We are gonna be sharing today a special message on freedom, that Jesus is our Jubilee. And there are actually seven results of Jubilee in the Bible, in the book of Leviticus, we’re gonna share what those are.

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Jesus came to preach the gospel and to set the captives free! Many people are enslaved by sin, past mistakes, legalism, or self-reliance. Jesus wants to set you completely free so you can be everything God has created you to be! Today is the day to let Jesus reign in you and through you!
Journey of Faith
Welcome friends to the broadcast, I’m so glad that you tuned in today. We are gonna be sharing today a special message on freedom, that Jesus is our Jubilee. And there are actually seven results of Jubilee in the Bible, in the book of Leviticus, we’re gonna share what those are. I believe all of those things are ours through faith in Jesus Christ, stay tuned. Friends, it’s so good to have you today and we’re so happy to be sharing the word of God. You know, we Began a message in our broadcast yesterday, and we were talking about the subject of freedom. And we’ve been sharing that Jesus is the only way to receive true freedom.
And a lot of people might think they’re free. You know, Jesus in John 8 was talking to some religious leaders and he was talking about freedom. They said, “Well, what do you mean? We’re already free.” You know, I think one reason why a lot of people don’t receive true freedom or even receive salvation is because they think that they’re already saved, they think they already know it all. They think they don’t need a savior. They’re trusting in themselves or trusting in other people. But you know, God is God, and there’s one way to be saved, there’s one way to to have true freedom-
Lawson Right.
And that’s in Jesus.
Lawson Yeah.
And that’s entrusting His word, His word is true.
You know, Jesus said this in John 14:6, He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, and no man comes to the Father except by me.” And we were studying yesterday in John 8:36 where He said, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.” And what He was saying is, He’s the only way, there’s not another way to be saved except to believe on Jesus. Acts 4 actually says, “There’s one name given under heaven whereby we must be saved.” And that is the name of Jesus. You know, Jesus was talking to the woman of Samaria in John 4 and she said, “Our fathers worshiped at this mountain,” and the Jews say, “You need to worship over here.” And Jesus basically said, you know what, it’s not what you worship, it’s who you worship and you gotta worship God and God’s looking for true spiritual worship. And He said, “God is the Spirit,” John 4:24, “And those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” And she said, “Lord, we know the Messiah is coming.” But then Jesus said, “I am He.” Essentially, I speak to thee, and I am the one who is the truth and I am the one who brings the spirit. I am the Messiah, I’m the anointed one. And there’s only one way to receive true freedom and that’s believe on Jesus. He is the only one who was God, who became a man, who died on the cross for our sin, He lives sinless, holy, perfect, and pure. He did know sin, but died on the cross for our sins in a physical body and then God raised Him from the dead on the third day and made Him Lord and Jesus then after He was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven and sent the Holy Spirit and Jesus has come again. So Jesus, when He is saying, “If the Son therefore shall make you free,” in John 8:36 and when He’s saying, “I who speak to you am He,” in John 4:24-26, what He’s saying is, “I am the Messiah.” He’s saying that also in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” And we’ve gotta believe on Jesus. Now, in John 8, Jesus is actually referring back to Isaiah 61 that He quoted when He began His earthly ministry in Luke 4:18-19, where He says, “The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he’s anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor.” He sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captive and the recovering of sight to those who are blind, to set at liberty to those who are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. What Jesus is saying is, “I am your Jubilee.” And if we go back to Leviticus 25, the Jews, the Israelites celebrated the year of Jubilee every 50th year. And we’re gonna go back and read these verses in Leviticus 25. In Leviticus 25, he says this and we’ll start reading in verse eight. And he says, “You shall number seven sabbaths of years unto you.” In other words, seven sets of seven. Seven times seven years, and the space of seven sabbaths of years shall be unto you 40 and nine years. Verse nine says, “Then you will cause the trumpet of Jubilee to sound on the 10th day of the seventh month in the day of atonement, shall you make the trumpet sound throughout all your land and you shall hallow or sanctify, make holy the 50th year and proclaim freedom, proclaim liberty.” That’s what we’re talking about today, freedom throughout all the land, to all the inhabitants thereof. This is freedom for everybody everywhere. He says, “It will be a Jubilee to you and you will return every man to his possession and you’ll return every man to his family.” So the first two results of Jubilee are you go back, number one, to your family and number two, to your possession. You see Jesus came to restore us to proper place in the family of God, the scripture actually says in Ephesians 2:6, “We’re seated with them in heavenly places.” But also, not only did He come to restore us to our proper position in the family of God, that God is our father and we’re in His family, but He came to restore our possessions. And a lot of the church doesn’t want to teach us about our true freedom and the possessions that we’re to have in Christ, promises. The Bible is full of promises.
Yeah and the Bible actually says, “We’re co-heirs with Jesus.” So we possess things that Jesus has received from the Father.
Lawson Right.
You know, His joy is our joy, His peace is our peace, His righteousness is our righteousness, His health is our health.
Lawson Right.
You know, He became poor so we could have His riches.
Lawson Right.
And I like that, you know, every now then you just need to go back to what you possess, go back to what Jesus has given you.
And you can do that at any time, you don’t have to wait 50 years to-
To sound the Jubilee trumpet, you know?
I love actually studying the Old Testament, and I actually love studying Leviticus. I remember when I married my wife, she was going through Bible school at the time and part of her requirements for Bible school was she had to read the Bible cover to cover. And she would kind of get stuck in Leviticus because she’d say like, “Why is there so many sacrifices? Why is there so much blood? It’s just like full of the law.” But this to me, I love reading through Leviticus. Personally, I love the Old Testament, I love looking at Leviticus ’cause all these sacrifices point to Jesus.
Lawson That’s right.
But the Jubilee really stands out big time, it stands out big time because it’s so different from the rest of the law because the rest of the law is about what you have to sacrifice. So what you have to do to stay holy, what you have to do to come to God. But Jubilee, it’s the one place where it’s not about you. You’re not to work, you’re not to toil, you’re not to harvest, you’re not to do anything. You don’t even have to take a bath to be set free, it’s completely based upon God. And it even says here that people are gonna ask, well, how can this be? How what are we gonna do? What are we gonna sow? What are we gonna harvest? What are we gonna eat?
Lawson Right.
The focus is on we, but Jubilee, the focus is completely on God.
Lawson Right.
All the freedom, all the provision, all the release of debts. It has nothing to do with that person. Nothing do with how much they sacrificed, how much they bathed, how much, whatever, wherever they were. It was just completely based upon God and freedom. It’s such a prophetic picture of Jesus.
Right, it really, Hebrews 4, right, compares the covenants and Hebrew 4 says, “He is our rest,” talking about Jesus is our rest.
And there remains a rest.
Like this promise of rest, this promise of Jubilee, it hasn’t ceased, it’s available today.
And it’s available only through faith in Jesus. And that’s what, this was all pointing to Christ. Actually, Paul says that the law was our school master to bring us to Christ in Galatians 3, it’s about verse 20 or 21, but then it says in Hebrews that the law was a shadow of good things to come, I believe that’s the beginning of Hebrews 10. And he’s ultimately saying that Jesus is the one who is the fulfillment of the law. And Jesus fulfilled the righteous requirements of the law so we can believe on Him and receive these different promises.
And I believe right now, even as you’re watching this broadcast, you and people close to you can receive supernatural freedom.
Lawson Right.
I believe when the word is being preached, when Jesus is being preached, there is supernatural freedom. And I’m talking about this in a very important way. I’ve seen people set free from drug addictions-
From sexual addictions, from nicotine addictions.
Lawson Right.
Just supernaturally and like they didn’t have to do anything, they didn’t have to do nicotine patches, they didn’t have to go to counseling, it’s just a supernatural freedom. And I know you’ve seen that, you’ve seen people just supernaturally set free from cigarette addictions, from alcohol addictions.
Drug addiction.
Just supernaturally and it’s because it’s part of the gospel.
You know, we had a person in our church in Kit Carson and this woman had been to drug rehab programs, different things, could never get free. The moment that she walked through the doors of our church God delivered her from drugs. I got a man in this church today and this man came here and he said, he told us in a little bit just after he came to our church, that he was supernaturally delivered from drug addiction and alcohol addiction. And he is so happy. He is so genuine, it is so powerful to see what God does.
I believe that God could help people be supernaturally set free from financial debts as well.
You know, when you talk about the gospel and freedom, it’s really four areas that it talks about. First of all, freedom spiritually, I think that’s what we’re talking about right now. Deliverance, praise God, that’s what salvation is, deliverance. But freedom spiritually, freedom emotionally, you don’t have to be bound emotionally, you don’t have to be an emotional train wreck. Freedom physically, by Jesus stripes you were healed. Right, that’s a promise. The curse of the law included physical sickness and Christ bought us out, redeemed us, purchased us, right from the curse of the law. But not only freedom, right, spiritually, emotionally, physically, but also freedom financially. I believe that God wants us to be financially free. And I believe that that’s a promise of the gospel. Right, we’ll talk about in the last part of this broadcast-
It’s part of the blessing.
Right. The seven results of Jubilee. And we’ll see part of it includes supernatural increase.
That’s awesome.
And what we’re saying, what Jesus was saying when He was preaching this in John 8 and when He opened his ministry in Luke 4 is that, “I am your Jubilee, I am your freedom.” You may need to call in and receive prayer, if you wanna receive Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit, receive prayer for healing, give us a call. We’re gonna be gone for a short break and we’ll be right back. Friends, we’ve been sharing on freedom and I have a lot to share about freedom. Actually, my book, “Absolute Victory in Christ” covers the way we teach about being free. Number one, through knowing Jesus. Number two, through believing the word. And number three, through receiving the Holy Spirit. You can get that book on Amazon or on our website at Charis Christian Center and also many free teachings on freedom.
So Pastor Lawson and the Pastor Aarons are teaching on faith and who we are. So the foundation has been so solid since we are here. So it’s been growing steadily, the foundation in Jesus and on top of that skillset, increasing by serving with joy is the best thing you can do.
Woman Yes.
Friends, I’m so glad that you stayed with us and we are right here sharing about freedom and we’re talking about today that Jesus is our Jubilee. You know, a lot of times people make a big deal, it’s the year of Jubilee in Israel. Well, praise God. But what this literally pointed to in Leviticus 25, when it was set up during the law, what Jubilee pointed to was Jesus. And when Jesus opened His earthly ministry in Luke 4, He opened the scripture of Isaiah after He had been baptized in the river Jordan, returned in the power of the Spirit, came back to His hometown and went to the synagogue, they gave Him the scroll of Isaiah to read. He found the place where it was written. What we know is Isaiah 61:1 and the first half of verse two. And He began to say unto them, you know what, He said, “The spirit of the Lord is me because he’s anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, preach deliverance to the captives, the recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” And it says, “The eyes of all then in the synagogue were fixed on Him.” And then He said, “Today is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.” He went on to begin to tell them that, you know what, it takes faith to receive this.
Yeah and He gave two examples of faith.
And it’s really interesting that the two examples He gave, the two examples He gave on these people who received freedom, they actually weren’t Jewish people. And these two examples He used were so offensive that the religious leaders tried to kill Him right after He preached this message.
Lawson Yeah.
And the two examples He used of people who received from God was the widow woman, you know, during Elijah’s time.
Lawson Right.
You know, the woman from Sidon and Sidon was the capital of Baal worship, that’s where Jezebel was from. And Jesus said there were a lot of widows.
But only one received, only one received this freedom where she didn’t run out of oil, she didn’t die.
Lawson Right.
And Elijah went to her and God actually commanded that widow to provide for Elijah. This widow woman.
Lawson Right.
Yeah, it’s interesting who God has used even sow into this ministry and help this ministry move forward.
Lawson Yeah.
God, I believe, has put it on people’s hearts. You know, you’re talking about a couple that came to church here years ago and they were completely broke when they came here.
They didn’t have anything and they came here three years, I went and performed a wedding for ’em, right, in Missouri during COVID, but they gave me this testimony. They said, “We came to your church, Pastor Lawson, we were there three years, when we came our net worth was zero, and when we left after three years, our net worth was $700,000.” And they just sent in a major donation the other day. And, you know, praise God, God has sustained this ministry through thick and thin, God has blessed us, God has helped us.
Yeah, but it’s interesting that this widow and God said, “I’ve actually commanded this widow to provide for you.”
Lawson Yes.
And when Elijah showed up, she already knew in her heart she was supposed to do what he said. And he said God’s commanded you to provide for me.
Lawson Yes.
At first she said, well, I don’t have anything, you know, I’m just making my last meal, and then me and my son’ll die.
Lawson Right.
But she gave to Elijah first, she gave to that man of God first, and then her jar of oil never went out.
What he was saying is it takes faith to receive from God. There were many widows, but only one.
And then the other example he used too was Naaman.
Who was the Syrian general, so he was the general of this enemy nation to Israel. And Jesus said there were a lot of lepers in that time-
Lawson Right.
This is the time of Elisha.
Lawson Right.
But only one was supernaturally healed. And it was Naaman and Naaman, the way he heard about God, about this power to heal, the power to be set free from this disease was from this Israeli slave girl-
Lawson Right.
In his house, this girl that had been taken captive from their conquest of Israel.
But he heard this slave girl said, “Oh, if you’d only go visit Elisha, you’d be healed.”
Lawson Right.
But, so he actually, one of the people at the top of society listened to this girl at the bottom of the totem pole. He went to find Elisha, Elisha didn’t even visit him, wouldn’t even give him the time of day.
They sent his servant to go talk to him and the servant said, “You need to go bathe in the Jordan seven times.”
And Elisha was offended. He was a very powerful man, he was general-
Well, Naaman was offended.
Yeah, Naaman was offended. But you know, again, one of his servants talked to Naaman, said, “You should just do what he says to do.”
Yeah, if he told you to do something big, wouldn’t you do that?
And he went and did it because, again, he kind of had the wrong attitude, but he followed the word.
Lawson Yeah.
You know, if you hear the word of the Lord and do it, that’s where that freedom comes from. He did it and he received that healing.
Yeah, faith is a simple act.
And it’s not, and this is what offended those people, and they wanted to kill Jesus because he brought up this Sidonian widow woman and this Syrian leper.
Both gentiles.
They were both gentiles. And Jesus was saying true freedom that comes from God, it’s not about your race. It’s not about, if you’re a descendant of Abraham. It’s not about if you’re a man or if you’re a woman. That offends people today.
Lawson Right.
Someone just actually emailed the church recently, you know, looking for a church. And then they asked like six questions, they were all fine, they’re like, “Do you do alter calls? Do you have a board of directors? Do you do water baptisms?” And these are all things that we do that we have set in place. But his last question was, “Do you allow women to preach?” And the way he said, I could tell, like, you know, I could tell he’s just very hung up on this.
And God uses women-
To grow the kingdom.
Even in the Old Testament, Deborah was a prophet.
And even in the New Testament, Paul thanked Priscilla for helping him train Apollos how to preach.
And Priscilla is a woman’s name, it’s not a man’s name.
Yeah and he says in Roman 16, “Andronicus and Junia are of note among the apostles.” And so.
This guy was just very hung up, but God can use women. And you know, Jesus, he first reveals Himself as a messiah, just very blatantly to a woman, to a Samaritan woman at the well and then she evangelized that entire town-
Lawson Yes.
And pointed people to Jesus.
You know, the first evangelist of the resurrection was Mary, you know? Mary Magdalene, out of whom he cast seven devils. I mean, this is amazing who God uses, you can find faith in amazing places. Let’s jump back into Leviticus 25 and let’s just go through this really quick seven results of Jubilee. In Leviticus 25:10, it says, “Every person returns to his own possession and every man returns to his own family.” Those are the first two. So I believe the first thing when we believe on Jesus is we are restored the proper place in the family of God. We’re seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that’s Ephesians 2:6. But the second thing I believe is that God wants us not only to be restored to proper place in the family, but He wants us restored in our possessions. If you study the Bible, the Bible is a book of redemption. And ultimately, Jesus came to buy us back from everything that Adam lost in the garden. And then if we go on down here in Leviticus 25:12, it says, “It is a Jubilee to you, it shall be holy to you, you will eat the increase out of the field.” So return to your family, return to your possession, and eat the increase. What’s growing of itself. Right, it’s not something that you labored for, that you plowed for, that you planted, but you just eat what grows of itself. You know, Barb, your mom and I, moved into a house in 2011 and it had an apple tree in the back and a crab apple tree in the front and you know what? We don’t eat the crab apples, we let the deer and the bear and the coons and everything else eat ’em. But in the back we have an apple tree and we get good harvest off that apple tree and we didn’t plant that. We didn’t grow that, we didn’t labor for it. We just received the harvest, you know? And that’s what He’s saying, you just eat what grows of itself, not because you labored. He goes on and says this in verse 14, “If you sell anything to your neighbor or buy anything of your neighbor’s hand, you will not oppress, oppression will cease.” Satan wants to oppress people. Jesus came to heal and He healed, Acts 10:38 says, “All who oppressed of the devil.” Praise God, again, Jesus is our Jubilee. And then He says this in verse 17, again, you will not oppress one another. Then in verse 21, I love this verse, “Then I will command my blessing on you in the sixth year and it will bring fruit for three years.” I believe that we can have supernatural increase when we believe on Jesus. I’ve received that. And I get at least three times what the average person gets out there on my investments and different things. God has blessed me and God has helped me so much.
And I like that verse right before in verse 20, He’s kind of answering this question. He’s saying these questions are gonna arise and these questions still arise today. When you really preach the gospel-
Both When you really preach grace.
When you really preach, it’s not about you, it’s not about your work, it’s not about your performance, it’s about Jesus.
Lawson Right.
And the same thing happens here, when this Jubilee’s gonna happen, people are gonna say, well, what shall we eat in the, what shall we, we haven’t, so the focus is on yourself, on we.
Lawson Right.
But the Jubilee, it’s completely about freedom from God,
Lawson Right.
And the gospel is about complete freedom in Jesus. When you really preach the true gospel, people are gonna say, “Well, what do we have to do to get this?”
Lawson Right.
And that question still arises today. You know, when you’re really preaching grace, people are going to ask these questions. Well, it’s gonna be confusing because so much, it’s just our nature to put the emphasis on what we have to do.
Right, instead of what Jesus has done. There’s a couple of more, so number one, you go back to your proper place in the family. Number two, your possessions. Number three, you eat the increase. Number four, you don’t oppress one another. Number five, you live in supernatural increase. God says you live under the commanded blessing. I’ll command my blessing on you in the six year and it will bring forth fruit for three years. And then number six, all debts are forgiven. Verse 35, Leviticus 25:35, “If your brother is waxen poor and fallen in decay, then you will relieve him.” So all debts are forgiven. And finally, all slaves go free. He says in verse 40 and 41, Leviticus 25, “As a hired servant, as sojourner, he will be with you, and you serve you ’till the year of Jubilee. Then he will depart from you, both he and his children, and return to his own family under the possession of his father’s shall he return.” So seven results of Jubilee. Number one, proper place in the family. Number two, He says this, “You will return to your possession.” Number three, He says, “You eat the increase.” Number four, He says, “You don’t oppress one another.” Number five, you have supernatural increase, three times harvest in the sixth year. Number six, all debts are forgiven. And number seven, slaves go free. That is what we have in Christ.
Awesome, well, I’m just really glad you can watch us today. I believe that God wants to set you free in so many ways. One way that you can be set free is by giving. You know, some people hold out from giving because they’re really enslaved to money, but I think giving and sowing to the kingdom is a great way to just exercise your freedom in Christ.
And if you need prayer, give us a call today. We’re waiting to receive your call, blessings.
Voiceover Through grace, you have absolute victory in Christ. In absolute victory in Christ, discover how you can live the victorious life every day. Get your copy of Pastor Lawson’s book entitled “Absolute Victory in Christ” when you visit our website, CharisChristianCenter.com. Follow the Amazon link to get your copy in either Kindle or in paperback. While on our website, download your copy of this teaching, Freedom, from the store. Go to CharisChristianCenter.com to get your copies of these powerful resources.
Hi ladies, I am so excited to have you personally join us for this year’s Rejoice Women’s Conference. I know that God has something amazing in store for you. I know that He has good plans for us. I hope to see you there February 6th-8th, Cathy Duplantis is our Keynote speaker, my daughter-in-law, Heather Perdue, will be joining us, as well as I’ve even asked my husband, Pastor Awesome Lawson, and he will also be ministering. It’s gonna be a great time, look forward to seeing you there.
Friends, I want to thank you for being with us today. It’s our pleasure to share with you the word of God. We believe it changes lives and because of that, we’re broadcasting all around the world. It costs me right now around $2 million a year just for my staff and paying for our broadcast costs. But if you wanna become a partner and help us share the message all around the world, we would love to hear from you today.
Voiceover Thanks for watching “Grace for Today.” This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer, or have a question, please call us at 719-418-4000 or to partner online, go to CharisChristianCenter.com/Give. You can write us at P.O. Box 63733, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80962. See you next time on “Grace for Today.”