Do you know who God is? You see what God does is consistent with who He is, but a lot of people really don’t know who God is.

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Names of God
The Names of God Digital Download from Dr. Aaron Perdue. Over the course of history, God gradually revealed His true nature and His plan of salvation for mankind. One way He did this was through His name itself. Each of the seven redemptive names are revealed in the old testament, fulfilled in the life of Jesus, and available to the believer today. Jesus is Lord!
Names of God Transcript
Praise the Lord, friends, and welcome to the broadcast. I have a question for you. Do you know who God is? You see what God does is consistent with who He is, but a lot of people really don’t know who God is. In this teaching, we’re gonna begin to understand who God really is and the true nature of God through understanding his names. Open your heart and receive God’s word. Friends, it’s so good to have you with us today. We’re so blessed to have you, and we’re sharing a brand new teaching this week from Aaron’s teaching on the names of God. Aaron actually went to Rice University and studied biblical Hebrew with the Doctors of Religion there. And he was studying in the field of music, but he took this as a secondary thing and he has tremendous revelation in this names of God. So Aaron, I’m excited to have you here today. Excited to have you sharing this.
Yeah, I’m really excited to teach on the names of God. You know, we’ll be sharing from seven redemptive names of God. We won’t go through all seven, but I have a teaching where I go through all seven of the redemptive names of God. Those names are Jehovah Jireh, which means the Lord, your provider. Jehovah Rapha, the Lord your healer, Jehovah Nissi, the Lord, your banner or victory. Jehovah Mekadesh, the Lord, your sanctification, Jehovah Shalom, the Lord, your peace. Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord your righteousness. And Jehovah Shamah, the Lord is there. And sometimes these seven redemptive names are called the compound names of God.
It’s like a compound word. When you take two different words and glue them together, it makes a new word. Like if you take rail and road and glue it together, make a compound word, it becomes something new. So God, through scripture we see that his name Jehovah or Yahweh, he’s glued it to these other words like Jireh, your provider, or Raphah your healer, and Nissi your victory. So God is never gonna put sickness on someone because his name is Rapha, his name is healing.
God isn’t gonna steal from you because he’s a provider. His name is Jireh.
You know, God isn’t gonna defeat you because he’s the Lord, your victory. He’s Jehovah Nissi. And all throughout scripture we see God’s heart to redeem people. To restore people, to save people. And God call calls himself by these names, That is who he is.
Right? And so it’s very important for us to understand the true nature of God. And a lot of people don’t really understand the true nature of God, the goodness of God. Now, these names are revealed in the Old Testament, what the Jews knew as the Torah, but it’s a progressive revelation of who God is. But when you get into the gospels in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Jesus then is a perfect revelation of who the Father is. And he actually says in John 8, “Before Abraham was, I am.” But then if you go into the epistles, Paul’s letters, you find out Christ now is living in you, and you have the nature of God in you in Christ. And so all the Bible fits together harmoniously. And when you begin to understand that it will really change how we see God. But it also change, how we receive from God. A lot of people have a hard time receiving from God what he wants them to receive, because they have the wrong image of God, the wrong viewpoint of God.
And I like something that you’ve talked about too, as these names are revealed throughout the Old Testament. It’s called a progressive revelation.
People learned about God through relationship with him.
And you know, I wanna talk about Moses for a minute, because when he encountered God in the desert, you know, God was speaking to him through the burning bush, he asked, you know, God, you know, if I go, and tell the Israelites I wanna deliver you because your God sent me, they’re gonna ask me, what is your name?
And so, he needed to know what God’s name is. And God said, we’ll read it here in a moment, but God said, “Tell him that I Am sent you.” Something I learned from Hebrew is that every word in Hebrew is based off of a verb, and all the verbs in Hebrew are a three letter verb. So God’s name, Yahweh or Jehovah, it’s based, it’s four letters. It’s Yod Hei Vav Hei. And in the Old Testament, if you have a good English translation, whenever Yod Hei Vav Hei, you know, Jehovah or Yahweh is translated, it’s always Lord all caps.
So my dad likes the King James version. I had the New Kings James version. Most English translations, whenever Jehovah Yahweh is translated, it’s Lord all caps. And it happens quite a bit in the Old Testament, it actually happened 6,519 times.
But that four letter name of God, that’s the most intimate, the most holy name of God, Even Jews today, when they read the Old Testament, they don’t pronounce that name, they just say HaShem, which means the name when they read it, ’cause it’s too holy to pronounce, they don’t wanna say it in vain. But in our English translations, it’s always Lord all caps. But that Yod Hei Vav Hei, it’s based off of the verb Hayah, which is, He Ya He. And, that verb means to be, to exist. Like I am. So God spoke to Moses and said, “Tell them that I Am sent you.”
Sent you, right? To me, that means the self existent eternal name of God. You know, the Creator. It’s really interesting, Aaron. I went to Israel in November of 1987 with Dr. Lester Sumrall. But while we were there, we were on a tour and you were going all around, you know, Israel. But I began to sing on the bus one day. ♪ Baruch HaShem Adonai ♪ And the tour guide immediately said, “Stop that, Stop that.” Because they, when you say the name of God, to them, what we understand in a gentile culture as taking the name of the Lord in vain is completely different from what a Jewish person would understand taking the name of the Lord in vain is. So they stopped me immediately. And that wasn’t even using, you know, what the most holy name of God, Jehovah or Yahweh as you’re saying. And so to me that name means the self existent eternal God, the creator of the universe. And you know what, who God says that he is in the Old Testament, who Christ is. When we look into the gospels and see what Jesus did, and then, you know, Christ in us, in the epistles is very consistent all through the scripture. And when you get that picture, you can begin to receive from the good nature of God in your life.
And you know this, when God speaks to Moses, I just found it really interesting that he wanted to know what God’s name was.
You know, the Israelites had been enslaved in Egypt for 400 years. They hadn’t been able to worship God freely. You know, these pharaohs, you know, made them worship the Pharaoh as God wouldn’t let them sacrifice to the one true God. And you know, it’s really interesting, that God just speaks to Moses said, “Tell them that I am, I am that I am, that God is the one true God, the self existing eternal God.
And it’s super powerful. You know, Jesus actually prays in John 17, this is at the last supper. He prays that, you know, to the Father that he be glorified with the glory that they had before creation was.
So Jesus, if he’s Lord, if he’s the all eternal self existing God, if he’s the, you know, human manifestation of God.
Right, and He is.
And He is. If he’s Lord, then He has to be all of these things that we know the Lord to be, through the Old Testament. He has to be the Lord your provider. He has to be the Lord your healer. He has to be the Lord your victory.
He has to be the Lord your peace. And we see throughout the gospels, we see in the life of Jesus that he is a provider. His very first miracle was a miracle of provision.
A lot of people get angry about churches that preach provision, but Jesus was a provider that is part of who He is, as Lord. That is part of the gospel, that God wants to provide for you. He also wants to heal you, That’s actually the second, redemptive name of God. People get upset about the very first two redemptive names of God, the very first two redemptive qualities of God.
People don’t understand who God is. People don’t have a relationship with the word, a lot of times. You know, I love what John says in his gospel. Chapter one, verse one. “In the beginning was the Word and the word was with God, and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him. Without him was not anything made that was made.” John 1:1-3. But then in verse 14 he says, “The word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” Jesus is the visible representation of the invisible God. “And we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” But John doesn’t stop there. He goes on in verse 18 and he says, “No man has seen God. No man has completely understood or comprehended who God is at any time. But the only begotten son who is from the bosom of the Father, he has declared him. He has openly made him known.” So to see Jesus in action is to see the Father. And we can also see in the life of Jesus, Jesus revealed this. So God says in the Old Testament, this is who I am. And the promises that we have in the Bible are consistent with the nature of God. God is not gonna make a promise that is inconsistent with his nature. And when you begin to understand this is who God said that he is, then it makes it easier for you to come and begin to receive from God. Aaron, you know, we get criticized sometimes for preaching on, you know, God’s provision or healing. But you know, just in the last week, I had a man and him and his wife come here. But you know, she was diagnosed with a very extreme, very aggressive cancer a year ago. They didn’t give her very much hope, but we prayed for her. I believe that I told her, within a year, you’re gonna be declared cancer free. And they went in after they had done all this other surgery and stuff, and she did medical treatment, but the head surgeon came. And he’s at one of the leading cancer centers here in Colorado. And he came after this reconstructive surgery that she had kind of to put her back together. And he said, “She is absolutely cancer free. And I was absolutely shocked. I have never seen anyone in the condition that your wife was with this type of result. And I was expecting her still to have cancer. And she is cancer free. There’s absolutely no cancer in her body.” And you know, we see people that are healed and you know, there’s no medical intervention. There’s no medical, you know, and we see people that are healed, that have medical intervention, so on and so forth. But when you preach what the Bible says, then you can expect the promises of God’s word to come to pass in your life.
Well, that’s why it’s important to connect with ministries that preach the full gospel. The only part of the gospel that will work for you is the part that you’re not ashamed of. So if you’re ashamed of God’s heart to heal, or God’s heart to provide for you, take care of people. Or if you’re ashamed of God’s heart for peace, or his presence that is always there, always searching for you, it’s not gonna work for you.
Amen. And so praise God, you know, Jesus Christ is the answer. The word of God is the answer. And you know what? God is consistent throughout the Old Testament, the New Testament. You know who he says that he is in the Old Testament, his promises in the life of Jesus, who he says that he is what he does, and also in the epistles, praise God. And so we have the eternal word of an eternal God, and we can believe him. If you need prayer, you can give us a call in the break. We’ll be right back. Friends, I’m so glad that you’ve been watching. We’ve been sharing from my son Aaron’s teaching on “The Names of God”. And in these broadcasts we’re just able to share only a small portion of the teaching. But you can get the entire teaching on eight downloadable audios on our website, free of charge at The world has tried to change the value of what is truth. So what is truth? Jesus is the embodiment of truth. Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except by me.” Friends, I’m so glad that you stayed with us. We’re continuing to share on the names of God. This is Aaron’s teaching, and it’s tremendous, tremendous revelation. You know, we need to get a revelation of the gospel so we can begin to receive, you know, what God has for us. And what God has for us as his people is consistent with who He is. And so, like you said, Aaron, there are seven redemptive names of God in the Old Testament, and it’s consistent with his character. His promises come out of that when we see Jesus. Jesus is the physical representation, the visible representation of the invisible God. And then when we go on in, you know, to the epistles, to the Book of Acts, we see these same things happen in the Book of Acts that happen in the life of Christ. And then when we go into the epistles, we see that Christ now is in us. And so we have God living in us. And the very nature of God who he said that he is, is in us in the spiritual realm. And if you begin to understand what you have in you, in Christ, that’s a key to beginning to move into what God promised you. Praise God.
I love something that Paul had this great revelation of, you know, he wrote it in his letters to the Colossians. He said that Jesus is the express image of the Father. You know, Philip at the last supper told Jesus, “Hey, show us the Father, and it will suffice us.” And Jesus said, “How long have I been with you? If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father.” So Paul didn’t even see Jesus in the flesh, but he knew by revelation that Jesus was the express image of the Father. You know, so Jesus, he is all eternal. He’s Lord, but he’s also all sufficient.
He’s more than enough.
He’s all sufficient.
You know, when you look at these names of God, for instance, one of the first one that we’ll study, and we’ll be looking into this more tomorrow in Genesis 22, which is really the very first one includes everything. But he says, I’m Jehovah Jireh. And when Abraham offers Isaac, and that’s a type of Christ. Because as being a type of Christ, all provision. Forgiveness for our sin, healing for our body, peace for our mind, physical and financial prosperity. And I know that bothers some people, but when you begin to read the Bible, you’ll find out that these promises are true. And God has never changed. And so, you know, that first redemptive name of God includes all of those things in it.
Awesome. So let’s look at Exodus 3. This is where Moses receives this revelation of who God is, what his name is, that his name is Jehovah or Yahweh. So in Exodus 3 it says, Moses was tending the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the flock to the back of the desert and came to Horeb the mountain of God and the angel of the LORD.” Now notice it says Lord, all caps.
So in the Hebrew, in the original Hebrew, that’s Yod Hei Vav Hei, Yahweh or Jehovah. And you know, Moses wrote this book, he wrote the first five books of the Old Testament. So he knew that this was God’s name. So as he wrote it, you know, he wrote, that this is the Lord, all caps. But, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob didn’t know the Lord as that name. They knew him as El Shadai.
The Almighty one. So verse two, it says, “The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked and behold the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed. Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.” So when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses. And he said, here I am.” Then he said, do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet for the place where you stand His holy ground. Moreover, he said, I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look upon God. And the LORD.” So it says Lord, all caps. Jehovah or Yahweh. “The Lord said, I have surely seen the oppression of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their task masters, for I know their sorrows. So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up from that land to a good and large land, to a land flowing with milk and honey. To the place of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and the Jebusites. Now therefore, behold the cry of the children of Israel has come to me. I have also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them. Come now, therefore, and I’ll send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel out of Egypt. But Moses said to God, who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” I always love these encounters of God that people have in the Old Testament, ‘Cause oftentimes these great people of faith.
You know, we think that they don’t have any flaws, any fears, any reservations. Whenever God speaks to these, you know, people, these great men of faith who are listed as, you know, heroes of the faith, in Hebrews 11. They aren’t perfect people.
Moses was not a perfect person. Even when God spoke to him and he’s seeing this miraculous thing, he’s afraid. He’s afraid to look upon God. He’s afraid to do what God is telling him to do, but God meets him where he is at and helps him along the way.
Amen. Aaron, a couple things stood out to me as you were reading. In verse two, it says, “The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire.” You know, a lot of Bible scholars actually believe, when you see the angel of the Lord in the Old Testament in appearing, that’s a pre-incarnate form of Jesus Christ. And so, you know, Moses has this, you know, meeting with God. He really meets Jesus, in my opinion.
Well, I believe that’s true.
Some people might have different opinions about this, but that’s what I believe.
I believe it’s true. And actually in Judges, when Gideon encounters God, at first, it’s really interesting studying that encounter with Gideon, and that’s where we get the name Jehovah Shalom, the Lord, your peace. But it says, when Gideon first meets the Lord, it’s the angel of the Lord, right? And then in the middle of that encounter, it just switches. It’s the Lord talking to him. Kind of like here, it’s the angel of the Lord, but then it’s the Lord speaking to him.
Right. Also, in Genesis 22, when we get the first redemptive name of God, when Abraham meets, you know, this angel of the Lord and wrestles with this angel till daybreak. And actually I got that wrong, that’s Jacob later. But Jacob wrestles with the angel, and the Lord changes his name from Jacob to Israel. As a prince, you have power with man and with God and have prevailed. But you know, all these different, you know, Dr. Lester Sumrall said something about faith. He said, “Really, faith is knowing God.” And I can tell you, you know, Moses met God, and he began to understand who God was in a completely different way. He was 80 years old here, And Moses had three distinct periods of his life. He had first of all, 40 years in Egypt. And he was learning all the ways of the Egyptians. That’s kinda like the physical realm of the flesh. Then he had 40 years on the backside of the desert. And I believe he was developing his soul. Nobody was more prepared to lead Israel through the wilderness than Moses because he knew every waterhole in the backside of the desert. And then the last 40 years of his life were 40 years. Really, and this is after he met God. And, you know, he says, you know, it’s interesting because when he is 40, he said, I can do this, when he is eighties, that there’s no way I can do this. And so God, He begins to lead them from the power of the spirit, not from the power of his flesh. And so, you know, really all these people met God. And really faith is knowing God. I know some great people of faith. Jesse Duplantis is a great man of faith. Andrew Wommack is a great man of faith. Mark Hankins is a great man of faith. But these are people who know God, great people of faith know God.
Amen. I’m gonna dive back in here in Exodus 3, I’m gonna pick up in verse 11. It says, “Moses said to God, who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt? So he said, I will certainly be with you.” And what an awesome comforting thing for God to say to Moses. And I believe that God is saying that to you, to some of you right now, some of you who might be dealing with fear, in stepping out and doing what God has called you. God is with you. And I love that God tells Moses, “I’m certainly with you. This shall be a sign to you that I have sent you. When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain. Then Moses said to God, indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, the God of your fathers has sent me to you, they say to me, what is his name? What shall I say to them?” You know, if you’re gonna know someone, like you’re talking about knowing God, you have to know their name. If you really know someone-
Know their nature.
You have to know their name.
So God says to Moses, I am who I am. So he’s talking about the verb root of his name, Yahweh, which is Hayah. I am, Hayah is to be. So he’s saying, “I am who I am. And he said, thus shall you say to the children of Israel, say that I am has sent me to you.”
Amen. Praise God. So he began to understand God and know God in a completely different way, than he known him. And so, you know, he came into this personal relationship with God. Another thing I saw in here, Aaron, is he brought him into a land of milk and honey, you know, he said, “I’m gonna bring you into a land of milk and honey.” You know, the promised land is a good thing. And when you get to know God, then you can begin to experience his promises.
So, later on in scripture, one thing I like to do in this teaching is show that Jesus is Lord.
And we know here when God speaks to Moses from the burning bush, he says that I am, my name is, I am. And later on in scripture, when Jesus was ministering on the earth, and this is in John 8, so this is actually the same chapter where the woman caught an act of adulterer is thrown before Jesus. And Jesus makes this declaration that says, “You know, he who’s without sin let him cast the first stone.” And Jesus actually didn’t break the law. He was fulfilling the law because in the law, in the middle of the law, Deuteronomy is the reiteration of the law. It’s 34 chapters. The middle chapter, chapter 17, verse 10. It says, if someone is caught in a sin, that’s they’re guilty, you know, to be put to death, bring them to a priest, to a judge, and you have to do what they declare. So they brought this woman before Jesus and he made his declaration, right? And I believe when Jesus was writing in the ground, he was writing out that law, right? Which is right in the middle of the law. So he was fulfilling the law. But later, you know, Jesus was talking about Abraham, and telling these religious leaders at the time that Abraham rejoiced to see my day. And they took issue with that. They said, you know, how old are you? You’re not even 50 years old. And Jesus said before Abraham was, I am. It’s all caps there too. So Jesus declaring that he is Lord, and they wanted to stone him right then.
Amen. Jesus was saying, “I am the eternal God. I’m God manifest in the flesh.” And so, you know, we’re gonna have a lot more teaching on this all of this week, but we’ve got a lot more again, and it’s on our website. It’s downloadable and free in Aaron’s teaching on “The Names of God”, plus hundreds of hours of teaching that you can get. And so if you would like to get that, you can go to our website at and get those things on our store absolutely free of charge. Also, if you need prayer today or if you wanna make a donation to help us with the cost of these broadcasts, you can give us a call. We would love to hear from you. Thank you so much, and God bless you today.
God gradually revealed his true nature and his plan for salvation for mankind. One way he did this was through his name itself. Each of the seven redemptive names of God are revealed in the Old Testament, fulfilled in the life of Jesus and available to the believer today. We’d like to bless you with a digital copy of “Names of God”, a $24 value free of charge. Download your copy today at
Friends, I’m Pastor Lawson Purdue from Charis Christian Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. And we are celebrating 23 years of the grace of God, the goodness of God, the faithfulness of God, at our anniversary service. My friend and mentor, Andrew Wommack will be teaching here at the church. We’d love to have you at Charis Christian Center for our 23rd anniversary celebration, blessings. Friend, I want to invite you to pray with me right now. Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus Christ is your son. I believe that he died for my sins. I believe that you raised him from the dead on the third day, and made him Lord. And right now I surrender my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen. Thanks so much, friends for being with us today. Blessings.
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