Redemption Part 3 with Pastors Lawson and Aaron Perdue. In this episode of Grace For Today you’ll learn how God redeemed us from every curse, so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ.

Redemption Package
Redemption Package includes two CD series from Pastor Lawson Perdue that will help you find the redeeming power of Christ. This bundle consists of the Redemption CD Series and the In Christ Realities CD Series.
Redemption Part 3 Transcription
Welcome friends of the broadcast. I’m so glad that you tuned in today. Today we’re talking about the promises of redemption. Praise God. Christ has redeemed us from every curse being made a curse for us so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. We’re redeemed from every curse and every blessing is ours because of redemption. Friends, I’m so glad that you’re with us today and we’re sharing on redemption. And we talked about, first of all in the last two broadcasts that redemption is the message of the Bible. Today we’re gonna start talking about the fact that redemption is the result of the gospel. It’s the result of what Jesus Christ has done. And not only is redemption, the result of the gospel, righteousness is the condition of the gospel. So we’re gonna begin in First Corinthians chapter one, verse 29 through verse 31, and we’re gonna be talking about righteousness and redemption. Redemption is the result of the gospel and righteousness is the condition of the gospel. Aaron, go ahead and read those scriptures. You can read it, verse First Corinthians 1: 29 to 31.
So it says “that no flesh should glory in his presence, but of him you are in Christ Jesus who became for us wisdom from God in righteousness and sanctification and redemption that as it is, and he who glories, let Him glory in the Lord.”
So when we look at this scripture in verse 30, very closely, it says of Him, of who? of God are you in Christ Jesus. Now if I make this statement, it might make some religious people upset, but I’m gonna make it. I am of God in Christ. And you know what? That is a fact. That is a spiritual fact about every born again believer that we are of God in Christ. And then it goes on to say this, he says, “Of him are you in Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us” Christ of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. We’re talking about redemption. Redemption is the result of the gospel. Freedom is the result of the gospel. Righteousness is the condition of the gospel. But he talks about these four aspects of who we are in Christ and said, Christ is made unto us wisdom. Now, when you study this out in the scripture, in the scripture it says that we have the mind of Christ. In First Corinthians chapter 2, verse 16, it’s talking about a spiritual condition. When you really begin to understand wisdom, I told Andrew Wommack one time, you know, 30 years ago to pray for me to have wisdom. We were pastoring in Kit Carson, Colorado. And he said, where is wisdom Lawson? He just asked me that question. And I didn’t know really how to answer him. And he said, wisdom is in Christ. Colossians two verse three says that Christ is the head of all wisdom. And since Christ is in you, you know what? You have the wisdom of God in you. You know, the Bible says this in Proverbs, and I believe it’s keying on this counsel in the heart of man is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out. In other words, in your spirit man, as a new believer, as a believer in Christ, you have wisdom in you, but you by the spirit of God can draw on the wisdom of God that is on the inside of you. You know, I had Jesse Duplantis here, and Jesse made this statement years ago. He’s come to the church every year for over 10 years and he made this statement and really stuck with me. So we had a couple of programs and we talked about it. We call that insights into faith. We have the product actually available on the internet you can get it, but Jesse made this statement. He said, most of the time in the realm of faith, I made a decision and God backed it. So when I was talking to Jesse Duplantis about this statement, you know, in the realm of faith, I made a decision and God backed it. It came down to this that most of the time, because I’m born again, Jesse said, I’m a born again man and the Spirit of God lives in me. When I make a decision from my inward man, my spiritual man living from the inside out, God’s involved in that decision. And so I want to do the will of God. Andrew Wommack talks a lot about this you know, delight yourself in the Lord, he’ll give you the desire of your heart. We’re not talking about the desire of your flesh, we’re not talking about the desire of your outward man. We’re talking about your spiritual man where Christ lives. And so Jesse says I make a decision outta this born again spirit and God’s in that so God backs it. And so most of the time in the realm of faith, I made a decision and God backed it. So God lives in us. So he says, you are in Christ Jesus who of God is made unto you. Christ of God, Christ is living. You have the mind of Christ in your spirit. And so you need wisdom learn to listen to the spirit of God in your spirit. You know, Aaron, you were teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and you said the Spirit, the anointing in you will lead you to the anointing on you. What a marvelous statement. And that boy, when you made, you made that a few years ago, man, that thing stuck with me. I’d never heard anybody say that. But the difference between the operation of the gifts in the Old Testament and the gifts in the New Testament is you have an anointing in you 365 24/7, you have the Spirit of Christ in you and the Spirit of Christ will lead you to the anointing on you. The gifts I’m talking about, the gifts flowing out of you, ministering to other people. So you have the mind of Christ, Christ is living in you. You have the mind of Christ. Now, all of these four things that he talks about Christ of God has made in his wisdom, sanctification, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. All of these things are immediate in the spirit, but they’re a process to walk out in the natural. So you have the mind of Christ, but you’ve gotta walk out the mind of Christ. You’re not a hundred percent walking in a hundred percent of the will of God just like that. You have to learn to develop that and listen to the Spirit of God in you and walk that out, right? And he says, wisdom and righteousness, you are. The moment we are born again as a believer, we are the righteousness of God in Christ. What’s Second Corinthians 5, verse 21, say, Aaron, you know, says, God made him Jesus to be sin for us who was ma….. That we might be made the righteousness of God in him, we’re made righteous. So our spirit is made righteous. But yet First John says he that’s righteous ought to be righteous or walk in righteousness so, or do righteousness. So you’ve got righteousness in your spirit, but you wanna live out the righteous life of Christ. I like to say this, I like to say that righteous living is a result of the righteous life. However, the righteous life is not a result of righteous living. In other words, it’s a gift of God. Righteousness is a gift of God. When we believe on Jesus, we’re given the righteous life of Jesus. Jesus became a sin offering for us, Second Corinthians 5, verse 21, that we might be made the righteous of God in him. So when you have the righteous life of Jesus in you, righteous living is a result. If you’ll renew your mind to these four things that Christ is in you, you’ll begin to live righteous. You’ll do more accidentally than you did on purpose before. But if you don’t renew your mind, you’ll never live that out. Sanctification, our spirit is sanctified. When is your spirit sanctified, Aaron?
When you believe on Jesus.
When you believe on Jesus. In one sense of the word, you’re as sanctified as you’ll ever be. I believe it’s scriptural for every believer to say I’m a saint. You know, Paul tells the Corinthians, who were actually living kind of like the devil, he says, now be a saint. You’re called to be saints. And so he is talking to this church that’s pretty fleshy and worldly and he says, you’re called to be saints. Be a saint. Live like who you are. Your spirit is already sanctified. Your spirit is sanctified the moment that you believe on Jesus. But as you renew your mind in the word, Jesus said, this is John 17:17. “Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth.” As we renew our mind in the word, we begin to live out the sanctified life of Jesus. So you are a saint, live like it. Praise God. You remember Carrie Pickett’s, mama Aaron in Kit Carson, Karen? Karen was a little rough around the edges. She taught Sunday school for us for years but Karen she’d…. I’d say, Karen, you know you’re a saint. And she’d go, ah, you know, and what I was doing, I’m just trying to get her to think about in the reality of who you are in Christ and who Christ is in you. And we as believers need to think about this spiritual reality. Christ of God is made unto us wisdom. I have the mind of Christ, it’s in me, but I’ve gotta renew my mind in the Word and I’ve gotta learn to listen about the spirit in me so that I can walk out the mind of Christ. I am the righteousness of God. Christ is made unto me righteous, but I’ve gotta learn how to walk out the righteousness of God. It’s not just immediate. You don’t wa….. just automatically walk in a hundred percent of the righteousness. You are the righteousness of God, your spirit is, but you gotta learn that and walk it out. And then he says, this and sanctification. Your spirit is sanctified. You can’t get your spirit anymore sanctified as in when you’re born again. Your spirit cannot be any more a saint than it is in the moment you’re born again, You’re either a saint or a sinner. You’re either a child of God or a child of the devil. Amen. But how do you live out that sanctified life? There’s plenty of believers not living out there life in Christ. So Aaron, share something here.
Yeah, just gotta live it out.
Yeah, live it out. How do you live out the gospel? How do you live out the sanctified life, the righteous life that the mind of Christ? How do you live that out in everyday way?
Just follow God’s voice.
Follow God’s voice. Where’s God’s voice?
He speaks just through our spirit.
Through our spirit. The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, is the light of the Lord. You know, lighting all the inward parts of the belly. So Christ of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. So Jesus is made unto us freedom. But how do we walk out the free life? Turn to John 8, Aaron and read John chapter 8 verse 30. All right, read clear on down, read…. start with verse 30 to verse 32 and let’s talk about how we walk in this freedom, how we walk in this redemption. All of these things are really the same.
So John 8:30, it says, “As he spoke these words, many believed in him. Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed him, if you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
So he’s talking to people who believe. So when you believe on Jesus as a new covenant believer since the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, your spirit right is…. you have the mind of Christ, you’re the righteousness of God in Christ, you’re sanctified and you’re redeemed. We just read that in First Corinthians of God are you in Christ Jesus, and Christ of God is made unto you wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. So Jesus says to these Jews who believe on him, in John chapter 8, verse 30, if you continue in my word, you’ll be my disciple indeed and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free. Redemption is freedom. At the heart of this Greek word for redemption apolutrosis is freedom. And really that’s the message of the scripture, that’s the message of the Bible. He whom the son sets free, Jesus goes on to say in verse 36 is free indeed. But how do we experience freedom? Well, you as a believer, you gotta continue in the word, you’ve gotta renew your mind. And it’s possible for you to be free and not walk in freedom. You can be made free by Jesus, but still be bound in your actions and bound in your attitudes because you never renewed your mind. That’s why it’s so important for us to become disciples, to let the word of God rule our mind and rule our… there’s a lot of believers that don’t pay attention to what the word says and you don’t see a lot of difference many times in the church and the world because they’re not… many believers are not renewing their mind in the word of God. That’s why we have this broadcast to teach people who they are on Christ. And when you begin to understand who you are on Christ, you begin to live different. Man, this happened to me when I was 14 years old, got filled with the Holy Ghost and begin to renew my mind in the word of God, my life began to be transformed. I’d already been born again for six years, but I didn’t live like it because I didn’t know it. But when you know it, praise God, if you’ll continue in my word, you’ll know the truth and the truth will make you free. It’ll begin to change how you live. Then go ahead and read verse 33 through verse 36.
“So they answered him, we are Abraham’s descendants and have never been in bondage to anyone, how can you say you will be made free. Jesus answered them, Most assuredly, I say to you whoever commits sin is a slave of sin and a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore, if the son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”
So if you wanna walk in true freedom, it’s not through religion, right. It’s not through just this, you know, you have freedom in your spirit, but you’ve gotta begin to take on the mentality of a son. Galatians four, verse one through seven says, “We’re no more servants but sons” and you know, a slave doesn’t abide. A servant, the law would make you a servant. A good servant might come down and sit at the master’s table and have a meal with him, even have a steak dinner if he did a really good job. But at the end of the day, a slave, where does he go?
Back to his quarters.
Back to the slaves quarters, back to living in the shack in the back of the back, you know, back 40 and the masters living in this big palatial plantation, but where’s the master’s child live? Where’s the master’s son live.
In the house, yeah.
Why? Because he’s.
A son.
A son, a son lives in the house. When you were a child, you lived in my house, you came to my house, you took things, you didn’t even ask me. I’d have a coke hidden in the back of the refrigerator. Just forbid you’d come drink it. Why?
Cause I was a son.
Because you’re a son, you took your authority, glory to God and you know your authority. Many believers don’t understand their authority. Jesus talking about sonship will lead you into maturity, lead you into authority that’s what Galatians four talks about. Sonship will lead you into maturity, lead you into authority as a believer. We need to take our God-given authority and begin to walk into freedom, begin to walk in redemption. Christ is made unto us redemption but a lot of people don’t live in free. Why? Because they, number one, they don’t know it. What you don’t know can hurt you. But then after you know it, you begin, you’ve gotta just keep reminding yourself and then you have to begin to take your God-given authority and walk in that freedom as a son, as a child. Praise God. Know that you’re loved by the father, know that you’re accepted by the Father. Know that you have a right to what’s in the father’s house. Praise God. I remember one time, you know Peter, your little brother got in trouble. I’m not supposed to talk about this, but he got in trouble at school. You know, you boys were really good boys, Peter’s a really good boy. But when you got in trouble at school, at our house, you’re in trouble when you came home. And mom called me and I was at work, I said, well, I’ll deal with that later when I get home. I got home, Peter was sitting at our table, kitchen table and he was eating a steak dinner, a ribeye steak. Now he wasn’t eating a ribeye steak cuz he was a good boy. He was eating a ribeye steak cuz he’s my boy. But you know what, I talked to him and we got him going. Peter’s a very good young man. Loves Jesus, loves the word, loves God, goes to church, has a great family, great wife, good job. You know God’s, he’s doing really well in life. But you know, freedom comes from…. we’re born in the house. A servant doesn’t abide in the house forever. You know, the law would make you a servant because you’re trying to please God by your own strength, but you really can’t. You understand grace in the law, you really can’t do it through the law. But Jesus came and made you a son and now that you’re son, you’re born in the house and you have a right to what’s in there. When you begin to understand it changes how you let… share something with us.
Well, we’re gonna take a brief break. We’ll be right back after this break. Stay tuned. You don’t wanna miss what we have to say after this break.
Praise God. Friends, I’m so glad you’ve been watching. Today, we’ve been teaching on the subject of redemption and who we are in Christ. This is some of my best teaching. In fact, I got a revelation of this over 40 years ago in Andrew Wommack’s meetings when I was just a child and it revolutionized my life. And I believe if you get a revelation of who you are in Christ and what happened in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, it will literally transform your life. And so we have a lot of great teaching on redemption, what Jesus did for us in his death, burial and resurrection and who we are in Christ. I encourage you to get this teaching. I believe just like it transformed my life, it will transform your life. So get on the internet, give us a call, we’d love to hear from you. Thank you so much, and God bless you richly as you allow His word first place. Friends, we’ve been talking about freedom and we’re so glad that you’re here. We’re been really talking about who we are in Christ and we made this statement at the beginning that redemption is the result of the gospel, but righteousness is the condition of the gospel. Now, boy, if there’s a message that I like from the scripture, it’s the message of righteousness, right standing with God. And we’re right with God because of Jesus. Jesus is the righteousness of God. And God made him Jesus, Second Corinthians 5:21, to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. And then we read this scripture in First Corinthians 1 verse 29. It says, “That no flesh should glory in his presence but of God, you are of God in Christ. And Christ of God is made unto you wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.” We said redemption is the result of the gospel and righteousness is the condition of the gospel. When did we receive right standing with God? When did we receive righteousness?
When we believed on Jesus.
When we believed on Jesus. So how righteous were we when we believed on Jesus?
As righteous as you’ll ever be.
As righteousness as we’ll ever be. God made him Jesus to be sin for us so that we might be made the righteousness of God. We are the righteousness of God. We’re as righteous as Jesus is righteous. We were given righteousness as what, Aaron? In our spirit, when you were born again, you were given righteousness as a gift. You received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. So righteousness wasn’t something that we did, it wasn’t something that we earned, it was something that was given to us. And because we’re righteous now, you know, we receive righteousness as a gift. That’s the gospel, right. That’s what Romans four talks about, right, that we receive righteousness by faith in Jesus through the grace of God we receive righteousness. But when we receive righteousness, righteousness is the condition of the gospel. Righteousness becomes a foundation in our life to receive all of the promises of God and we’re righteous because of redemption. Jesus paid the price for our forgiveness, for our redemption. Jesus shed his blood and paid for our sin that we might be made the righteousness of God. I’m not trying to become righteous, I am righteous, and I’m as righteous as Jesus is righteous. So since I am righteous, if I go pray to God and ask God to heal me, why should I receive healing? Why should I receive healing? Do I receive healing because I’m a good boy? Or do I receive healing because Jesus took my sin and made healing available?
Because of what Jesus did?
Because of what Jesus did. So I receive salvation because of what Jesus did. I receive healing because of what Jesus did. Same way, if I’m praying to God in the area of financial provision, why do I receive provision? Do I receive provision because of who I am or because of who Jesus is?
It’s who Jesus is.
Yeah. But now I am the righteousness of God in Jesus. So what Jesus did became mine. That’s what this is talking about. No flesh should glory in his presence, right, but of God are you in Christ Jesus. And Christ of God is made under you wisdom, I have the mind of Christ and righteousness, I am the righteousness of God in Christ and sanctification, I’m sanctified by the blood of Jesus. I’m set apart by the blood of Jesus. I’m holy by the blood of Jesus and redemption, I’m redeemed from every curse. Now, why am I redeemed from the curse? What redeemed me from the curse? What paid the price for my redemption?
The blood of Jesus.
The blood of Jesus. So the curse, I’m redeemed from every curse. Jesus freed me from every curse. The curse has no right to me. Hallelujah. You know, some believers think they’re cursed and they actually start experiencing things, but nobody…. listen. You can’t put a curse on me. Won’t work, doesn’t work. I’m blessed. I’m blessed by the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth. You know, Balaam hired Balak to come curse right or Balak hired Balaam to come curse the children of Israel. You can read about it in Numbers chapter 22, 23, 24. And when Balaam came, Balaam didn’t curse the children of Israel, he blessed them three times. Balaam got mad at him, said, my God, you blessed them instead of cursed them. And he said, listen, we can’t curse what God is blessed. God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent. What a God has promised he’s gonna do, what He’s spoken, what he’s said, he’s gonna bring to pass. God keeps his word. God’s word is God’s word. God’s promises is God’s promise. I’m redeemed from every curse. What redeemed me? The blood of Jesus Christ. And I’m redeemed from every curse so that I can be blessed with every blessing. Praise God. This is what God did for me. Let’s read one more scripture. Let’s read Colossians chapter 1, verse 12 through verse 14. It’s saying this same thing, but I just want to get another voice on this. And you know we look at the scripture many times, we read these things and don’t really understand what’s being said but this is powerful truths of redemption. Okay, Colossians 1, 12 to 14.
So it says here, “Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the son of his love in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins.”
Wow. That’s amazing. So I love that, that’s the new King James version you’re reading. And so it says in verse 12, “He has qualified us” Qualified us, I love that, made us sufficient, made us meet, it says in King James, but I like the New king James better in verse 12. We give thanks to the father who qualified us. Read that again in verse 12.
“Giving thanks to the father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.”
So you might say this, I’m qualified for God’s best blessing. What qualified us, Aaron?
Jesus qualifies us.
Jesus qualifies us. The blood qualifies us. I like what Mark Hankins says, we’re blood blessed, hallelujah. Then he says this, who has delivered us from the authority of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of his dear son. You’re either in God’s kingdom or the devil’s kingdom. I like yours. He says, he conveyed us into the kingdom or into the sons of his love. Man, he conveyed us. We’ve been translated, we’ve been transferred. We’ve left the kingdom. We’re part of God’s own kingdom, we’re sons of his love. And in Christ, we have redemption. In Christ we have freedom. In Christ, we’ve been rid of Satan’s power and Satan’s dominion. Hallelujah. Through his blood, the blood of Jesus purchased my salvation, purchased my redemption, purchased my freedom, purchase my healing, purchased every promise for me. Praise God, even the forgiveness of sin. I’m forgiven for every sin. I’m redeemed from every curse. Why? The blood of Jesus paid the price. Friends, if you have not received Jesus, we invite you today to receive Jesus as your Lord. If you’re not walking in this freedom, if you’re not walking in this healing, in this blessing, in this peace, you know, receive it today because Jesus blood paid for you to have it. Amen. When you believe on Jesus, you’re made righteous, praise God and his righteousness becomes a foundation for every promise. Thanks so much for tuning in. If you need to receive prayer today, you call, we got a lot of people that receive miracles when they pray. If you want to be a partner, give us a call today, we’d love to hear from you. Thanks so much, and God bless you richly.
[Narrator] You have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. The power of sin is broken and you are no longer a sinner but a saint. Get the redemption package, which includes Redemption and In Christ Realities on either CD or digital download for $37 when you call 719-418-4000 or visit
Friends, the scripture says, “If you will continue in the word of God, you will know the truth and the truth will make you free.” If you go to our website at, you can get all of our materials there on the website, as you watch ’em, as you listen absolutely free of charge. and we’ve done that just to be a blessing to you. And I believe that the word that has freed me will free you, blessings.
[Narrator] Thanks for watching Grace For Today. This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer or have a question, please call us at 719-418-4000 or to partner online, go to You can write us at PO Box 63733, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80962. See you next time on Grace For Today.