We’re gonna be sharing some teaching today on the divine imagination, but we’re gonna be talking specifically about receiving the healing power of God in your life.

Digital Download
The Divine Imagination Digital Download from Dr. Aaron Perdue. You are a spirit, you possess a soul, and you live in a body. Our God of peace wants to work in every aspect of your life. He cares about your soul– your mind, will, emotions, attitude, hopes, dreams, desires, and even your imagination. Understanding the divine imagination will help you unlock the destiny that God has in store for you. His good plan for you is better than you can ask, think, or even imagine!
The Divine Imagination Transcript
Praise the Lord, friends, and welcome to the broadcast. I am so glad that you’ve tuned in. I’m so glad that you are with us today. Some of you need to call your friends that need to be healed in their body, that need to be set free. We’re gonna be sharing some teaching today on the divine imagination, but we’re gonna be talking specifically about receiving the healing power of God in your life. And I believe some people are gonna get healed today. Friends, it’s so good to have you with us. We’ve been sharing all week on the divine imagination, and it’s been great teaching. And you know what? If you get a revelation of some of these things from God, it will lead you to receive at a whole new level from God. And so, thank God, I believe that breakthrough in life comes from breakthrough revelation.
Yeah, and God cares about your entire being. You know, we started off this series talking about how we’re a three part being. We are an eternal spirit. And that’s what changes when you’re born again. Your spirit is the same as Christ’s spirit. You’re made just like Him. You receive His righteousness, His victory. You can go to heaven because your spirit is completely righteous. You also possess a soul. That’s your mind, your will, your emotions. That’s where your imagination is, your thought life is. And you also live in a body, and God cares about your entire being, your spirit, soul, and body. And a lot of people really struggle in their soul, you know?
We should possess our soul. The Bible says to possess ye your souls. But a lot of people let their souls possess them. And really that’s a big drive in society today, is if you feel something, then it’s true. You know, even though it’s a complete lie. So, people need to learn just the power that God has for them in their soul. And we’ve been talking about how the blood of Jesus can purge your conscience. The blood of Jesus.
The redemptive work of Jesus affects your soul. Purges, cleanses, heals, impacts your soul. And God really cares about your soul. He cares about your thought life. I came across this study done by the Cleveland Clinic, one of the leading, you know, medical institutions in the country. And this Cleveland Clinic study says that the average person thinks 60,000 thoughts per day. 95% of these thoughts are the same thoughts, habitual thoughts, so just thoughts, kind of on repeat. And of these habitual thoughts, 80% of these thoughts are negative.
Yeah, so you gotta break out of that negative thought syndrome.
So yeah, 60,000 thoughts, and you know, 80% of them are pretty much negative and habitual thoughts. So, they’re not just like new things that are happening, but things that are just stuck in people’s mind. You know, just, they’re stuck. The first thing they think when they wake up, they think, “Man, I’m so tired, I’m so ugly, I’m so sore, I’m so, you know, pathetic.” These kind of thoughts. And God wants to affect that. I don’t think that’s, we aren’t created to be stuck in that mode. And the blood of Jesus will purge your conscience. It’ll actually heal you of that just constant…
Negative thinking.
Negative thinking. And we talked about in Hebrews 9 how the blood of Jesus purges our conscience. And that Greek word, it means to purge, to cleanse. It’s the same word that’s used talking about when Jesus would cleanse the lepers. So, I actually wanna talk about some of these accounts in the Bible of Jesus cleansing these lepers, because it’s a great picture of what He does to your soul.
A lot of people don’t teach on the soul a whole lot because it’s hard to picture. It’s an intangible thing. You can’t see it.
But in the same way that Jesus would cleanse the lepers, heal the lepers, that’s what He does to your soul.
Right. And so, in Luke 5 is where you had your verse, and we can start here in verse 12. It says in verse 12, “It came to pass when Jesus was in a certain city, behold a man full of leprosy who seen Jesus fell on his face and beside him, saying, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.”” Did you know, faith begins where the will of God is known. You gotta know the will of God in there sometimes before you can believe God to receive it. “And Jesus put forth His hand and touched the man saying, “I will be thou clean.” And immediately the leprosy departed from him. And Jesus charged him to tell no man, but go and show himself to the priest and offer for his cleansing according as Moses commanded for a testimony to them.” So the law said, if you were a leper, and you got healed, you had to go to the priest and he had to declare that you were healed so you could reenter into society. So Jesus said, “Go act like you’re healed,” right? “So, so much more that there went a fame abroad of Jesus and great multitudes came together to hear and to be healed by Him of their infirmities.”
And I just love this too, because this is that one instance in scripture where there’s the Lord if it be your will kind of approach to prayer.
But we now know the will of Jesus. We know that it’s His will to heal us. It’s His will to cleanse us, to purge us.
Well, this Jesus’ life shows us the will of God. Jesus answered that. You know, a lot of people say, Lord, you know, I know the Lord could heal me if He will. But if you go to the New Testament, if you read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John about the life of Jesus, it plainly says 14 times they brought unto Him every sick person, every person possessed by the devil, and He healed them, every one. I mean, it’s 14 times in the New Testament. Jesus showed the will of God. You can know the will of God, for instance, in healing, because number one, God said, “I am the Lord your healer.” Exodus 15:26. Number two, because of the promises of God. The promises of God come from the nature of God. Number three, from the life of Jesus, because Jesus reveals the father’s heart. When you look at Jesus, you see God. He’s the visible representation of the invisible God. And number four, because of the cross. Because of the cross, Jesus not only took our sin, He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities, but He took our sickness. By His stripes, we are healed. Isaiah 53:4-5. and 1 Peter 2:24, say this, “Who His own self bear our sin in His own body on the tree, on the cross, that we being dead to sin should live under righteousness by whose stripes you were healed.” So, the same blood, the blood of Jesus Christ that purchased our forgiveness, also purchased our healing.
Now, I’m thinking right now about, and I think I should share about it, about this one healing testimony in scripture really stands out to me. It’s the in Mark 5, I believe, the woman with the issue of blood.
Yes, it is.
When she was healed, it’s an instance in scripture where actually Jesus’ own conscience wasn’t involved with the healing. Usually Jesus was aware, like with this leper, He was willing, He was aware, He was focused on that person. But Jesus, you know, He’s 100% God. But when He was on earth, he was 100% man.
And he could only be in one place at one time. You know, like most men, He could only think about one thing at a time.
You know, when I go to the grocery store, I can only think about getting grocery. If someone calls me, I forget what I’m doing, what I’m supposed to get. I get the wrong things. I can only think about one thing at a time. So Jesus, there in Mark 5, He was thinking about Jairus’s daughter.
He was on a mission to go heal or raise from the dead Jairus’s daughter.
So, He wasn’t aware of this woman who came pressing through the crowd and just touched His hem.
But when she did, He knew there was something that happened. He said He could feel that power.
You know, flowing out of Him.
Oh, yes.
So, He turned around, He didn’t even know because He had the consciousness of a man. He can only think about one thing. He was thinking about Jairus’s daughter. But faith just makes a demand. And she was cleansed. The Bible says that she was cleansed of that infirmity.
So, you don’t have to pray these if it be thy will kind of prayers. We know that it’s Jesus’ will to heal. This woman with issue of blood, she heard about Jesus, she heard about the testimony, she heard about the healings, and she said, within herself, she imagined.
Right. She got a picture of being healed.
And she imagined even how it was gonna happen. She imagined, “If I can only touch the hem of His garment.”
She knew that you know, I don’t know what I’m gonna have to do, but I’m just gonna touch the hem of His garment. She imagined how it was gonna happen and it happened.
And it’s really amazing because Jesus’ own consciousness wasn’t aware of it.
Right. I believe there are people that are watching right now, and as you’re watching, you can feel the power of God. You can sense the power of God flowing through your body. And God wants to manifest His healing power through you right now as you’re watching this program. And if you’ll just receive it, if you’ll believe it, you can receive it in your body. And some of you need to call in right now. We’ve got trained prayer ministers that are here, that are ready to take your calls. You need to call in and you need to have this, have our prayer ministers agree with you and believe, you know what, I’ve had people when they called in that they’ve had lumps disappear. Tumors disappear. When they called in and our prayer ministers were praying for ’em. So right now, you call in and receive the power of God in your body. The Bible says, if two or three of us will agree on anything that we ask is touching it, it’ll be done, amen. And I, listen, with the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t matter. There’s not time or distance. You know, I have a partner in India, and he wanted, he set up a special phone call and he called and you know, we talked to him, my personal assistant. And as I was praying for him, I felt the power of God flowing through my right arm and in my right hand. And he was having problems, and I started speaking to it. And then I felt it floatin’ over my shoulder to my, and I started sharing this. And he said, “yes, I feel that right.” He was in India, halfway across the world, and I’m here in America and I’m praying for him and the power of God’s flowing through his body. And I can sense it while I’m praying for him. And I tell him, and he’s like, “Yeah, that’s happening right now.” And right now, the power of God is flowing through some of you that are watching right now, you can sense His power flowing through you. And God is, but I want you to call in and I want you to, my different prayer ministers are gonna pray for you and minister to you. And I believe you’re gonna receive healing, miracles, and testimonies. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And His power is real.
And some of you need to also just begin to imagine doing things that you haven’t been able to do. Like imagine standing up, imagine walking, imagine eating certain things that you’re unable to eat. Imagine just not having crippling anxiety. Imagine what it’s like to have peace, to have joy, to have may, just, you need to begin to imagine these things. Some of you have been just so, just stuck where you’re at it. You haven’t even been able to go there in your imagination.
Amen. And you know, this works in, this will work with finances, it works with healing, it works with peace. It works for all kinds of areas in your life. You know, this woman you’re talking about in Mark 5, she felt in her body. Some of you are feeling some things in your body that she was healed of that plague. And so Jesus said, “Who touched me?” And she said, “It was me, Lord.” And then she told people, he said, “Well, go share it. Go tell people.” Praise God. Give us a call. Receive prayer. Testify. Friends, we’ve been sharing today on the divine imagination. And we have this entire teaching online, downloadable audio, downloadable video, absolutely free of charge. We actually have hundreds of hours of this plus syllabuses, plus children’s curriculum, all of this free of charge. Go to our website Charis Christian Center and get it.
The church is the best thing that has ever happened to the world. I’m so thankful for the church. I’m so thankful for the global body of believers. I’m so thankful for local church bodies like this. I love the local church because Jesus loves the local church. This is the thing that is holding our country together.
Praise the Lord, friends. I’m so glad that you stayed tuned. We’re talking about having a divine imagination. Having God work with your imagination so He can bring to pass His promises, His plans, His purposes in your life. And I know many of you have been receiving good things, and you need to tell your friends about the broadcast and they can watch ’em online on our CharisChristianCenter.com. We also have many other teachings on this and many subjects like this that you can get and it’ll bless you. And you can see a lot of people’s healed and set free by sharing the word of God with them.
And we’ve been talking about just the divine imagination, but also how the blood of Jesus purges your conscience. Your conscience is a part of your soul. Your imagination is part of your soul. And just like Jesus can heal people’s bodies, He can heal your soul. He can transform your soul. He can help you renew your soul. Just this constant washing that happens from His blood, from the word of God in your life. And you know, as I study that purging the conscience, we talked about that verse in Hebrews 9, how the blood of Jesus can purge your conscience. You know, the writer in Hebrews is saying how the Old Testament sacrifices could wash the outside, but it couldn’t affect you on the inside. It couldn’t affect your soul. You know, just, I did a study on that word to purge your conscience. The same word that’s used for the cleansing of leprosy. And actually, Jesus, when He started His ministry, His very first sermon He gave in His hometown of Nazareth, you know, He opened the scripture, the scroll of Isaiah to Isaiah 61, which is talking about Jubilee and just said, “I’m here to set the captives free. The spirit of the Lord is upon me.” You know, things are shifting. And then, like, people were just waiting in attention to see what He’s gonna say. Like, is He gonna say “I’m the Messiah?” And He used two examples from the Old Testament.
And we’re gonna talk about one of these examples. But these two examples offended them so much, they tried to kill Him.
After He preached His very first sermon. And so they took Him, you know, to a cliff outside of Nazareth and tried to throw Him off the cliff, but, you know.
I’ve had that happen to me.
And it’s just His very first sermon.
I’ve had a couple people threaten to kill me.
But the two examples He used were, He said there were a lot of widows, you know, in the time of Elijah, but only to one widow was the prophet sent. And that was this widow woman in Zarephath. She was from Sidon. She was not even a Jewish woman. She lived in Sidon, which is where Jezebel was from. That’s the capital of Ba’al worship. But Elijah was sent to her. So, Jesus was saying, it’s not about race, it’s not about, you know, who your parents were, but it’s about faith.
It’s about who’s gonna believe God and trust God. So that purging that happens in your life, that victory that happens in your life, it’s just about the only thing in the spirit realm that God sees. He sees faith, He doesn’t see anything else.
That’s right.
And Jesus, this the second example that He used that got Him in a lot of trouble there when He preached His first sermon, was He talked about, there were many, He said there were many lepers.
In the day of Elisha, but only one was healed, only one was purged.
Only one person was affected. And it was Naaman.
He’s a Syrian.
He wasn’t Jewish.
He was a Syrian. And Syria was an enemy of Israel. And still often at, you know, at odds against Israel even today. And not only that, Naaman was the general, he was the head of the army. So.
And the person that spoke to Naaman that kind of told them about the power of God was a little Israeli slave girl that had probably, that they took captive during one of their raids in Israeli communities. So, this little slave girl realized that Naaman was dealing with this leprosy. And maybe you’re a very powerful, very influential, very wealthy person. You could still be dealing with issues in your soul that need purging, that need cleansing.
Yes, yes.
And it’s this, young Israeli servant said, “If only my master would go see Elisha.”
You’ll experience the power of God. So Naaman went to Israel, he went to go find Elisha. And when he got there, Elisha wouldn’t even come down to meet him.
Lawson Right.
And that could have been very offensive to Naaman. It probably was, especially with his position, you know, in society, one of the most powerful people on the face of the earth.
And you know, this man of God wouldn’t even come down to speak to him at the door. Instead, Elisha just sent his servant.
Lawson Right.
And the servant told him what to do. The servant said, you need to go wash yourself seven times in the Jordan. And Naaman was very offended. Offense will sometimes keep people from receiving healing in their soul.
Offense will keep you from receiving a lot of things. You know what, it’s like, it’ll stop up. The flow between God and you, or between your spirit and your body.
Well, offense is directly related to pride because the focus is on you. It neglects others. It also neglects the power of God. It neglects God’s heart for other people, God’s heart for you. It’s really linked to pride. And the Bible says that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. If you want His grace to flow in your life, you have to humble yourself sometime. And that’s what Naaman had to do, he had to humble himself. And again, someone of a lower station spoke to Naaman, one of his servants as they’re leaving, you know, just Naaman’s so angry, so offended, just saying, “Why should I wash in the Jordan? It’s a filthy river. I don’t even like it here in Israel.”
He told him to go down and dip seven times. I’ve been to Jordan. I went to Israel. I had a friend. He would, you know, and I was like 23, 24 years old when I went to Israel, and on a trip with Dr. Lester Sumrall. And I did it to do a class on history so I could get my two-year degree and finish it up that year in one year. And I’d already had a couple years of Bible college prior to going to Bible college. So anyway, that’s all a long story. But this man, he just, he was up in his, I’d say he’s about 80. He wanted to be baptized so bad. And man, I’m like, I already been baptized. Besides that, when we went to the Jordan River, it stunk like the lake that I, oh, Black Bottom Lake I grew up by in Southeast Colorado. And I said, “I don’t need to go down there and get baptized. I’ve already been baptized.” And I knew what it meant when I got baptized. So, I didn’t need it. But he went and got, and it meant so much to him. But anyway, Naaman’s like, “Man, this is a stinky river. We got beautiful rivers in Egypt. Why do I want to go down to this old, stinky river?”
And the point of this is, are you gonna do what the word of the Lord says to do or not? So, this is in 2 Kings 5:10.
You know, stop just a minute. Some of you need to be healed. And the Bible says in James 5:14, “If there’s any sick among you, let ’em call for the elders of the church and let them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up.” Now, listen, at our church, we’ve had people raised from the dead. We’ve had numbers of people healed from cancer, we’ve had people healed from heart disease. We’ve had people healed from MS. We’ve had people healed of all kind of infirmities that the world says are, you know what, incurable. But I would encourage you to come to church. I would encourage you when you come to church to come forward and have the elders lay hands on you. If I’m here, and I’m here most of the time, but you know what, Aaron’s, what I remember, Aaron, I sent you and our worship leader with this girl that she was young and she had a, what the doctor said was an incurable heart disease. And you went down there and anointed her with oil and laid hands, you and Case and Cruise. And God healed her and raised her up. It was a miracle. We have miracles on a regular basis. And I wanna encourage you, some places they don’t believe God. Some places that anointing’s not flowing because they’re not teaching, but we teach the power of God. We teach healing. We teach what the scripture says, and we get lots of people healed. So, I wanna encourage you to take a step of faith. Get yourself from where you are, get yourself here, and we’ll lay hands on you. We’ll anoint you with oil. We’ll believe God with you to receive a miracle of the power of God in your body. Amen. So, I wanna encourage you to come. There’s a strong anointing of healing in this place. There’s a strong anointing, a financial blessing, increase in prosperity that flows in this house. I want to encourage you to believe God, get ahold of our teaching. Start believing, get ahold of you know, these things and get the power of God flowing in your life. Okay, go ahead and share.
Well, and just sometimes you have to lay aside your pride. That’s what Naaman had to do, you know. It said that he was actually furious when he was told to go wash in the Jordan seven times. So, that there’s this pride thing going on. And you know, God kind of shown me a big hindrance for a lot of people. One way that the enemy or the devil attacks people is with pride.
You know, the Bible says he goes about as a roaring lion seeking those whom he may devour. In context there it says that God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.
The primary way the enemy tries to attack people, hold people back, is with pride, with just not opening up to God’s word and to what the people of God are saying as well. So, it says that Naaman, he was actually furious.
You know, 2 Kings 5:11, “But went away and said, indeed, I said to myself, he will surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the place and heal the leprosy.” Sometimes God’s gonna do something in a way that you don’t expect.
Right. He generally does.
He generally does because He’s God and you’re not. And you know, Naaman ultimately had to humble himself and go bathe in the Jordan seven times. You know, one of his sermons said you ought to just do this, you know?
You have nothing to lose. And you know, he did it and he was healed.
And it’s a very interesting example that Jesus used.
You know, when he opened His ministry there in Nazareth.
In 2 Kings 5:14, and I’m gonna read verse 13 and 14. “His servants came near,” he’s having this argument, right? This pride argument. “And spoke to him and said, “My father, if the prophet had bid you to do some great thing, wouldn’t you have done it? Why don’t you rather than go, like he says, wash and be clean?” And he went down, Naaman went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God.” You know, I got a man that calls me. He’s a great brother in this church. He’ll say man of God, you know, and he’s had me come and anoint his son with oil. And God healed him in different things. “According to the saying of the man of God. And his flesh came again under the, like the flesh of a child. And he was clean.” Man, the power of God is so real, Aaron. You can be clean, you can be free, you can be healed. You know, some of you need to call in today and receive prayer. I’ve got trained prayer ministers, they’ll pray for you. They’ll minister to you. Others of you, you know what, you need to sow a seed. You need to get involved in the grace of giving. And you know what? There’s a good anointing of prosperity and increase flowing in this place. And we, you’ve had people call from Texas, they started giving to this church, and immediately their finances begin to break out and increase. Amen. And some of you just need prayer for healing. So, whatever it is, we want to encourage you to come. And you know what, I’ve got, we’ve got hundreds of hours of teachings, downloadable audio, downloadable video free on our website. Take it and use it. God bless you.
Narrator God’s plan for you is greater than you can imagine. And God wants to bring peace and purpose to every part of your life. In Pastor Aaron’s series, “The Divine Imagination,” he reveals how understanding your divine imagination can unlock the incredible destiny God has for you. Get your copy of this audio and video download free of charge when you go to charischristiancenter.com today.
Friends, I want to thank you for being with us today. It’s our pleasure to share with you the word of God. We believe it changes lives and because of that, we’re broadcasting all around the world. It costs me right now around $2 million a year just for my staff and paying for our broadcast costs. But if you wanna become a partner and help us share the message all around the world, we would love to hear from you today. Friends, in the last few months, we have heard from over 50 nations in the world, people from all around the world are downloading our curriculum, our syllabus, our downloadable audio and downloadable video teachings, our confession cards, and all of these great teaching materials. And you can go receive it too at charischristiancenter.com. Receive these resources and be blessed.
Narrator Thanks for watching “Grace for Today.” This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer, or have a question, please call us at 719-418-4000 or to partner online, go to charischristiancenter.com/give. You can write us at PO Box 63733, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80962. See you next time on “Grace for Today.”