Names of God – Part 4 Lawson and Aaron Perdue

Did you know that the Lord is our victory, and he always wants us to be victorious, but how do we get there? We’re gonna talk a little bit about that today in the broadcast.

The Names of God Digital Download from Dr. Aaron Perdue

Digital Download

Names of God

The Names of God Digital Download from Dr. Aaron Perdue. Over the course of history, God gradually revealed His true nature and His plan of salvation for mankind. One way He did this was through His name itself. Each of the seven redemptive names are revealed in the old testament, fulfilled in the life of Jesus, and available to the believer today. Jesus is Lord!

Names of God Transcript

  Praise the Lord, friend, and welcome to the broadcast. I’m so glad that you’re connected with us today. Did you know that the Lord is our victory, and he always wants us to be victorious, but how do we get there? We’re gonna talk a little bit about that today in the broadcast. Make sure you tell your friends about this broadcast. Thanks so much for being with us. Blessings. Friends, I’m so glad that you’re with us, and we’re talking about the true nature of God, and we’re actually sharing on the names of God from Aaron’s teaching. Aaron studied biblical Hebrew at Rice University as he was getting his master’s and doctorate actually in the area of music. You took it as an elective, and you learned so many things. I remember one time you told me, Dad, you can see grace all over the Old Testament, and that’s awesome.


  Yeah, and I love this next name of God that we’re gonna be talking about, which is Jehovah-nissi or Yahweh-nissi, which is the Lord, our banner, the Lord, our victory. And I love studying these names, also just studying what’s happening, like how and when that name was revealed. But this name, the Lord our victory, the Lord our banner, that’s a powerful name, and it comes at an important point in history in scripture. So this is, you know, during the journey through the wilderness. Moses is leading the Israelites through the wilderness. And we’ll just dive in here in Exodus 17, verse eight. And it says, now, Amalek came and fought with Israel in Rephidim. So the Amalekites were one of the, you know, most fierce enemies of Israel. And they would come and fight the Israelites, you know, many times through scripture. There’s about seven or eight times they’re mentioned as coming against and fighting them. But eventually God made a promise that he would wipe out all the Amalekites. And it happened, it happened in scripture. There’s not one Amalekite on the face of the earth today. They were completely wiped out. But here in verse nine, it says, Moses said to Joshua, this is the first time Joshua is mentioned in scripture. And I love studying the life of Joshua because he was just a mighty man of faith, a mighty, you know, warrior. This is the very first time he’s mentioned in scripture. Moses basically appoints him to be the commander of the Israeli army. He says, “Choose a cement and go out fight with an Amalek. “Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill “with the rod of God in my hand.” So he gives him one day.




  To assemble an army.




  Which is pretty wild. And Moses is just saying, I’m gonna do what God told me to do. I’m gonna go on top of this hill and just have the rod of God in my hand. “So Joshua did as Moses said to him, and fought with Amalek, “and Moses, Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the hill. “And so it was when Moses held up his hand “that Israel prevailed. “And when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.” So it really didn’t have anything to do with what the Amalekites were doing or even what the Israelites were doing. It had to do with the rod of God. It was basically God is the one who’s gonna win this battle. It’s not up to, you know, how fierce the Amalekites are or how strong the Israelites are. A lot of battles aren’t really up to, you know, how crazy the circumstances are, or how strong you are in your own might. The battle belongs to the Lord.




  So in verse 12, it says, “Moses’s hands became heavy, so they took a stone “and put it under him, and he sat on it, “and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side “and the other on the other side. “And his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.” I just love this. We just see there’s a, just people taking different roles. You know, Joshua’s the commander of the army. Moses is the leader, the man of God. But he needs support as well.




  If he didn’t have people supporting him, if he didn’t have Aaron and Hur there, he wouldn’t be able to do what God had called him to do, what he needed to do. Verse 13, it says, “Joshua defeated Amalek “and his people at the edge of the sword.” So this is the very first battle that the Israelites had to fight themselves. Up until this point, God just took care of things. You know, the Egyptian army, God just drowned them in the Red Sea. But here, this battle was different, this battle, they actually had to pick up swords themselves, right? So there’s some battles that God’s just gonna drown it out. But there’s some battles that you’re gonna have to pick up a sword and fight with God as he gives you the strength to do so. So, verse 14, this is super powerful. “The Lord said to Moses, ‘Write this “‘for a memorial in the book and recount it “‘in the hearing of Joshua.'” I love what the King James says, the King James says to rehearse it,




  In the ears of Joshua. So that means every time that Joshua’s gonna go out for a battle, you have a book, you wrote down what God did, but also you’re gonna rehearse it. You need to rehearse the victory.




  The devil tries to to play, you know, just on loop, just videos of defeat in your mind, videos of your personal defeat, videos of other people who are close to you, who are defeated, who didn’t make it, who lost the battle. But you need to rehearse the victory. That’s what God was telling Moses. This is how you’re gonna train Joshua and raise him up to one day lead this nation. He needs to rehearse the victory. He needs to remember that God is victorious, that he’s the Lord our banner.


  Somebody watching me today, I had this happen, you know, years and years ago, but it’s like I had a neon light in my mind flashing. You failed, you failed, you failed. And I had to just get over that by believing and speaking what God said about me. And you know, the devil will try to cause you to get focused on failure so that you fail over and over again. But you need to take the word of God and see that God says that “You’re more than a conqueror through him who loved you,” Romans 8:37, that God says, “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you,” in Philippians four, verse 13, that God says in First John four, verse four, “Greater is he that’s in you than he that’s in this world.” That God says in First John chapter five, verse four, “This is the victory that overcomes the world, “even our faith.” And you need to begin to say what God says about you. And don’t just accept this lie of the enemy that you have failed. So you have this, you know, failure, like a stuck record just going on over and over again. But you begin to look at what Jesus has done. And Aaron, you said another thing. There are some battles that the Lord just gets involved and he does. There’s some, you gotta take up the sword and fight. And the sword that we take up today. See, the battle has already been finished. Jesus has already conquered the enemy. But the sword that we take up is we take up the word of God in our hands, in our mouth, and by believing and speaking the word of God, we enter into the victory that Jesus has already won.


  Amen, so we see here that Moses is to write this for a memorial in the book and rehearse it, recount it in the hearing of Joshua, “That I will utterly blot out the remembrance “of Amalek from under heaven.” I actually wrote down on the seven leaders of Israel that had to fight, you know, against the Amalekites, and they were eventually completely wiped out. So there were three judges, Ehud, Barak and Deborah, Gideon had to fight against the Amalekites. You know, Gideon received this revelation that, one of these redemptive names of God, that God is Jehovah Shalom. And then four rulers and kings, Saul, Samuel, David, and Hezekiah all fought against the Amalekites. But this was a promise that they could hold onto that God would wipe them out. And then this is super powerful, verse 15, it said, “Moses built an altar and called its name “the Lord is my banner.”




  And that is one of the redemptive names of God, a compound name of God that Jehovah is the Lord Our banner. His name is Jehovah-nissi, And the word nissi, I mentioned this before in the series, that Hebrew words are based off of three letter verbs. And there’s one time in scripture where this word nissi, the noun is nas, which means a banner, a flag, ’cause he was holding up the rod like a flag. You hold up a rod, you know, like when you, in battle for victory,




  Also to proclaim to people, you know, this is our, this is my hill. I’m not coming down off of it. You know, I have two younger brothers. When we were kids, we’d play King of the Hill. And who ever on top the hill, you are the victorious one.




  And Moses saying, this is my hill. This is God’s hill. He is Jehovah-nissi, built an altar there. But the root for flag, for Nas is Nasass. It means to raise up like a flag. And that root word, the verb root, is used only one time in scripture. And it’s in the book of Zacharia. I love Zacharia. There are actually more messianic prophecies, prophecies of Jesus in Zacharia than any other book of the Bible.




  And Zacharia 9:16 is where we see this, the root word nasass, it means to lift up like a flag, to lift up like a banner in victory. It’s in Zachary 9:16. It’s talking about Jesus. It says the Lord, all caps, that’s Yahweh again, the most holy, the most reverential name of God. “The Lord their God will save them in that day “as the flock of his people. “For they shall be like the jewels “of a crown lifted like a banner,” nasass, “lifted like a banner over his land.”




  And that’s what Jesus does for us. He gives us complete victory. It says, we are placed like jewels in his crown lifted up like a banner, lifted up in victory.




  You know, Jesus wears the victor’s crown. But we are part of the victor’s crown. We’re jewels in that victor’s crown of Jesus. You are not defeated. You are not a victim. You are victorious because Jesus is victorious. Jesus is the Lord our banner. Jesus is the Lord our victory. When you lift up the name of Jesus, you’ll have victory.


  Amen, and I love this, Aaron. God told Moses, you write this for a memorial in the book, and you rehearse it in the ears of Joshua, rehearse the victory. Rehearse, you know, Joshua after this battle went from victory to victory to victory to victory. But it wasn’t till about 500 years later that David went from victory to victory to victory. And David actually possessed all of the borders of Israel that God had told them that he was going to give to Abraham 500 years prior. So God spoke this to Abraham, he renewed it to Moses and Joshua, but it was 500 years later. But David, you know, they said this about Solomon, Solomon didn’t have any giants to defeat. And the reason was that David beat them all. Praise God. But you know what, David did this same thing. God, when he won this victory, he took this Philistine giant’s head, and he took that to Saul, but he took this Philistine giant’s armor, and he hung that in his tent. And I believe every time that David looked at Goliath’s armor, looked at his sword and his spear and his armor, that David was rehearsing the victory. And that’s what helped him go from victory to victory. And some of you watching me, you’ve been struggling with defeat. But I’m here to tell you, you need to get a picture of victory on the inside of you that comes from Jesus and that comes from the word of God. And you need to begin to rehearse the victory. And you need to begin to speak the word of God and say what God says about you. And if you begin to do that, you’re gonna move out of this place of defeat, and you’re gonna move into that victory, physically and financially and emotionally and spiritually. And so if you need prayer, we’re gonna be back right after a short break. Give us a call during the break or at the end of the broadcast. We’ll be right back. Blessings. Friends, I’m so glad that you’ve been watching. We’ve been sharing from my son Aaron’s teaching on the names of God. And in these broadcasts, we’re just able to share only a small portion of the teaching. But you can get the entire teaching on eight downloadable audios on our website, free of charge at


  You know what? When God tells you to do something, you need to do it. And you don’t need to worry about every Tom, Dick and Harry over here, and what they’re gonna say or how they’re gonna try to manipulate you or treat you. You just keep on plugging on, and you keep doing what God told you to do, and he will work them out. You have to let God be God, and you have to do what he tells you to do.


  Friend, I’m so glad that you stayed with us. We’re gonna continue to share on the Lord who is our banner, the Lord our victory. Praise God. We have victory through Jesus Christ. We’re more than conquerors through him that loved us.


  Yeah, and I love when this name was revealed, you know, it was revealed to Moses and to Joshua, you know, when they had a fight against the Amalekites. This is the first time that the Israelites had to fight in battle themselves. Up until this point, you know, God took care of them. He wiped out the Egyptian army just by drowning them in the Red Sea. But here, the Amalekites came against them, and they were a problem. They were a recurring problem. You know, I mentioned seven different kings and judges, rulers of Israel that had to fight against the Amalekites. And you mentioned King David, and David had to fight a lot of battles as well. And he was victorious too. And I like that you brought out that he actually took Goliath’s armor and hung it in his tent.




  You know, he took the sword of Goliath, he kept it for himself as a trophy, as a reminder that there’s no giant too difficult for my God.




  And you know, David actually conquered the Jebusites in Jerusalem. Jerusalem up until David’s life had been controlled by the Jebusites. You know, Saul, the king before David, set up his capital in Hebron. But David set up the capital in Jerusalem. So today, Jerusalem is called the city of David.


  Amen, praise God.


  It still called that to this day,


  And it’s still the city of David because it belongs to the house of David.




  To the lineage of David. And one day Jesus will be king.




  In Jerusalem, and he’ll be king in the eternal Jerusalem, the new Jerusalem.




  And so here, when this battle is going on, you know, Moses had to hold up the rod. Aaron and Hur helped support him, helped hold up that rod because really it wasn’t about how strong the Amalekites were, or even how strong the Israelites were. It was about God. It was about God being victorious, God being over it. God being the high point in that situation.




  So whatever battle you’re facing, God has to be the high point.




  His name has to be the high point.


  Amen, you need to let Jesus be ultimate Lord in your life. And if you’ll let Jesus be the ultimate Lord and completely surrender to him, I believe that you can begin to see the Lordship of Jesus in situations that you’re facing on a day to day basis.


  And I love, you know, after they defeated the Amalekites, I mean, verse 14, Exodus 17:14, “The Lord said to Moses, ‘Write this “‘for a memorial in the book and recount it “‘in the hearing of Joshua, “‘that I will utterly blot out the remembrance “‘of Amalek from under heaven.'” You know, sometimes the enemy tries to come back with a similar type battle, but God’s gonna utterly blot out those things. Some of you guys have been dealing with recurring illnesses, recurring financial issues. You get out of debt, but then it just happens again. Or you get stronger physically, but then there’s just another battle. Remember that God wants to utterly blot out even the remembrance of these things.


  Some of you, it’s because there’s a stronghold in your mind. And you know what? Until you break that stronghold in the place of your mind, you keep going back and doing these same things over and over, or allowing these same things to happen. And some of you, it’s because things that you allow. A lot of people are blaming God, and it’s not God. It’s because you’ve allowed, and you know what, I said this the other day when I was sharing, but it’s hard to operate in victory when you’re singing the victim song. So you gotta quit singing the victim song. You need to start saying what God says about you. And then you need to begin to think different so you can move out of those places where you’ve been held captive.


  And here, you know, the Lord said to Moses to write it for memorial in the book and recount it or rehearse it in the hearing of Joshua. You know, one thing the enemy tries to do, even in your own mind, even in your own thoughts, your own remembrance of the past, is to erase God.




  You know, the devil tries to erase God from the books of history.




  You know, the devil. he tries to do it here in our country, in the United States of America. He tries to erase God from the history of America.




  He tries to erase God. You know, our founding fathers, many of them were believers. Many of them wanted prayer, you know, in government. They wanted prayer, they even wanted services in government.




  But the, you know, people have tried to erase that. The enemy tries to erase God from history. He tries to erase God from your own history.


  I’ll give you an example, you know, in Israel. In Israel, you know, we have these people say we wanna go back to the former borders. And they’re talking about 1967. Aaron, you just talked about how David overcame and took Jerusalem. And that was in about 1000 BC. Let me tell you, that’s the land of Israel. And in eternity it’s gonna be the land of Israel. And there were people prior to Israel becoming a nation in 1948 that said, they’ll never be a nation. There were Christian people that said that. And you know, according to the word of God and God’s promise, these aren’t just figurative promises. But do you know what? Israel became a nation against all odds. And Israel has remained a nation against all odds. And I believe that they’ll remain until the time that Jesus Christ reigns in Jerusalem.




  Praise God.


  And, you know, Jesus because he is Lord, he is the Lord our victory.




  You know, as believers, you should have a victor’s mindset, not a victim’s mindset.




  And some of you just, just go around defeated because you just have a defeated mindset.




  And you need to have a victor’s mindset. I love the apostle Paul. He had a victor’s mindset. He dealt with a lot of distress, a lot of very, you know, gruesome situations. But he never let that affect his mindset, his identity in Christ. His mindset was that Jesus is my victory. And because I have Jesus, I’m victorious. He actually said, I am more than a conqueror.




  And we need to have a more than a conqueror type mentality. I actually wanna read from one of Paul’s letters in Romans eight.




  I wanna start in verse 31. Romans 8:31 says, “What then shall we say to these things?”




  What are these things? That could be anything that’s come against you. What shall we say to these things? “If God is for us, who can be against us? “He who did not spare his own son, “but delivered him up for us all.” You know, Jesus was hung on a tree. He was hung on top of that mountain.




  He was lifted up.




  He is the Lord our banner. He’s been lifted up for our sake. He was delivered. He delivered him up for us all. How shall he not with him also freely give us all things.


  You know, Aaron, stop right there. The way that you can know that God is for you is the cross. Because this is what Paul’s saying. “If God before us who can be against us?” How do we know that? The Father spared not his own son. God the Father did not spare Jesus, but he sent him to the cross for us all. He said, “He delivered him up for us all. “How shall he the Father, not with him “freely give us all things?” You know, if God would give you Jesus, why wouldn’t God forgive your sins? If God would give you Jesus, why wouldn’t God heal your anxiety and give you peace of mind? If God would give you Jesus, why wouldn’t he heal your body? If God would give you Jesus, why wouldn’t he provide for your financial need? That’s what he’s saying. If God sent Jesus to the cross for us, you know, when we were in sin, how shall he not, the Father not with the Son, freely give us all these things? See a lot of people think you have to do something to gain healing or to gain the promises, but you didn’t do anything to gain forgiveness. Jesus did it all. And our mindset today as believers needs to be that Jesus has already done this. He’s already finished the work, and we need to rest in what Jesus has done so that we can receive what God has already paid for.


  That’s awesome. And it says in verse 33, “Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? “It is God who justifies. “Who is he who condemns?” God’s not condemning you. You know, a lot of people think that God’s condemning them, that God’s angry at them, that God’s disappointed in them. God is not condemning you.




  You know his heart is not to condemn you.


  Romans 8:1 says, “There is no condemnation “to those who are in Christ Jesus.” If you are in Christ Jesus, if you are born again, if you are a child of God, there is no judgment against you period. I can hear some of you saying, now this, I can hear you saying to those who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Well, you gotta realize what the flesh is. The flesh actually in this context is talking about relying on your own strength and your own ability and your own power, rather than relying on Jesus. Amen, go ahead, Aaron.


  So who is he who condemns? “It is Christ who died. “And furthermore, is also risen, “who is even at the right hand of God, “who also makes intercession for us.” That’s why we know God’s not condemning us because Jesus is interceding for us right now.




  “What shall separate us “from the love of Christ? “Shall tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, “nakedness, peril, sword?” These are things that Paul went through personally,




  And he said, these things aren’t gonna separate me. I’m still victorious because Jesus loves me.




  As it is written, “For your sake, “we are killed all day long. “We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. “Yet in all these things.”




  “We are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”


  Thank God, we are more than conquerors. We are hyper victorious or something. You can tell what that means.


  Yeah, more than conquerors. In the Greek, it’s hypernicaō. Nicao means to be a conqueror. Nike, it’s like where we get the Nike shoe from. In the Greek get means to be a conqueror. And hyper means to be like hyperactive. You’re extra. So you’re extra victorious. Through Jesus you’re extra victorious. You’re not defeated. You’re actually extra victorious.


  And how do you get there? You get there through a revelation of the love of God. And that’s what Paul talks about right here in verse 38 and verse 39. He says, “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, “nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, “nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, “nor depth, nor any other creature “shall be able to separate us from the love of God, “which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.”


  And I wanna leave with this final verse here, Second Corinthians 2:14. It says now, “Thanks be to God who always




  “Leads us into triumph in Christ “and through us diffuses the fragrance of his knowledge “in every place.” And I love this translation, another translation says, “But thanks be to God who always leads us “as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession “and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge “of Him everywhere.”




  God wants to make you an advertisement of his goodness.




  He wants to make you an advertisement of the victorious life through Jesus. You’re actually captives in triumph.


  Amen, so if you’re gonna walk in that victory, you need to understand who God is. You need to understand who Jesus is, and you need to understand who you are in Christ. In this teaching on the names of God, and you know what? We’ve just had time this week to get into a little bit of your full teaching, but we have the full teaching of Aaron’s on our website. It’s downloadable audio, and it’s free of charge. And we’ve got hundreds of other teachings, and you can get those and begin to walk in the victory that Jesus has for you, that God has for you in Christ. If you need prayer, I want to encourage you to call in today. We have trained prayer ministers to pray for you. Whether you need to receive healing, whether you need to receive a financial miracle, whether you need to receive salvation or the baptism of the Holy Spirit, just give us a call today. We’d love to hear from you. Thank you so much and blessings.


  Many people have questions regarding healing. What exactly did Jesus do? Is the Lord willing to heal me? What does faith have to do with it? Who has authority? Get answers to all these and more as you’re encouraged to step out and trust Jesus concerning his promise to heal you. He is present to heal. We’d like to bless you with a digital copy of “Present to Heal,” a $12 value free of charge. Download your copy today by going to


  Friends, I wanna thank you for being with us today. It’s our pleasure to share with you the word of God. We believe it changes lives, and because of that, we’re broadcasting all around the world. It costs me right now around $2 million a year just for my staff and paying for our broadcast costs. But if you wanna become a partner and help us share the message all around the world, we would love to hear from you today. Friend, I want to invite you to pray with me right now. Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus Christ is your son. I believe that he died for my sins. I believe that you raised him from the dead on the third day and made him Lord. And right now I surrender my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen. Thanks so much, friends, for being with us today. Blessings.


  Thanks for watching “Grace for Today.” This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer or have a question, please call us at 719-418-4000. Or to partner online, go to You can write us at PO Box 63733, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80962. See you next time on “Grace for Today.”

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