Divine Imagination Part 5 – Lawson and Aaron Perdue

We’re gonna be talking about rehearsing the victory. Did you know what? God wants you to get a picture of victory on the inside of you that’s so big, you can go from victory to victory to victory.

The Divine Imagination Digital Download from Dr. Aaron Perdue

Digital Download

The Divine Imagination Digital Download from Dr. Aaron Perdue. You are a spirit, you possess a soul, and you live in a body. Our God of peace wants to work in every aspect of your life. He cares about your soul– your mind, will, emotions, attitude, hopes, dreams, desires, and even your imagination. Understanding the divine imagination will help you unlock the destiny that God has in store for you. His good plan for you is better than you can ask, think, or even imagine!

The Divine Imagination Transcript

Praise God, friends. Thank you so much for tuning into the broadcast. Today, we’re gonna be talking about the divine imagination. We’re actually using my son Aaron’s teaching. We’re gonna be talking about rehearsing the victory. Did you know what? God wants you to get a picture of victory on the inside of you that’s so big, you can go from victory to victory to victory. It’ll be hard for the enemy to defeat. Blessings. Friend, it’s so good to have you on the broadcast today, and so good to have Aaron. We’ve been sharing all week on Aaron’s teaching on the divine imagination, and it is great teaching, and if you can really get this revelation, I believe that you can have breakthrough in your life.


Breakthrough in the promises of God, breakthrough in healing, breakthrough in blessing and prosperity, increase, breakthrough in relationships. Man, it just works.

Mm, amen, and imagination is such an important part of who we are. You know, God cares about your entire being. You know, we’re a three-part being. We’re a spirit. We possess His soul. We live in a body, and we’re really focusing on the soul, which is your mind, your will, your emotions but, also, your thought life, your just outlook on life, your attitude, but even your imagination is part of your soul.


And I got really curious about that, and that’s where the enemy really tries to attack a lot of people.


A lot of believers is in their mind, in their soul.


And the Bible has a lot of great revelation, a lot of great instruction on how to really renew your mind, how to be cleansed in that area, how to find healing in that area, how to grow in that area, but, also, how to have a very effective, a very productive, a very, like I said, divine imagination, and the key, one of these keys that God has shown me today to having a divine imagination is to rehearse the victory.


To rehearse the victory, and, again, it’s the opposite of what the devil tries to do. The devil tries to get you to rehearse defeat.


Rehearse your failure, to just think about what a mess you’ve made. You know, he tries to bring up your past. The Bible says that he’s the accuser of the brethren.

I wanna stop for just a minute and use an example, because the devil actually tried to do that to me.


Years and years ago, your mom and I were first married, you know, and we were working on a horse ranch, but it’s like I had a neon light flashing in my mind. “You failed, you failed,” and, you know, that is nothing but the devil.


He is a liar, amen? He’s the father of lies. Just like you say, Aaron, he is the accuser of the brethren, and if he’s done that to you, you need to let that go and move into what God has you to move into, and I believe in this teaching. You will find some revelation that will help you move into this victory.

Yeah, and God just gave me this key here to being victorious in your soul, to rehearse the victory. He gave me this key from Exodus 17.


And this is really powerful. This is actually the first time in Scripture that Joshua.


Is ever mentioned. So Joshua, up until this time, wasn’t even mentioned in Scripture, was unknown until this time, and Joshua is one of my favorite people in the Bible, one of the most victorious people.


In Scripture. You know, I love reading through, you know, Exodus, of course, but, later, in Joshua, it’s amazing to, you know, just see as they enter the promised land, just this great victory, victory after victory.


That Joshua leads the people visually into. So here, in Exodus 17, this is just three days into the wilderness journey. You know, if you can imagine, the Israelites, just three days prior, had just crossed the Red Sea, saw this great miracle of God, you know, open up the Red Sea for them to cross through. Not only that, they saw the miracle of the Red Sea swallowing up Pharaoh in his army. What a awesome, awesome thing to see, but three days later.


You know, they aren’t thinking, right. They’re complaining. They’re imagining the wrong things. They’re imagining solutions. They’re actually terrible. They’re imagining just getting rid of Moses. They’re imagining.


Just going back to Egypt, to just not even serving this Yahweh, God. “We’re gonna go back and, you know, serve these weird half dog, half cat gods that serve Pharaoh.” Like their imagination is defeating them.

Lawson Right.

So it says here in Exodus 17:8, “The Amalekites came out and fought with Israel in Rephidim, and Moses said to Joshua,” that’s the first time Joshua’s name is mentioned, “‘Choose us some men and go out. Fight with Amalek tomorrow. I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand.'” So he told Joshua, “You’re gonna be the commander of the army.”


“And you have one day to assemble an army and train them and go fight with the Amalekites.” You know, Joshua could have just complained right then and said, “You know, this is impossible. I’m not gonna do it. Find someone else.”


No, he did it. Joshua did as Moses said to him and fought with Amalek, “and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. And so it was when Moses held up his hand that Israel prevailed. When he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.” That’s because the rod symbolized God’s power.

Lawson Yes.

That’s because the battle is the Lord’s.


You might be fighting this thing, but you need to realize that there is the power of God.


You know, the Bible says in the New Testament, that there are some people that will have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof. They’ll deny God’s power, and the Bible says to stay away from them.


There are people today, there are denominations today that deny the power of God.


Stay away from that nonsense. The power of God is real, and God wants His power to flow in your life.

Yeah, and there are congregations in some of those denominations. Some of the pastors do not deny the power of God. They allow the power of God. They allow the Spirit of God. They allow people to be filled with the Holy Spirit, speak in tongues, good things to happen, but in others, they deny the power of God in their specific, you know, churches and stuff. They deny the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They deny healing for today. You know, they deny the promises. You know what, you need to run, baby, run. Get somewhere where people believe God.

Where they believe the Word.


You know, the Bible says that Jesus washes the church with His Word.


You know, and we talked about Naaman.


You know, being washed seven times in the Jordan. You need to be in a church. You need to be connected to ministries that preach the Word, that believe the Word, and they continually just minister the Word of God.


That’s what cleanses you. That’s what purges you. That’s what gives you victory in life. We know people who’ve gone to watered-down, shallow, you know, two-inch thick churches, and they end up dying early, because they’re not being washed in the Word of God.

Yeah, I think some people, you know, check out early, and God loves ’em.

Aaron But it affects you, you know?

You don’t need to be in some place where they deny the power of God, where they don’t believe the promises of God, where they don’t actively teach the promises of God, where they don’t actively teach on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Others never give an altar call for salvation for healing. What a sad thing. Did you know what? Healing was a major aspect of Jesus’ ministry, if you just read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and just take it at face value. Jesus went about doing good, healing, all that repressed the devil, right? Because God was with Him.


And you know what? We just need to come to a place where we just believe the Scripture.


You know, I was raised in a dead church. I don’t wanna pastor one.


You know, now, thank God, I got saved there. We’re not saying all those churches are bad. We’re not saying everything that they do is bad. I accept whatever truth people receive, but when you know there’s more, if you… I believe God holds you accountable for some of the things you know.


And listen, I made a choice, as a young child, when I got baptized in the Holy Spirit, 14 years old, if I have to drive 100 miles to go to a church that’s full of the Holy Spirit, that believes the promises of God, I’m gonna do that.


Inevitably, Aaron, we got people that drive nearly… Last Sunday, somebody was here from Canada. The Sunday before, somebody from India, people from England, people from Africa, people from all over the… Generally, somebody from a foreign country, every week, is in our church and somebody from another state, but we’ve got several families that drive, you know, 100 miles, in excess of 100 miles to come here on a fairly regular basis.

Uh-hmm, and I just wanna, you know, let people know, too, you’re welcome to connect with us online, through television. We also live stream all of our services.


Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, but we have, also, a number of families that have actually moved here.


To be a part of this church. You know, we’re located in Colorado Springs. It’s always rated one of the top three cities in the country to live in. It’s a great place to live. You know, maybe you have a job where you can work remote or you are in a industry, you have a career where you can find an opportunity here. You know, it’s a great economy here. We have people who moved here, and they’ve been very blessed moving here.

Kenty Hagen said this years ago. He said people, sometimes, they get a job offer across the country, but they don’t even check out the spiritual climate. They don’t even check out the churches. You might ought to check out because it might…

That’s a major decision.

Affect your children, your grandchildren, different people around you. It might make a major difference.

And as a church, too. This is something that’s unique about our ministry. We are a church, so it’s very important for us to have, you know, very great youth ministry, very great children’s ministry.


Even Pastor Lawson has personally developed a children’s curriculum that is full of the power of God.


It’s available for a free download on our website. You can find that on our website so.

Yeah, Aaron, you know, I was paying $900 a year, over $900 a year for a downloadable children’s curriculum for our church, and it was sub-level. We hadn’t been able to get a good one, really, for 20 years since Willie George, you know, and another one, Mark Harper up in Minneapolis, Minnesota, had a great one that we used, and, you know, we adjusted those and made ’em work for us, but they were great. But we hadn’t, for 20 years, they hadn’t been putting out curriculum, and so God made it so that we could develop one of our own, and we’ve got a lady in our church, she actually wrote for this company that we’d get the downloads, and they’re supposed to be spirit-filled and teach what we teach, but they would not allow her to teach on it. What we teach on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, on healing, on faith, you know, on the promises of God, and so we wrote one of our… The first year’s who is God, who is Jesus, who is the Holy Spirit, and who are you. Man, the second year is the grace of God, faith in God, the promises of God, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Amen, so just like, you know, we’ve been talking about how Moses had to hold up that rod and they would prevail.


So you need the power of God in your life. You need the Word of God in your life. You need to be looking to to God.


And, you know, He is the Lord, our banner. He’s the Lord that gives us victory. His power gives you victory.

We’ve got homeschoolers that are using these curriculums that are just so thankful because it’s helping them get the Scriptures inside. You know, you get the Word in you. I got the Word in me. It changed my life. It’ll change your life for good.

So you wanna stay tuned. We’re gonna take a brief break here in just a minute. You can call us… You can call us if you need to. We might be closed today, but you can go to our website, check us out, but stay tuned. We’re gonna be talking about rehearsing the victory and just how important that is to use your imagination to rehearse the victory. So you don’t wanna miss the second half of this broadcast. Stay tuned during the break. We’ll be right back.

Friends, we’ve been sharing today on the divine imagination, and we have this entire teaching online, downloadable audio, downloadable video, absolutely free of charge. We actually have hundreds of hours of this plus syllabuses, plus children’s curriculum, all of this free of charge. Go to our website Charis Christian Center and get it.

You know what, when God tells you to do something, you need to do it, and you don’t need to worry about every Tom, Dick and Harry over here and what they’re gonna say, with how they’re gonna try to manipulate you or treat you. You just keep on plugging on and you keep doing what God told you to do, and He will work them out. You have to let God be God.

That’s good.

Cathy And you have to do what He tells you to do.

Friend, I’m so glad that you’re still here, and Aaron’s said, we’re gonna continue to teach on rehearsing the victory. Man, you need to get a picture of victory on the inside of you that is so big that the devil can’t stop you taking your territory. That’s what Moses did, right, when God told Moses, “You rehears this victory,” in the ears of Joshua. He wanted Joshua to get that picture of victory in him, and then he just went from victory.


To victory to victory. Truly, there’s victory in Jesus, and if you get a picture of victory in you, you’re gonna go just like Joshua, just like David, from victory to victory to victory.

Amen, so here, in Exodus 17, we’ve been talking about, starting in verse eight through 16, how this is the first time that Joshua was mentioned in Scripture. So Moses appointed him to, you know, assemble an army and go fight against the Amalekites, and this is just, you know, three days into this journey here, and it says that Moses had to hold up that rod, and when he held up the rod, the Israelites prevailed, but when the rod came down, the Amalekites would prevail. So it says that, “His hands became heavy,” in verse 12, “so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it, and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and the other on the other side, and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.” You know, Moses was a great man of God.


An incredible prophet, but he couldn’t do everything on his own. He needed help.


Even right off the bat, when God called him, he realized, “I can’t do this. I can’t speak that clearly. You you called me to, you know, speak to the Pharaoh, but, you know, I have a stuttering problem,” whatever, and God said, “Well, Aaron’s gonna help you.” Here, Aaron’s helping him. Hur’s helping him. Joshua is helping him. You know, Moses really wanted to go into the promised land, but God, at the end of Moses’ life said, “You’re not going into the promised land.”

Where did he sit?

You need to have Joshua do it.

Where did he sit? Where did Moses sit?

Both On a stone

It’s a type of Christ.


You rest in Christ, right? And then they held up his hands. Sometimes, you need help.


Sometimes, you got people around you to help you hold up, but he helped that rod. That rod represented the Word of God, represented the power of God, represented the anointing of God, right? And when he held that up, they prevailed. You get seated in Christ, you hold onto the Word of God, you know what? You hold up the Word of God, it represents God’s Word, God’s power, God’s life, God’s anointing, and I believe you can see these enemies destroyed in front of your face. Now, go ahead.

Amen, so he held it up, they helped him held it up, and in verse 13, it says, “Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword, and the Lord said to Moses, ‘Write this for a memorial in the book and recount it in the hearing of Joshua.'” I think, in the King James, it says, “Rehearse the victory.”

Right, rehearse the victory.

“Rehearse it in his hearing, and I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heavens.” So the Israelites would actually have to fight against the Amalekites several times. I think there’s seven different kings, judges, major leaders of Israel that had to fight against the Amalekites.


And, ultimately, they were completely wiped out. There’s not a single descendant of Amalek today on the face of the earth.


Which is pretty wild to think about. So this, some prophetic word came to pass, but, you know, the Lord told Moses, hey, as you’re raising up Joshua, to, one day, be the number one leader over Israel. You need to teach him.


You need to explain. You are to rehearse this victory.


You are to remember this very first time that the Lord came through you to remember this very first time. You didn’t know what you were doing. You never fought a battle before.


You never led an army before. You had never trained people, but remember.

My God.

Remember what happened. Remember that the rod of God was held up, and remember that this is the name of God, that Moses built an altar and called its name the Lord is my banner, Jehovah Nissi.

Yes, the Lord is my victory. The Lord is my defender. The Lord is my banner. Amen. Hallelujah.

So you need to use your imagination and rehearse the victory.


And, you know, something, I remember, actually, when I was growing up as a young person, I played the flute. I was very talented and I wanted to go far with it, but I remember my teacher at the time, she told me, I would have a lesson once a month.

Lawson Right.

On the flute, two-hour lesson. We lived out in the middle of nowhere in Kit Carson, Colorado, town of 300 people. There wasn’t anything happening around there, like with the arts and music, and we would drive three hours one way for me to have a lesson.

We had a band in our school.

We had a good band, but I was the only flute player in that entire town. So I didn’t really have people to look up to or learn from, but my teacher told me, “For an entire month, every time you practice, imagine that you’re James Galloway.” James Galloway is the most famous flute player ever, and so for a month, you know, every time I got my flute together and practiced, I imagined that I was the greatest flute player in the world, and, you know, I remember I practiced at home, but then I asked my dad if I can go with you to the church, you know, so I can play in the sanctuary there.

Lawson This is the greatest story.

Because that was a bigger space. You know, James Gallway plays in big spaces for big audiences, so I’m gonna imagine I’m playing in a big concert hall. So I’d go to church and imagine I was James Gallway in playing, and after a month, I progressed tremendously.


My teacher was shocked.

I want to talk about something that happened. Because we went to the church, right, and it was like a Saturday, and you were over there playing in the sanctuary, and some ladies came to pray, you know, down in Southeast Colorado from Colorado Springs. I’ve actually met some of ’em since they came that day since we were here, but they stopped by the back door, and knocked on there, and said, “Hey, can we use the restroom?” I said, “Sure.” They heard you play, they said, “Who’s that playing?” I said, “That’s my son.” They said, “Oh, we wanna go see him,” and you know, you were in a place where you needed to buy a professional flute.


It wasn’t a good time for me in the business. I did cattle business on the side. We’d lost some money, but, you know, your teacher, you know, told us that it is gonna cost five to $10,000 to buy you a professional flute, and so, you know, we just believed, right?

Uh-hmm. But those ladies came, and they saw you, and they gave you over 1,000 dollars that day to help you buy a flute. God supernaturally connected you. When you get a picture of where God wants you to go, He’ll start connecting you with the right people. You know, I was actually supposed to be up doing a phone interview from my house that day for a place in Dallas, and the prophet of God, Bobby Jean Merck, told me not to go there. My mom told me not… Listen, if you’re a mom and you’re a prophet of God, and my wife all told me, “We’re not supposed to do that.” So I canceled it. I didn’t even do the phone in… Some of you… If God says no, He means no. Don’t even start entertaining the idea. Stop right there.


So I canceled the phone interview. I would’ve been at home doing that phone interview. We would’ve missed a major blessing for you and for us as a family, right, if I would’ve been doing, but I obeyed God, right, speaking through my wife, my mother, and the prophet of God, and I did not do that interview, and you were over there playing, and they came in the back door of the church. They heard you in the front of the church playing. They wanted to meet you, and they wrote you a check. One of ’em gave you 1,000. I think, one of ’em might have give you 100, but you know what, they blessed you, and, now, God brought a major blessing just because we were there at the right place at the right time, but part of it’s being obedient. You need to be obedient to God every day in everything.

Uh-hmm, I mentioned another testimony a few days ago on the same series about my wife when we were engaged and gonna get married.


I mentioned that she had been married before for seven years, and her husband passed away, and life was very hard for her during that time, and she didn’t really wanna get married again, but God had to work in her imagination, and at first, when we were engaged, she just bought 100-dollar cheap dress off of the internet, but God began to work on her heart, and she felt like she should go buy a $4,000 dress. She wanted to go buy a dress, and she just picked out the most expensive one, the one right in the window.

Happened to be 4,000.

Outside the, you know, boutique, usually, the nicest dresses in the window, and she got that, but the next Sunday.

A single.

Actually, a single mom came up to Heather and just handed her an envelope full of cash, and it was $1,000.


She just wanted to bless Heather.


And it just confirmed to Heather that she heard from God, and she should…

And the lady that did that, Aaron, she’s Russian heritage.


She moved to like Illinois, and she’s a realtor in commercial real estate.


And she is making hundreds of thousands of dollars. You can’t be God-given, and you get involved, and you sow where God tells you to sow, and it’ll help you go where God wants you to go, and, you know, we’ve talked about, you know, possibly coming to Colorado Springs, moving here, becoming a member of this church. Some of you could just attend online and start sowing seed here. I believe God would bring increase to you. If He tells you to do that, I believe… Listen, there’s only one way you can explain the increase in my life, and it is the blessing of almighty God, and, you know, I’m very intent on giving where God wants me to give and go… You know what, doing what God tells me to do. I want to give where God wants me to give, and I want to give what God wants me to give, and I want to give it when God tells me to give it, and if you get like that… God gives seed to the sowers. That’s what II Corinthians 9 said, and that’s been the truth in my life, but He, also, you know, causes grace to abound toward us. That we always have all sufficiency in all things, and we can abound to every good word. Story of my life, it’s amazing grace.

Yeah, this past Sunday here at church, I took up an offering, and I gave kind of a more pointed offering about mountain-moving faith and how you’re supposed to say this mountain be removed and be cast in the sea, and how, you know, if your faith can’t even move your mouth.


It’s not gonna move a mountain, but, also, if your faith can’t move your wallet.

Lawson Yeah.

It’s gonna be hard to move a mountain as well.

Man, my daddy taught me to tithe when I was like four years old, and, you know, I tithed on my first paycheck when I was like 13, driving a tractor, made 135. Well, I made $1,350 or a little over… I brought $135 and put in Sunday school offering. Man, that’s before I knew all this stuff, but, you know, I started tithing, I started giving as a young child, and I’ve always tithed, and I’ve always gave, and, listen, mom and I have given like 30% of our income. We haven’t always been high-income, but we’ve averaged about 30% giving, and God has supernaturally increased us. There is no way that you can explain it, except by the grace of God.

That’s awesome.

And part of that, you’re talking about getting a picture.


Man, get a picture on the inside of you, of where God wants to take you, and you can… You know, I gotta a check in my wallet written after myself.

Yeah, and you gotta rehearse the victory. That’s what I’m talking about.

I got a picture of where I’m going.

Rehearsing the victory, the thing I like about tithing is you’re constantly giving.


You’re constantly rehearsing. You know, if you want to grow.


At something, you gotta do it continuously.


So when you rehearse, when you practice, you do it, you know, you do it continually, you do it habitually.


So giving’s one of those things that you wanna rehearse, you wanna practice.


And then when God calls you to do something major, something big, something that stretches you, you’ve already been practicing. You’ve already been rehearsing,

Praise the Lord, well, we’ve got all of Aaron’s teachings, life from when he was in church on this subject, on the divine imagination on our website. We’ve got hundreds of hours of teaching, some of them on financial increase, healing, all these areas, and they’re available for download free of charge. You can also watch our services online. Thank you, and God bless you.

Narrator God’s plan for you is greater than you can imagine, and God wants to bring peace and purpose to every part of your life. In Pastor Aaron’s series, “The Divine Imagination”, he reveals how understanding your divine imagination can unlock the incredible destiny God has for you. Get your copy of this audio and video download free of charge when you go to CharisChristianCenter.com today.

Hey, everyone, I want to invite you today to subscribe to the Charis Christian Center YouTube channel where you can get hundreds of hours of teaching and different materials absolutely free. We live stream all of our services there, and so check it out, Charis Christian Center on the YouTube channel. Thanks so much, and have an awesome day. Friend, we here at Charis Christian Center and “Grace for Today” believe in being good stewards of the resources that God has given us. So we pay a professional service that’s actually available to help you do that in a couple of ways. Number one, you can make a will absolutely free of charge with professional legal help, and, number two, you can go to Tax-Smart Ways of Giving. You can find them all on our website.

Narrator Thanks for watching “Grace for Today”. This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer, or have a question, please call us at 719-418-4000 or to partner online, go to CharisChristianCenter.com/Give. You can ride us at P.O. Box 63733, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80962. See you next time on “Grace for Today”.

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