Does God put sickness on people to teach them something? We’re going to answer this question from the Bible in this broadcast today.

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Names of God
The Names of God Digital Download from Dr. Aaron Perdue. Over the course of history, God gradually revealed His true nature and His plan of salvation for mankind. One way He did this was through His name itself. Each of the seven redemptive names are revealed in the old testament, fulfilled in the life of Jesus, and available to the believer today. Jesus is Lord!
Names of God Transcript
Praise the Lord, friends, I am so glad that you are with us today. I believe that you’re going to be blessed. If you have friends that need to receive healing, I encourage you to encourage them to watch this broadcast. And I have a question for you today. Does God put sickness on people to teach them something? We’re going to answer this question from the Bible in this broadcast today. Be blessed Friends, it’s great to have you with us today. And, Aaron, it’s great to have you. And we’re actually sharing again from your teaching on the names of God. And if you’ve never done a study on the names of God, the names of God in the Old Testament really reveal the true nature of God. And there are specifically seven of these names that are redemptive. There’s seven redemptive names of God in the Old Testament, and it reveals the true nature of God. And if you can understand who God is, then you can understand what God does. All of God’s promises are consistent with who he said that He is. All of God’s promises come out of His nature. And then you begin to look at Jesus, and Jesus is the perfect representation of the Father. And then we go on from that and look into the epistles and find out that we have Christ in us. So we have the true nature of God in us. When you begin to put all that together, then you’ll begin to flow in the blessing of God like never before.
And I love the name that we studied yesterday, we talked about yesterday, which was Jehovah-Jireh or Yahweh Yireh, which means the Lord is your provider. The Lord will provide, God is a provider.
And if Jesus is Lord, He’s a provider as well. And we know looking at the life of Jesus, that He was a provider, right? His very first miracle turning water into wine was a miracle of provision. You know, turning five loaves and two fish, multiplying that to feed thousands of people,
Jesus was a provider, and His provision is still for us today. And when God provides, it’s never in short supply.
It’s always more than enough.
It’s always abundant in quality, it’s always abundant in quantity.
It’s always more than enough. God is not going to going to skimp out. He’s not going to shortchange you.
And with God, when He provides, its always in abundance,
And His ultimate provision was the sacrifice of His only begotten son on the cross,
That was the provision that just took care of everything.
And the blood of Jesus actually perfects you forever. And the saints are being perfected forever by that one offering. It was the perfect, and that that offering was so abundant that it’s always going to be enough.
There’s nothing that you can do that’s greater than what God provided for in the sacrifice of Jesus.
Amen. And where God reveals that to Abraham about 2000 years before Christ, in Genesis 22, Abraham is taking Isaac up to put him as a sacrifice. Basically, Isaac represented everything that Abraham and Sarah had believed God for, for years and years. And he’s willing to lay it on the line. And when he did that, God said by myself, I have sworn that in blessing, I will bless you and multiply, I will multiply you. And God called the name of the place, Jehovah Jireh, or Abraham did. The Lord is my provider, the Lord is there. And then we go into the epistles and even see this in Paul’s letters, where he says in Philippians 4:19, but my God shall supply all of your need according to His riches and glory by Christ Jesus. Today we’re going to get into the second name or redemptive name of God revealed in the Old Testament. And that is Jehovah Jireh or Jehovah Rapha, excuse me, the Lord our healer. So, Aaron, go ahead and jump into the word today.
So this is an awesome name of God, redemptive name of God. They’re often called the compound names of God as well ’cause if you look at it in the Hebrew, these names are glued together, right? It’s Jehovah or Yahweh and Rapha, healer. So this name, God cannot separate Himself from this name. If people question if it’s God’s will to heal, you can’t say that it’s not His will to heal or that He is not a healer that God forbid you say that God gave sickness to someone.
Because that’s completely against His nature. That’s completely against His name, right? You can’t call God, the one who puts sickness on people because He’s the one that removes sickness because He is Rapha, He is the Lord our healer. So let’s look at this name. Yahweh Rapha, Jehovah Rapha in Exodus 15. This is actually just three days into the wilderness journey. Three days after leaving Egypt, after going through the Red Sea. It’s very interesting to see just how people’s hearts can turn very quickly. Just a few days before when they crossed the Red Sea, they were having a big party. They were praising God, they were thanking God, both in three days, things shifted really quickly. So here in Exodus 15, we’ll start in verse 22, said, so Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea. Then they went out into the wilderness of Shur. And they went three days in the wilderness and found no water. Now, when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah for they were bitter. Therefore, the name of it was called Marah. And the people complained against Moses saying, what shall we drink? So they were just praising God, just thanking God. Probably loved Moses, probably voted him the greatest leader. He had a 100% popularity vote, but within three days. They all wanted to kill him, they’re all complaining. They had all become bitter. Man, you have to guard your heart as a believer. It’s so easy to become bitter. I believe the enemy tries to temp people with bitterness, with those roots of bitterness by which many have become defiled, is what it says in Hebrews. And I see people who sing your praises, love you one minute, then the next minute, they’re bitter. They’re complaining, they’re stirring the pot, trying to get other people to complain along with them. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Outta the abundance of the bitter heart, the mouth complains.
And they’re complaining here. And, Marah, that water there wasn’t the only thing that was bitter, their hearts were bitter,
And a bitter heart is worse than anything.
So because it shows that they’re angry against God. They’re angry against the people, against Moses, against the leaders that God had placed in their life. So it says in verse 25, Moses had the right response. He didn’t just complain.
He cried to God.
He cried out to the Lord.
And the Lord showed him a tree. And when he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet. There he made a statute and an ordinance for them. And there he tested them and said, if you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God, and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments, keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you, which I’ve brought on the Egyptians for I am the Lord who heals you. So God says here, right there, that I am the Lord who heals you. My name is Jehovah Rapha, that is who God is. God is a healer, and that is His heart. He wants to redeem people, He wants to restore people. He wants to heal people. And if Jesus is Lord, He is the Lord who heals you.
Amen. You know, Malachi 3:6 and I’m getting ahead of ourselves, but there are seven of these redemptive names of God in the Old Testament. I’m the Lord your provider, I’m the Lord your healer, I’m the Lord your deliverer, your protector, your victory. I’m the Lord your sanctification, I’m the Lord your peace. Finally, He says, I am the Lord your righteousness. And the very last one, I am Jehovah-Shammah. I’m the Lord who’s there, I’m ever present. But then He says in Malachi 3:6, I’m the Lord and I change not. So God is always the same, He’s never ever going to change. So we today, and you can study this out in Hebrews 6, we have the unchangeable word of an unchangeable God, but also Jesus is the same. He said, I will never leave you and I will never forsake you. So God said, I’m this, then you look into the gospels and Jesus does all, He’s the visible representation of the invisible God. And Jesus does what God says that He is. So Jesus is this physical representation, for instance, is healing the will of God? Go to the life of Jesus. How many people did Jesus put sickness on? Zero. How many times does it say Jesus healed them all? 14 times in the New Testament, it says that Jesus healed them all. And so we understand that. Then we go over to the epistles, and Peter says this, actually, he looks back on the cross and he says in one Peter 2:24, who his own self bear our sins in His own body on the tree, that we being dead to sin should live under righteousness by whose stripes you were already healed. But there’s a type of this right here in Exodus where you just read and-
Yeah, I love that God shown Moses a tree, you know.
Peter was talking about that tree, that tree points to Jesus. I believe just like Abraham saw Jesus and rejoiced and was glad in seeing Jesus, I believe that here Moses saw the gospel. I believe that God was preaching the gospel, preaching redemption, preaching Jesus to Moses. He was showing him that tree, that tree points to Jesus,
And that tree, when it’s thrown into the waters, scripturally, and Bible scholars believe this, oftentimes when you see waters represented in scripture and in prophecies, it’s talking about the gentile nations of the world, right? So that tree is Jesus being thrown into the waters, thrown into the nations of the world and healing them.
Jesus brings healing to whoever believes on Him. You know, Jesus healed Jewish people, but he also healed Gentile people. He healed the Syrophoenician’s demoniac daughter.
He healed the Roman centurion servant. So, again, Jesus healed them all. And so there’s actually three trees of healing when you look at the scriptures. There’s this tree in Exodus 15, then there’s the cross, right? And that’s Isaiah 53:4-5, also first Peter 2:24. And then the Bible talks about in Revelation 22, that we’re going to go to the river of God, the throne of God, and there’s the tree of life on the side of this river. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. So, this is consistent through the scriptures. And what you have to understand is God is consistent through the scriptures. He said, I am the Lord your healer. And then He gave us promises of healing, then Jesus healed them all. And then Peter says, by who stripes you were healed. Now, Aaron, you have some great revelation on this in Exodus 15, and we’re going to go back in the last part of the broadcast and I’m going to have you talk about that. I’ve never heard anybody else teach this, but it’s tremendous revelation, understanding that this is something that is absolutely firm, absolutely done, absolutely part of who God is and absolutely part of finished work of the cross. So, hey, stay tuned. If you need prayer, you can call in during this break, but we’ll be back really quickly. Blessings. Friends, I’m so glad that you’ve been watching. We’ve been sharing from my son Aaron’s teaching on the names of God. And in these broadcasts we’re just able to share only a small portion of the teaching. But you can get the entire teaching on eight downloadable audios on our website, free of charge
The church is the best thing that has ever happened to the world. I’m so thankful for the church. I’m so thankful for the global body of believers. I’m so thankful for local church bodies like this. I love the local church because Jesus loves the local church. This is the thing that is holding our country together.
Friends, I’m so glad that you stayed with us. And I’m so excited about Aaron sharing this word from Exodus chapter 15. Talking about that the Lord is the Lord who heals us. And you know what? He always has been, and He always will be. Praise God. God is consistent.
So here, when this name is revealed, this redemptive name of God that is the same today, God is still the same. Jehovah Rapha, Yahweh, Rapha, the Lord your healer. This name is still God’s name today. You can still call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. You can call upon the name of the Lord and be healed.
And let’s look at this here in Exodus 15:25, it says, “You know, Moses cried out to the Lord. The Lord showed him a tree which points to Jesus, and he cast it into the waters which points to the nations of the world and the waters were made sweet, they were healed.”
And it says, “There He made a statute and an ordinance for them.” And these words for statute and ordinance are really important words. This is when God says, “I’m the Lord who heals you” in the next verse. He’s saying, “This is a statute and an ordinance.” In Hebrew, the word for statute is choq and it means something that is prescribed.
So hear that name of God, that redemptive name of God, Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals you. God’s name, it’s a prescription for health.
And if you believe that Jesus is Lord, the name of Jesus, even just saying the name of Jesus brings healing. Just like your doctor gives you a prescription to take an antibiotic to fight off a bacterial infection, the name of Jesus brings healing, it’s a prescription. You can pray the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus. Your name is healing, your name is life.
I just wanna say the name of Jesus. That’s a powerful Psalm because the name of Jesus, because Jesus is Lord, it’s a prescription for health.
It’s a prescription that brings healing.
You know, there’s another verse that goes along with this in Proverbs 4:20-22. It says this, “My son, attend to my word, give ear to my sayings. Let them not depart from your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your heart.” Then in verse 22, He says, “For they are life to all those that find them, and they are health to all their flesh.” And when you study out the Hebrew word for health, I believe it’s Marpeh. In Proverbs 4:22, that word for health means medicine for all your flesh. And so that’s saying exactly what you’re saying here. And then what? So it’s a prescription. Now go ahead and talk about the rest of this, Hebrew meaning of Exodus 15:25, where He says He made a statute and an ordinance and He proved them there.
Yeah, so the word for ordinance, we talked about statute, it means prescription. The word for ordinance in Hebrew is Mishpat. It means a judgment or the act of deciding a case. So God is saying, this is my judgment. This is what I’ve decided. My name is Jehovah Rapha. So that means it’s no longer debated. You can’t debate whether or not it’s God’s will to heal. God is saying, this is the judgment. The case has been decided. I am Jehovah Rapha. I am the Lord who heals. God does not put sickness on you. God does not put, you know, disease on you. God heals you.
He does the opposite. He is a healer. It’s already been decided. There is no debate to it.
You know, He says this in Malachi 3:6. He says, “I am the Lord and I change not.” Now, you know, He says in verse 26, “I’ll put none of these evil diseases upon you that I put on the Egyptians.” You have to realize that the Egyptians were fighting the covenant people of God. And so, you know, you don’t wanna fight God’s covenant people, right? In fact, He said this to Abraham, He said, I’ll bless those who bless you, I’ll curse those who curse you. Now, when you go to Galatians 3. Galatians 3 basically says, “Everybody who believes Jesus is blessed.” And God preached the gospel to Abraham. But then He says this in Galatians 3:13. And it fits right into what you’re saying here, and it also fits with 1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53, and numbers of scriptures. But He says this in Galatians 3:13, Christ has redeemed us. He has purchased us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on the tree.” So Jesus took the curse of sickness for us on Calvary. And so God would be wrong to Jesus, right? If He put sickness on us as a believer. It would be like double jeopardy. Because Jesus already took the curse for our sin, took the curse of sickness, took the curse of anxiety, took the curse of poverty. So God is not putting those on His people. Praise God. And then He goes on and says this, in Galatians 3:14, He says that, “Or so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” And when you go back to Deuteronomy 28 and study Deuteronomy 28, the first 14 verses are the blessings, but the last 50 plus verses, 54 verses are curses. And in those curses you see sickness a number of times. You see weak knees, you see, you know, blind eyes, you see heart failure, you see all these, you know, the scab, the itch, the botch. And then He says every other disease that’s not written in this book. So Jesus took every disease on Himself, on the cross, was cursed in our place, and God is not cursing believers today. He’s not putting sickness on believers today because Jesus already took that force at the cross.
And Jesus is still healing today as well. You know, Jesus, He’s not dead, He’s alive. And the same spirit that raised Him from the dead can dwell in us as believers. So Jesus is still healing today. So if you need healing in your body, you know, here in a moment, even right now, you can call us. We have trained prayer ministers who’d be happy to pray with you.
And when we pray, we’re not just praying, you know, just wishes and hopes, we’re actually praying covenant prayers. We have a healing covenant.
You know, God doesn’t break His covenant, He doesn’t alter His work.
It stays the same. So we actually have a healing covenant. Jesus actually said, “This is the children’s bread.” It’s available to us as believers. It’s part of our rights as believers.
So it’s not just something that you can ask for, but it’s something that you have authority to declare as a right for you.
Too many people come to God just asking for things that are already theirs.
Amen. So you’ve said both of these things when Moses cast that tree into the water, Exodus 15:25 and 26, it says, “And the waters represent the nations of the world. He said He made a statute,” which you said in the Hebrew is prescription, “And he made an ordinance or a judgment, and that when it says He made a judgment or an ordinance, it’s the art of deciding a case.” And He said, “This is what I’ve decided. I am the Lord who heals you.” So He is the Lord who heals us. He was the Lord who heals us. He always will be the Lord who heals us. He’s never changed from that.
And I wanna say this too about Jesus. You know, if Jesus is the Messiah, for Him to fulfill Messianic prophecy, He would have to be a healer.
And this is something I love about the gospel of Matthew. One of Matthew’s favorite phrases, which I love, is that it might be fulfilled, right? That it might be fulfilled. You know, there’s something different about the Bible versus every other holy book out there. And it’s that there are thousands of prophecies in scripture. There are 2,500 prophecies in scripture and 2,000 have been fulfilled.
Praise God.
And when I study prophecy, it just blows my mind. And Daniel 9, Daniel actually prophesied the exact year from the time… He prophesied that the temple would be rebuilt, but then he also prophesied that from the time it was rebuilt and dedicated, he prophesied how many years it would be till the Messiah would be stricken, would be crucified. And he prophesied it to 32 AD.
It is so powerful to study scripture, to study prophecy. But Isaiah 53:4 and 5 is a messianic prophecy.
And Matthew drew this out. He said, you know, looking at everything that Jesus did, that He went about healing, he did this that it might be fulfilled. If Jesus is the Messiah.
If He’s the anointed one, if He’s the son of David, the son of man, the son of righteousness, the king of righteousness, that He would have to do this. And it says in Isaiah 53:4 and 5 “Surely He’s born our grace.”
“He’s carried our sorrows, yet we esteemed Him stricken.” That’s that same word that Daniel prophesize in Daniel 9 when the Messiah would be stricken. “Smitten by God and afflicted, but He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him. And by His stripes, we are healed.” Matthew said this in Matthew 8:16 and 17. He said, “When evening had come, that they brought to Him.”
Amen. “Many who were demon possessed and He cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled.”
Which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.
Amen. So when you look at the scriptures, Isaiah, right? About 6 to 700 years before Christ says, by His stripes, we are healed. He says, He took our sicknesses, He bear our pains. If you study out in the literal Hebrew, right? Then Matthew looks at Jesus as Jesus’ healing the sick, right? And that’s what Jesus went about. “He went about teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all,” the Bible says, “Who were oppressed of the devil and healing every kind of sickness and every kind of disease.” And then Peter looks back on the cross in 1 Peter 2:24, and says, “His own self bear our sin in His body on the tree, that we being dead to sin should live under righteousness by whose stripes you were healed.” And if you study it out in the Greek, it’s talking about physical healing. So we gotta go with what the scripture says, praise God. So we have a covenant of healing and it was paid for at the cross. There’s a prescription in the word of God, it’s called the stripes of Jesus. There’s a judgment that’s already been made. And because Jesus took our sickness, we don’t have to take it anymore.
And I believe that prophecy is being fulfilled right now. You know, we have testimonies all the time of people being healed. My dad just mentioned, you know, a woman at our church who’s been gone through cancer treatments, very aggressive cancer, went in for surgery, and the surgeon at the top cancer hospital here in Colorado said, it’s a miracle, there’s no cancer. He was expecting to see cancer all throughout her body and couldn’t find any. So prophecy is still being fulfilled, that it might be fulfilled. He Himself took our infirmities, and boy our sicknesses. If you need prayer for healing today, right now, it’s yours as a believer, it is your covenant right.
As a believer to be healed. It’s already available. You already have it.
So give us a call if you need healing right now, we’d be happy to pray for you.
Yeah, if you wanna receive prayer, I’ve trained prayer ministers, we see lots of people healed, just give us a call. Also, if you need prayer for salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, or if you wanna be become a partner, give us a call. And we have these teachings free online. You can get ’em on our website. Blessings.
God gradually revealed His true nature and His plan for salvation for mankind. One way He did this was through His name itself. Each of the seven redemptive names of God are revealed in the Old Testament, fulfilled in the life of Jesus and available to the believer today. We’d like to bless you with a digital copy of Names of God, a $24 value free of charge. Download your copy today at
Friends, I’m Pastor Lawson Perdue from Charis Christian Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and we are celebrating 23 years of the grace of God, the goodness of God, the faithfulness of God. At our anniversary service, my friend and mentor, Andrew Wommack will be teaching here at the church. We’d love to have you at Charis Christian Center for our 23rd anniversary celebration. Blessings. Friend, I invite you to pray with me right now. Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus Christ is your son. I believe that He died for my sins, and you raised Him from the dead on the third day and made Him Lord. And right now I surrender my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Thank you so much for being with us today. Blessings.
Thanks for watching Grace for Today. This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer, or have a question, please call us at 719-418-4000, or to partner online, go to You can write us at P.O. Box 63733, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80962. See you next time on Grace for Today.