The Commanded Blessing Part 4 – Lawson and Aaron Perdue

We’re going to talk about something that’s close to my heart. It’s called “Supernatural Increase,” and the commanded blessing has attached to it supernatural increase.

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There are only two types of believers– those who are blessed and know it, and those who are blessed and don’t know it! If you believe in Jesus, you are completely blessed! You are not cursed! Jesus shed His blood on the cross to redeem you from every aspect of the curse, which includes sin, sickness, poverty, and death. You don’t have to chase the blessing, the blessing is chasing you! God has commanded His supernatural blessing on you and as you seek Him first, all these things will be added to you! The blessing of the LORD is chasing after you and will overtake you!

The Commanded Blessing Transcript

Praise the Lord, friends, I’m so glad that you’ve tuned in. We’re going to talk about something that’s close to my heart. It’s called “Supernatural Increase,” and the commanded blessing has attached to it supernatural increase. I’ve received that in my life, and I believe that every person who knows Jesus as Savior and Lord can receive supernatural increase in their life too. Blessings. Friend, it’s so good to have you with us today. We’ve been talking all week about the commanded blessing of the Lord. We’ve talked about how it’s part of God’s covenant. We’ve talked about the devil can’t stop the commanded blessing of the Lord. Today we’re going to be sharing about Jesus is our Jubilee, and that is a scriptural fact. When you understand what Jesus actually said when he started his ministry, when he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he’s anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, to preach liberty to those who are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. What he was really saying, and then he said, today is the scripture fulfilled in your ears. He was saying, I am your Jubilee.

So, his very first message-


It said that he began to preach this, so it’s something he taught often and preached often.


But when he opened his ministry, you know, there in his hometown of Nazareth, he’s there at the synagogue-


And it says that was his custom to be there at the synagogue on this, you know, and they handed him the scroll of Isaiah, and that there’s this prophecy of the Messiah, and of Jubilee and Jesus said, it’s today. And you know, they were all paying attention then. And then he used two examples from the Old Testament that offended those religious people so much that they wanted to kill him.


So, they tried to run him off a cliff. And these two examples, and he picked them specifically because these two examples of faith of people who received freedom were actually, they were Gentile believers.


One was the-


Widow woman.


Well, yeah, the widow woman from Zarephath.


So, he said there were a lot of widows, you know, during Elijah’s day.

Right? But to one was Elijah sent to and it’s this Sidonian woman from Zarephath. You know, that’s actually where Jezebel is from. That was the capital of Baal worship, but she believed God and she received, she received that provision. It was a miraculous provision thing that happened in her life. And then, you know, to add insult to injury, Jesus rubbed in another example that it’s not about who you are, or it’s not about race or, you know, it’s not about gender, but he, you know, he said that there were a lot of lepers in the days of Elisha, but only one, you know, was healed. And it was Naaman who was the Syrian general-

Right, the enemy.

The enemy of Israel. But he listened to this Israeli slave girl in his house who said, you know, if you could just go see Elisha, he’s a prophet of God, you’ll be healed.

Now, I want to say something right now, just really briefly. Somebody asked me the other day, well, what about people when they’re born in a, you know, for instance, an Islamic country, or what about people that are born, you know, where they worship their ancestors in Shintoism, you know, or we thought, did you know what? Every time a world religion has been born, God has had a prophet. God has had a person, a believer speaking right there into that situation, if not right into the very person’s life who was getting caught up in this, these untruths and these lies. And so, it’s still about choice. And right there, you use two Gentile examples, right, of Syria who fought Israel, and yet God spared a Syrian general’s life who believed him. And then Sidon, you know, this widow of Sidon, and he used her, you know, when Elijah came to her, God said, I’ve only got one woman, a woman of faith. And she was about to starve.

And you know, notice, you know, God actually told Elijah, you know, he was dealing with a famine going on. And God said, at first, I’m going to command the ravens to feed you, like God commanded that blessing. You know, he commanded.


And ravens are nasty birds. You know, they are scavengers-


They do not share, they do not make good pets, they are nasty. There might be some ravens in your life, you might be married to a raven, you might work for a raven, you might be in a place where the raven is running the government. But God can command the ravens to provide for you, God can actually supernaturally change someone’s heart to bring promotion, to bring provision, to bring That is amazing.

To work through. So, God commanded these ravens. And then after that, you know, that brook in Cherith dried up. So, God said, I’ve commanded a widow-


In Zarephath to take care of you. And God commanded that widow to give to Elijah. And he showed up and she said, I’m making my last meal for me and my son, and we’re going to die. And he said, you give it to me first. Man, talk about a bold offering message.

My goodness.

You know, a lot of people will get a little offended by an offering message like that today. You could, you’d probably see a blow up in the news, blow up on TikTok, blow up in the newspapers. You know, prosperity preacher tells widow, commands her to give to him first.


You know, but he said, this is the promise of God. If you give to me, like your jar of oil and your barrel of meal will not run out. And that word came to pass in her life. It’s not about, you know, who you are, where you come from. It’s about believing the word of the Lord.


And there is a commanded blessing on following God.


So, we’re talking about jubilee, this commanded blessing on jubilee. I love talking about jubilee and Jesus being our jubilee all throughout, you know, Leviticus. The main focus is on you as the individual. You know, what do you have to do to become, you know, holy enough to go worship? What sacrifices do you have to do? What do you have to do? But right here in Leviticus 25, jubilee stands out. Right. Because really, it’s pointing to the New Testament where it’s not based upon you. It’s completely based upon God. And I believe that God put this in scripture, put this in the law to just strain people systematically to look for this new covenant of grace where it’s not about you.


It’s gonna be completely upon Jesus. And it says here, Leviticus 25, 20, you know, people are going to say when you’re talking about jubilee and this great freedom, this great release of debts, this great provision, the supernatural, you know, your land producing for three years without you working it. It’s going to shock people. And it says here in Leviticus 25, verse 20, you know, and if you say, what shall we eat in the seventh year since we, you know, haven’t some, we did not gather in, you know, the emphasis there is on we. And even today when jubilee is preached, when Jesus is preached, when the gospel of grace is preached, it’s gonna stir up those questions. Well, what do I have to do?

Right? And it’s not about you. God said, I’m going to command my blessing on you in the sixth year and it will bring forth fruit.

So, we have a commanded blessing on, if you have Jesus-

Amen you have the commanded blessing on your life.

Amen. So, if we go back in Leviticus 25 and we begin to look in verse eight, he was talking about how they took the, Israel would take the seventh year and rest. But he says in verse eight, you shall number seven Sabbaths of years, in other words, 49 years, seven times, seven years. And the space of seven Sabbaths, 49 years shall be unto you, 49 years. You will cause the trumpet of jubilee to sound on the 10th day of the seventh month, and the day of atonement. You will make the trumpet sound throughout all your land, and you shall hallow, separate, or sanctify, make holy the 50th year and proclaim freedom, proclaim liberty. That’s why when Jesus opened the scripture to what we understand as Isaiah 61 verse one and the first half of verse two and begin today, say, you know, the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he anointed me so on, and so forth to preach the acceptable year of the Lord, that they were shocked that Jesus was saying, I am your jubilee. He says, proclaim liberty. I am the one who brings freedom throughout all the land to all the inhabitants. There are it. See, Jesus is available to everyone who will believe him. That’s why he used those two examples, right? Because both of those people had to have faith to receive the promise of God’s covenant. But he says, it will be a jubilee to you. You will return every man to his possession and every man to his family. A jubilee shall the 50th year be to you. You will not sow, neither reap that which grows of itself in it, nor gather the grapes of the vine for it is a jubilee and it will be holy to you. So, the first aspects of this and there are seven aspects of jubilee, and we’ll talk about all seven of these because all seven of these things are ours in Christ. But the first two that he says, every man will return to his family. See, Jesus came to restore us to proper position, proper place to our right relationship with God. We are accepted in the beloved. Amen. Paul says this when he prays, that’s Ephesians one, six, when he prays in Ephesians chapter three in verse 14, he says, “Unto the father of who the whole family in heaven, and earth is named.” We have been restored to proper position with God as our father in the family because of what Jesus has done. So, he says, every man will return to his own family and every man will return to his own possession. Jesus didn’t only come to restore you in right relationship with God. Jesus came to restore everything to us that Adam lost in sin, through sin in the garden. He came to restore our possessions to us, our health to us, our wealth to us, our peace to us. Jesus came to restore our freedom to us. Jesus came to restore us in every area. But you know what? You got to believe it to receive it.

And I love, I’m just talking about that acceptance. You know, a lot of people deal with a spirit of rejection-


Or it’s an orphan type mentality. But you know, as believers, we’re accepted in the beloved.


This is the accepted year of the Lord. We are accepted in the beloved.


Paul writes about that in Ephesians.

Right. Did you know I was actually watching a recent political event and when I was watching it, they had Dr. Phil on it and he was sharing, he said, the number one fear that people have is rejection. And the number one hope that they have is acceptance. And so, I think that’s why that’s so strong if somebody deals with that spirit of rejection, but you can overcome it when you understand what it is, you can step over it and walk out of it. Praise God.

You know, when God accepts you-


That’s greater than any type of rejection you may be faced. I know a lot of people have faced great rejection, maybe from someone close to them in their family or, you know, from a teacher or a boss who didn’t think very highly of you. But God loves you. He loves you so much-


That he sent his only begotten son to die for you.


I mean, whoever believes on Jesus, you’ll be saved. You’re part of that family. You are no longer an orphan, but you are a son. You’re a daughter of God and you are part-


Of his family.

You know, I know a lot of you listening wanna hear these other, the rest of these seven results of Jubilee and all of these things are ours in Christ. And so, when we come back after just a very short break, we’re gonna share all seven of these, you know, results of Jubilee and they’re things we have in Christ. If you need prayer, give us a call. Friend, we’ve been sharing on the commanded blessing, but I have a lot more to say about the blessing of the Lord. In fact, I have an entire series on this and it’s downloadable audio. It’s free of charge. You can get it on our website. So go there. Also, I have a great book on provision, releasing supernatural increase in your life. I hope you get these resources, blessings. David said this. He said, I would have fainted unless I believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. You see, the Bible says, do not be weary in well-doing for in due season you will reap if you do not faint. Some people faint. Some people give up before they receive their harvest, but you got to keep believing in the goodness of God.

Friends, I’m so glad that you’re here and stayed with us. And we’re right here talking about the seven results of Jubilee. And the first one is you return to your proper place in your family. You know, when you come to God and when you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you’re restored to your right place in the family of God. You’re accepted in the beloved Ephesians 1:6, Ephesians 2:6 says that God raised us up and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. That is our new position in Christ. And that is a spiritual position of every person who believes on Jesus as Lord and Savior. And you don’t do anything to deserve it. You don’t do anything to earn it. It’s because Jesus deserved it, because Jesus took our sin and gave us his righteousness. We’ve actually been forgiven for every sin and redeemed from every curse. And so, we go on. Not only do we return to the proper place in our family, it says, these are both in verse 10, he says, “Proclaim freedom throughout all the land. Every man will return to his possession.” You know, when the devil, you know, kind of stole man’s authority. That’s what happened in the garden when he came and tempted Eve or even Adam. And Eve didn’t know what she was doing, but Adam knew what she was doing. If you read Timothy, it shows us that in the New Testament. But Satan came to rob us and, you know, he usurped our authority. That’s the word that I wanted to use. But Jesus came as a perfect man, lived, did no sin, and yet died on the cross and became a sin offering for us so that he can bring us back into right relationship with God. So, the first thing is that we’re restored to right proper place in the family. We’re restored to our position, but also God wants to restore our possession. And so, God wants to restore not only our, you know, give us, you know, right relationship with him, forgiveness, righteousness, those things. But God wants to bring us back into health, back into wealth, back into peace, back into freedom. All these things are part of what Jesus did. And so, when we read about jubilee, Jesus was the one, he said it today, this scripture fulfilled in your ears in Luke chapter four, verse 18, 19, 20, right down through there. But if you go to John chapter eight, he said, he whom the son makes free is free indeed. John 8:36, he was saying the same thing. I am your jubilee. But we go on and it says this year in verse 12 is a jubilee. It will be holy to you, and you will eat the increase of the field. Man, we get blessings that we did not earn, that we did not deserve. You know, when the children of Israel came into the promised land, they went into vineyards that they didn’t plant. They went into olive orchards that they didn’t, you know, that they didn’t grow those. They didn’t work. They didn’t labor. They went into different blessing. They went into different things that they just didn’t, they didn’t deserve them or earn them. They went into houses that they did not build, and they were receiving things. You know, not only God said, when you come into houses that you didn’t build and when you come into, you know, lands, you know, that you didn’t earn, he feels, he says, did you know what? Don’t forget me. Praise God. So, he said, you’re going to, you’re going to eat the increase. You know what? We get things as believers. My life, the only way that you can explain the good things that happened in my life is it’s just the blessing of God. It’s the goodness of God. And I believe these things and they work for me. And so, he says, you’ll eat the increase. The next thing he says in verse 14, he says, “If you sell anything to your neighbor, or buy anything from your neighbor’s hand, you will not oppress one another.” Oppression is going to cease. Jesus came to, to heal all that were oppressed of the devil. The Bible says in Acts 10 verse 38.

Well, now that word just really resonates with me, oppression, because as I look around just in the world today, so many people are completely oppressed.


And God wants to set people free from oppression. Maybe you’re oppressed in some aspect of your life, but God wants to set you free from that.


And Jesus is the answer. He is our freedom. He is our Jubilee. He is the one who sets us free from complete oppression.

Yeah, he goes on and says this, you’ll not oppress one another. And then he says this in verse 21. And I want to talk to somebody right now that’s watching. Somebody right now, you have been allowing other people to bring up your past things that have happened. Maybe some of these things have been 20, or 30 years ago, but they’re trying to bring this up and bring you into condemnation and judgment. And you just need not to receive it. Because you know, a lot of people are just blaming somebody else for all their problems. And you just need to just leave it there.

Don’t even talk to them.

No, don’t. Just let it. Just leave it. Yeah. And just don’t go there because did you know what? You’re not their problem. And anyway, just go forward, and let all those things go. And, you know, I had a guy come into my office one time and this man was struggling with a condemnation from something he had done over 30 years before. And I talked to him, and I said, “Sir, have you ever been born again?” And you know, he’s like, well, I don’t know. And I said, “Well, you can know right now. And I led him to Christ, and he got born again.” And man, he left that day with a giant smile. And you know, he came to my church after that. And I’d never seen him smile like this for several years. And every time I saw him, he had this gigantic smile on his face. He just lived with that condemnation for years. And boy, the world will tell you, even parts of the church, even, you know, and it’s not true, but they’ll tell you some things you can never get over. I’m telling you that is a lie from the pit of hell.

A lot of people try to manipulate other people with guilt. Guilt is very manipulative. And yes, it’s actually demonic.

Yeah. You know, manipulation, that type of manipulation, trying to guilt people into doing what you want them to do. It’s, that’s not the spirit of Christ is not behind that. It’s a spirit of antichrist. That’s the spirit. You know what? Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and you need to just leave all that stuff in the past and go for it. God got over your sin at the cross and you need to get over it. God let it go. He’s not holding it against you. You need to let it go. Praise God. Now, here’s where we’ve been getting the whole time talking about supernatural increase and the commanded blessing. He says this, the next thing he says, he talks again in verse 17, you’ll not oppress one another. So that’s the fourth one. But then he says this in verse 21, “Then I will command my blessing on you in the sixth year and it will bring forth fruit for three years.” I know in my life, I’ve had at least three times average increase come to me in different things. I’ve just had, you know, things work out, you know, investments were blessing just, it’s just amazing. The blessing of God on our lives.

Last month, my wife and I went to several special meetings and, you know, whenever we go different places, I’m connected with different ministers that have, you know, we’ve really received from my wife likes and I like to give a special gift, but we went to several different meetings and we gave a lot. I think, you know, in addition to our regular tithes and offerings, we gave.

You gave about a year’s tithe last month.

We gave a lot, but, you know, my business like tripled that month too. And there was no, sometimes with my business that, you know, if it gets busier, there’s more headaches that come along with it. But it, like I didn’t have any headaches to deal with it. Just everything was smooth, and just that tripled, you know, God took care of it. Man, that’s like this jubilee.


And that’s what Jesus does for us. It’s not through our own efforts. It’s not through our own works. It’s not through our natural understanding, and our natural strength. It’s not through our own knowledge. It’s not through our own goodness, but it is just the grace of God. Man, Jesus is the embodiment of grace. Jesus is our jubilee. And man, we don’t, you know, he says this six year, this land is going to bring forth three times. Three times. This is not about what we did. This is about what God did. Then he goes on in verse 35 and he says, if your brother is waxing poor and falling in decay, when you shall relieve him, he will be a stranger or sojourner that he may will live with you. That’s talking about your debts are going to be forgiven, man. This is marvelous. Your debts are forgiven, glory to God to have forgiveness of debt. You know, things that were just held over you, or maybe you thought you could never get delivered from, and God just delivers you from it supernaturally. I’ve had friends that this has happened to. I’ve had people who had hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt forgiven, and it’s amazing. So, you know what? God is a good God. And you know what? There’s nothing like Jesus. He forgave our sin debt. Our sins are forgiven. We’re forgiven for all of our sins. If you really understand the gospel, when Jesus died on the cross, he took all sin past, present, and future, and he paid for it all. And it’s all finished. It’s all done. God’s not dealing with us after our sins. He’s not rewarding us according to our iniquities. It’s amazing. The seventh one we find right here in verse 41. He said, he’s talking about slaves and he’s talking about slaves will be go, go free. Then he will depart from you, both he and his children with him and return to his own family under the possession of his fathers. So, he says all slaves go free. So, when we go back over these again, the seven results of Jubilee, you find these all in Leviticus 25. But Jesus in Luke four, when he announces, starts his ministry is saying, I am your Jubilee. And if you’re born again, if you’ve received Jesus, you have a right to these promises.

And there’s a commanded blessing on Jubilee.


And if you have Jesus, there’s a commanded blessing on your life. And I love those seven aspects. And these are available to us as believers through Jubilee.


So, you return to your proper place in the family, you return to your possession, you eat increase, you have supernatural increase. And then he said, you don’t oppress one another. Oppression ceases. He said, “I’ll command my blessing on you.” And in the sixth year in verse 21, and it’ll bring forth fruit for three years. That is supernatural increase again. Then the sixth one is all debts are forgiven. And then the seventh one is all slaves go free. In verse 41, I’m going to say something very briefly. But Papa Hagen, Kennedy Hagen taught this. He taught that he believed that every person had one opportunity to really succeed in life. And he taught that and he kind of used this principle that if you live 70 years, you know, once in 50 years, you have opportunity. And I believe that God gives that to us in Christ. And if we can just find out what God has called us to do, and different things, and there is a blessing attached to that. You know, some people are trying to do something and have God bless it. Other people are just getting where God wants them, and then the blessings already there. And that’s where you want to operate. The blessing is in Christ. So just get where God wants you to be in Christ. And I believe the blessings there.

That’s awesome. I’m glad that you join us today. If you just join us for the first time today, I’d encourage you to go listen to all these teachings that we have on the commanded blessing. All our teachings are actually available for free download on our website. It costs us money to do those. But we thank our partners for helping us make these broadcasts. If you’d like to become a partner, you can give us a call. This is great ground to sow into. You’re a partner with us in ministry. You’re a partner with us in preaching the gospel and growing the kingdom for Jesus.

Amen. So, I just want to thank all of our partners. And just I believe there’s commanded blessing on your life. If you need prayer, give us a call. We’d be happy to minister to you. God loves you. See you again soon.

Narrator In Pastor Aaron’s message, “The Commanded Blessing,” discover how Jesus redeemed you from every curse and how God’s supernatural blessing is chasing after you. Learn to walk confidently in the fullness of his promises. We’d like to bless you with your own digital copy of “The Commanded Blessing,” a $5 value, free of charge. Don’t wait. Embrace the blessing that’s already yours. Go to today.

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Narrator Thanks for watching Grace for Today. This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer, or have a question, please call us at 719-418-4000 or to partner online, go to You can write us at P.O.Box 63733, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80962. See you next time on Grace for Today.

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