in Jesus ministry, they came to hear him and to be healed by him of their diseases. And so I asked this woman after church, you know, handful of people, six, eight people standing around there. I said, “Do you need anything?” She said, “No, pastor.” And a couple minutes later, she came to me. She said, “You know, the Holy Spirit convict me.” She said, “I’ve got arthritis in near to every joint in my body and I need healing.” And she’s an older lady. And I said, “Well, I’d be happy to pray for you.” Man, I prayed for her and the power of God came on her so strong and she began to laugh. I was praying for her wrist and she’s just shaking, “Oh, it’s gone! It’s gone!” She was so happy. And her shoulders, the power God began to float through. And I had this happen. I just told her, “Listen, the Holy Ghost’s gonna come on you.” And she got hot. I said, “You’re gonna be hot for two weeks. This is a working of a miracle. And every bit of this arthritis is gonna leave your body.” But man, she began to laugh and laugh and, praise God, the power God came on her. But this is the first time I ever saw this. The power of God came on her so strong, her glasses steamed up. She was so hot, her glasses steamed up from the power of God! Hallelujah. I mean, there’s some young girls about 25, they’re just sitting there, their eyes were about this big. They’re just watching. Hallelujah. As the Holy Spirit was working a miracle, did you know the Holy Spirit works miracles today. Hallelujah. And she’s being set free by the power of God. I’ll be right back after this and we’ll continue to talk about Jesus’ ministry of healing and how he’s carry on that ministry today. Blessings. Praise the Lord, friends. We are teaching and sharing on the subject of divine healing. Thank God, Jesus made provision for us at the cross. And we have just as much right to be healed in our body as we do to be forgiven for our sins. But how can we receive that in our life? We go through this in detail and I have a healing bundle that I’m sharing with you. I wanna get this to you. You know, the Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. And I know these teachings will build your faith. I have, first of all, my series on “Covenant of Healing,” and then I have my series on “The Crosses of the Cure.” And then, we have my wife Barbara’s series, and she’s a powerful teacher and ministers healing in a very powerful anointing way on “Present to Heal,” and how to receive divine healing and health in your life. And I want you to call in today and get this. It will help you build your faith and receive from God. Blessings. Praise the Lord, friends. We’ve been talking about promises of healing and we have many, many promises of healing. We said, we’re gonna continue to talk about Jesus’ ministry of healing. But you know, this is a prophecy of Jesus in Malachi 4:2, it said, “The son of righteousness will arise with healing in their wings.” Do you know my granddad was a Baptist? He got born again, you know, as a young man. He loved Jesus, he thanked God. His favorite scriptures, Ephesians 2:8, “For by grace you’re safe through faith.” He was baptized in Thurston Lake just about 10 miles north of Lamar, our property bordered that lake. And it’s about a mile long, half mile wide. But my grandad constantly talked about, there was a woman named Evelyn Wyatt, and she had, it was in the voice of healing in air, and then in the 1940s and ’50s had a ministry called Wings of Healing, just right out of this, “The sun of righteousness will arise,” Malachi 4:2, “with healing in his wings.” And he went to one of her meetings. He said, “I had bursitis in my shoulder. I could not hardly lift it and move it.” And she came and prayed for him, praise God. And he said, “I felt this warmth.” I just talked about this woman got hot with the Holy Ghost. I’ve seen this happen a few times. And he said. “That warmth went through my shoulder,” and he lived up in his 80s, he never had bursitis in his shoulder a day after that woman prayed for him and God took that away. Praise God. And he’d talk constantly, would tell us. I mean, he’d tell us about that st least once a month. “Praise God, she prayed for me, and I can feel this heat come on my shoulder and the power of God. And man, it’s heal and I can move it freely. Praise God.” You need to receive the healing power of God. And you know what? If you call us at the end of this broadcast, or you can call right now and receive healing. I’ve got prayer ministers that’ll minister healing to you, but you can also, if you’re in Colorado Springs, come to services. You can watch our Sunday services online. Many times my wife, Barbara gets word for people online. We have different people emailing and contact us, call us and by the phone and say, “Hey, Barbara had this word and that was in my body.” And I received that miracle.” You know, we had a healing service here the last time it was good Friday, and we had a lot of people here and being healed and set free, but Barbara gave a word, and there was a man in our congregation that had this exact thing. And some people came up and said, “Hey, he’s home sick. And this is what’s going on. He’s having a hard time breathing and all this.” And so we gathered a half a dozen of us around there and we prayed for him. And then we got a text the next morning. He said, “Praise God, that thing broke last night. Hallelujah.” We prayed for him, “It broke and my breathing,” he said, “I sounded like a motorboat. And it’s clear. And it’s good. It’s well. Hallelujah.” Oh, I just talked to him last night, glory to God. Jesus is a miracle worker. Praise God. He is so good. And if you’ll believe the Word, you can receive healing, you can receive miracles in your life. And so you can tune in, you can watch us on the livestream Sunday mornings, 8:30 or 10:30. You come here to Colorado Springs physically Sunday morning, Wednesday night. My son, Aaron, usually ministers on Wednesday night. He’s got a powerful anointing of healing. I’ve sent him and another young man at the hospital. Praise God. We’ve had people, they said, “You’ll never get over this.” And they’re over it. Praise God. Not in months, not in years. They’re over it in minutes. Glory to God. The power of God is so awesome. The power of God is so real. I thank God for the power of God in my own life. Jesus is a healer. Now, we talked about Jesus being a healer, and there’s many aspects of healing. We read the scriptures in Matthew 4:23 and 9:35, how Jesus went preaching and teaching and healing every kind of sickness and every kind of disease among the people. But you know, as we go through the gospels, you know, in John 1:18, the scripture says that no man has seen God at any time, but the only begotten Son who’s from the heart, the bosom of the Father, he has revealed him. He has made him known. So Jesus came to put a face on God. One reason you can know that it’s God’s will to heal is ’cause what we see in the life of Jesus. And when we look in Mark’s gospel in chapter one, there was a leper came to him at the end of the chapter about verse 40-41, and he said, “Lord, I know that you can heal me,” this is like a lot of Christians, if you will. And Jesus just spoke the word and said, “I will be thou cleanse.” And then he reached out his hand and touched him. And the man was made well that very moment. Praise God. Chapter two, the healing with the man of palsy. Praise God, that these four people brought their friend, and you know, I mean, he couldn’t even get around and they got to the meeting so full of people, they couldn’t get him in. So they broke a hole in their roof. Jesus, I could see, man, dirt’s falling down, dust, straw. I can see they’re cutting holes, saw dust. Jesus said, “Hey, we’re gonna have an illustrated sermon here today.” And these four men, they dropped their friend down on a stretcher, and Jesus looks at him and says, “Son, cheer up, your sins are forgiven.” You know, there are three cheers in the New Testament. The first one is “your sins are forgiven.” The second one is “Cheer up, I’m here. Don’t be afraid. I haven’t left you.” The disciples were out in the sea and they were in a storm. Somebody’s in a storm today, but I want you to cheer up. I want you to know the Lord is with you. I want you to know the Lord has not left you. Praise God that he’s with you. He’s there. He’s beside you. Call on his name. Praise God, you can receive from him. Cheer up. “It’s me. Don’t be afraid.” And the last one is this in John 16:33, Jesus said, “In the world, you should have tribulation, but be of good cheer for I’ve overcome the world.” You know, Jesus have overcame the world and he made us world overcomers when we believe on him. But he tells this man “Be a good cheer, your sins are forgiven.” And the religious people in the place begin to doubt. They begin to wonder who is this that forgives sin? And then Jesus says, “Well, is it easier to say your sins are forgiven or get up, take up your bed and go to your house?” And then he says, “So that you might know the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins. I say to you, sick of the palsy, arise, get up, take up your bed and go to your house.” And he gets up and he takes his bed and he goes to his house. Praise God. Jesus healed sick people. Praise God. Healed lame people. Chapter three of Mark, we see the healing of the withered hand. There was a man who had a withered hand, and Jesus said, “Stretch it forth,” and as he stretched it forth, as he acted on the Word of God. Sometimes you gotta act on… If you want to get well, don’t stay in bed. Praise God. Healed people don’t stay in bed, get outta bed and start moving towards your miracle. Praise God. He stretched forth his hand. And as he stretched it forth, it was made whole even has the other. In chapter five, there was a deliverance of a demociac. Jesus delivered the demoniac at Gadara, and there was a woman with the issue of blood. This woman had heard of Jesus, right? She had spent all her money and she had been sick for many years and she was no batter. I think she’d been sick for 12 years. She had an issue of blood. She was literally bleeding and bleeding and never stopping. And this is, you can read about it in Mark 5, and she heard about Jesus, and when she heard of him, it says, she said, “If I could but touch him, I’d be made well.” So she came in the press… There’s a crowd thronging Jesus. She said, “If I could but touch him, if I could but touch him, if I could but touch him, I would be whole, I would be well.” And she reached down her hand and she crawled through… It says in Matthew 9 that she said within herself, “If I could but touch him,” and she said, one translation says this way, “She said and kept on saying, ‘If I could, but touch him, I’d be well.'” And she pressed that crowd and she touched him. And the power of God went through her. She could feel it. She felt in her body that she was healed of that plague, and Jesus feeling the virtue, he felt the goodness of God flow out of him. He felt the power of God flow out of him. He said, “Who touched me?” And his disciple said, “Master, the crowd is thronging you. And you say, ‘Who touched me? Who touched me?'” And then he looked around and saw the woman. He said, “Woman, great is your faith. Be it under you as according as you believe.” And she was healed and went home healed from that very hour. Praise God. Then the very next chapter, not only that, Jairus was on the way when this woman interrupted Jesus. He was on the way to Jairus’s house. He said, “My daughter’s sick at the point of death.” Jairus was a ruler of the synagogue. You know, Jesus had favor with rulers of the Jewish religion. Jesus had favor with the Roman Centurion, with government rulers. Jesus had favor with the financial rulers. Jesus had favor in all… You know, my son, Aaron preached this and showed it to me in the scripture. You know, when I came to Colorado Springs, I prayed for favor with spiritual leaders, favor with business leaders, favor with this city and governmental leaders. And we’ve had favor with business leaders, spiritual leaders, amen, and governmental leaders in this city. And God’s been very, very good to us here. But thank God, we have favor. But anyway, as this man was coming, this woman interrupted the deal. And people came from Jairus’s house said, “Don’t trouble the master anymore. Your daughters died.” Jesus said, “No, no, no. Fear not, only believe.” And he went on to Jairus’s house and then they were actually starting the funeral and they were starting, you know, wailing, and Jesus put ’em all out. And he took Jairus in there, and three of his closest disciples, if I’m correct remembering the scripture, and he took her by the hand and said, “Daughter, I say to you arise.” And she was made whole. Praise God. Jesus spoke the word and laid hands on her, and power of God went through her and she was healed. Thank God. Jesus is the same. He’s still healing the sick. And so we see, you know, here in the first five chapters of Mark, many, many healings, Jesus was constantly healing people. And you know what? You can be healed. It’s God’s will not only to heal the people in the ministry of Jesus. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Praise God. We’ve seen many, many sick people heal. We’ve seen the power of God. Man, it’s amazing to me. The power of God is amazing to me. The gospel is amazing to me. But you know, one way to get healed is to receive the Word of God. You know, the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. And sometimes you just need to get your faith built up to where you get at a point where that healing can be released from your spirit as a believer into your body. And we’ve got three series. One of them is my wife, Barbara, pastor Barbara’s teaching on “Present to Heal,” and it’s a powerful teaching. And my wife has seen many, many people healed and raised up by the power of God. And then I have my teaching that we’re teaching this week, “Covenant of Healing.” And we’ve been sharing this week, this is our third broadcast. We’ll be sharing tomorrow on the “Covenant of Healing.” And we have a covenant of healing. And also “The Cross is the Cure.” And we have a special offer. I want you to get these teachings on healing. This will help you, amen. Build your faith, and you can get these and send ’em as a gift to people and encourage them, so their faith can be strengthened so they can receive the power of God in their body. If you want to get this, you can give us a call today at the church, praise God. Again, you know, we’re waiting to receive your call. We also are here to pray for you, to minister to you. And if you’re not partnering with this ministry, I wanna encourage you. You wanna receive healing? Partner with a strong healing ministry. Sow your seed in good soil, praise God, and you can see the healing power of God flow and work in your life. Thanks so much for tuning in the broadcast. Tune in tomorrow at the same time. Blessings.
[Announcer] Healing is just one of the many things that Jesus paid for on the cross. In this package containing “Covenant of Healing,” “The Cross is the Cure,” and “Present to Heal,” you’ll learn how to step out in faith and trust him to heal you. By his stripes you were healed. You can get this special package for $39 with free shipping. Call 719-418-4000, or visit
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You can go to, go to our store, we have many different teaching CDs, we have lots of books and good information. You can get it. You can give it as gifts. It will help people be built up in the faith. So check it out. Thanks so much. Blessings.
[Announcer] Thanks for watching “Grace for Today.” This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer, or have a question, please call us at 719-418-4000, or to partner online, go to You can write us at P.O. Box 63733, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80962. See you next time on “Grace for Today.”