The Cross Is the Cure Part 3
The Cross Is the Cure Part 3 from Pastor Lawson Perdue. In this episode, learn how to apply the cure! When you change what you believe and speak you will change what you experience in this life.

Holy Spirit Package
If you love Jesus, you are going to love the Holy Spirit! Before ascending to heaven, Jesus explained to His disciples that it was necessary for Him to go to the Father so He could send the Holy Spirit. He told them to not leave Jerusalem until they had received this great promise! This package will help you understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit and how to live the spirit-filled life!
The Cross Is the Cure Part 3 Transcript
Praise the Lord, friends. We’re gonna be talking today about applying the cure, talking about the cross. At the cross Jesus made provision for our health, for our peace, for our righteousness, but how do we apply it? We apply it by what we believe and what we speak. And you can change your life by changing what you believe and what you speak. Open your heart and receive God’s good Word today. Blessings. Praise the Lord, friends. We are sharing the gospel, talking about applying the cure. We’ve been teaching this week about the cross is the cure. And you know we’ve said, at the cross Jesus provided forgiveness for our sins, he provided peace for our anxiety, he provided healing for our sickness, and we say that because of what the Bible says in Isaiah 53:4-5, it says, “Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows, yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted, but he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our inequities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed.” When you look at verse five, it says specifically that Jesus took our sin, he was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. It says that he took our anxiety, the chastisement of our, excuse me, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and it says, “By his stripes we are healed,” so that’s talking about our spiritual person, our emotional person, and our physical person. Our spirit, our soul, and our body. Jesus provided for the whole man in his death and resurrection, and we could prove that a lot of different places. 1 Peter 2:24 says the same thing. It says, “Who his own self bare our sin in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sin, should live unto righteousness, by whose stripes you were healed.” So Jesus took our sin and our sickness. Then he says in verse 25, “We were a sheep going astray but we’ve returned to the shepherd and the bishop of our soul,” so that’s talking about our soul, so there he says it’s our spirit, our body, and our soul. In Isaiah 53:5 he says it’s our spirit, our soul and our body. So Jesus provided for the whole man in his death and resurrection, but how do we apply what Jesus did for us? How do we get that working in the physical realm? How do we apply the provision of the cross to the physical realm? See, how do we apply spiritual provision in a natural realm? Well, Joshua 1 talks about this in verse seven and verse eight. What happened was Moses died, and Joshua had been serving Moses for over 40 years and following him, and Moses basically passed on the staff to Joshua, right? Passed on the role of leadership to Joshua, and he told Joshua, “You’re gonna take the children of Israel into the promised land.” Moses saw the promised land, but he did not take them in. You know what? The law can show you some of the promises, but it can’t take you into them. We talked about, yesterday, how we receive the promises by grace through faith, it takes the grace of God to take you in. So Joshua is a type of Jesus, Jesus is the grace of God. So in Joshua 1, Moses has died, God speaks to Joshua, says, “Moses, my servant, is dead, now take these children of Israel and take them in to possess the promises, by the way, there’s a few giants there.” After he says this he tells Joshua how to do it in verse eight, he says, “This book of the law, this Word of God shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate therein both day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein, for then you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success.” Now, if we look at this all together, the first thing it implies in verse seven is that we need to begin to meditate the Word of God, and he also talks about that in verse eight, but as you meditate the Word of God, what does it mean to meditate the Word of God? It means this, the Hebrew word for meditate in Joshua 1:8, and also in Psalms 1:1-3 is the Hebrew word Hagah, and it means to utter, to mutter, to think, to ponder, to dream, to imagine, and so because we begin to dream about the Word of God coming to pass, we begin to utter it, mutter it, think, dream, and imagine it, did you know what? When you begin to do that, you will begin to speak the words of God out of your mouth, right? The natural thing is when you think about something, you begin to talk about it. So in Joshua 1:8 God speaks to Joshua and says, “This book of the law, this Word of God shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate therein.” So as you meditate the Word both day and night, right? That you may observe to do according to all that’s written there, and you meditate the Word to do it, you’ll begin to speak the Word of God, as you begin to speak the Word of God, you begin to then act on the Word of God, as you begin to act on the Word of God, he says, “You shall make your way prosperous and you shall have good success.” Now, this principle is also laid down in Psalm 1, and it says this in Psalm 1, we’ll begin reading in verse one, Psalm 1:1-3, it says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the council of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful, but his delight is in the Word of God.” You begin to delight in the Word of God, “and in his law or in his Word does he meditate, does he think, does he ponder, does he dream, does he imagine. You need to imagine what it would be like to be healed. You need to imagine what it would be like to do something that you could not do. You need to imagine what it would be like to be prosperous, right? You need to be imagining what it would be like to pay off your car, to pay off your house, to pay off your bills, to pay off somebody else’s car, to pay off somebody else’s house. You need to begin to imagine, begin to dream, begin to think about what it would be like to see people healed from cancer, healed from blindness, raised from the dead. You begin to imagine, begin to dream those things, begin to see those things in your mind. And as you begin to meditate on the Word of God, you need to imagine that what it would be like to have the promises of God coming to pass in your life. And he says, and this person that does this, he meditates day and night in the Word, “He will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season,” you know what? There is a season of harvest for you, and the fact is you’re harvesting what you’ve been meditating on, and what you’ve been applying yourself to, and what you’ve been speaking in days past. So if you don’t like the harvest that you have, if you’re not receiving a harvest of health, and a harvest of peace, and a harvest of blessing, then you need to change what you’re thinking on, right? A harvest of righteousness. You change what you’re thinking on, right? What you’re meditating on, begin to meditate on the promises of God, begin to see yourself the way God sees you, see yourself as the righteousness of God, see yourself as the healed of the Lord, see yourself as the blessed of the Lord, you’re blessed of the Lord, the possessor of heaven and earth. Begin to see yourself the way that God says you are. That’s the initial process, you begin to meditate in that, when you meditate the Word, it begins to change the picture on the inside of you, as it changes the picture on the inside of you, you’re gonna begin to talk differently, right? This again, back to Joshua 1:8, “This book of the law, this Word of God shall not depart out of your mouth.” When you meditate the Word you’re gonna talk differently than the world. I recently got a report from one of my missionary friends about very positive things happening in Ukraine with the Ukrainian people, and they’re there on the ground every day, and as I shared that report with my wife, they emailed it to me in real time, and she’s like, “There is nothing like this coming across in the news.” Now, we don’t watch, generally, the liberal news, we generally watch conservative news if we watch any news at all, but my wife watches more than I do, and she said, “I don’t hear anything like that coming out of the news.” Well, the news is bent towards the negative, but when you start meditating on the Word of God, when you start meditating on the promises of God, did you know what? You can’t help but begin to talk differently, think differently, because it changes the picture in you, and if you want the picture on the outside of you to change, you’ve gotta change the picture on the inside of you. If you’re always watching all this stuff on the television, it’s talking about, “Oh yeah, you can take this medication for this problem, but there might be a hundred different other problems that you might have by taking this medication.” I thank God we got a medicine, it’s called the Word of God, and you know what? You begin to meditate the Word. That’s why the Bible says in Proverbs 4:20-22 “My son, attend to my word, give ear to my sayings, let them not depart from your eyes, keep them in the midst of your heart, for they are life to all those that find them, and health,” that word for health in the Hebrew is Marpe, medicine, a cure, “health to all their flesh.” So as you meditate the Word of God, as you give attention to the Word of God, as you keep the Word of God in your mind and before your eyes, you begin to see yourself healthy, you begin to see yourself strong, you begin to see yourself doing the will of God, you begin to see yourself living and not dying, and declaring the works of the Lord, and you begin to meditate the Word, it’ll change the picture on the inside of you, is that change, the picture on the outside will come to conform to the picture on the inside, and don’t tell me it doesn’t work because it’s worked in my life, hallelujah? And so he says, “This person will be like a tree planted by the water, that brings forth his fruit in season.” Your heart is bringing forth a harvest, and whatever you’ve been sowing your heart, it’s springing out. And he says, “His leaf also shall not wither, and whatever he does shall prosper.” If you will meditate the Word of God, you shall prosper. Now, when we look at that scripture, we’re talking about applying the cure. The first thing that we gotta do is begin to meditate the Word. And again, this word for meditate is the Hebrew word Hagah, it means utter, mutter, moan, device, plot, speak, imagine, dream, think, praise God? You need to just, you get the Word in you, and you know what? The Word changes how you think. And we used to say, you just get it in your craw, and you know what a craw is in a chicken, or duck, or a goose? A craw is like the gizzard, right? In the gizzard, they go to the shore, when they are ducks and geese, when they’re on the lake and they eat this sand and gravel, and they don’t have teeth, we used to say, “It’s like hens’ teeth.” Well, hens don’t have teeth, but they pick the grain, right? And they pick little rocks up, and the rocks go in the gizzard, and the grain goes down in their gizzard, and in their gizzard, the gizzard has all that gravel and sand, it grinds up that grain and it puts it in then beyond the gizzard where they can digest it, praise God, and this is what happens when you meditate the Word of God, it’s like digesting the Word of God. We used to talk about renewing your mind in the Word of God, and people thought renewing your mind in the Word were just memorizing scriptures, and people go around and just spit out scriptures. Well, renewing your mind is more than memorizing scriptures, I’m not against memorizing scripture, but renewing your mind is changing your mind to where you begin to think like God says that you are. In other words, if God says you’re righteous, redeemed, sanctified, wise, blessed, healed, you begin to see yourself, you begin to think like God. Say, “I am righteous, I am redeemed, I am sanctified, I am healed, I am prosperous, I do have the mind of Christ.” And you begin to see that, literally, it changes the way that you see things, you begin to see from the perspective of God, you begin to see yourself the way God says you are, you begin to see others the way God says they are, you begin to see the world the way God sees it. There are times that I’ve been faced with very challenging, difficult problems, and it’ll look like, “Jesus, what am I gonna do?” And I’ll go to the Lord and begin to pray in the Spirit and God will change my perspective, and I’ll say, “You know what? I never had an opportunity like this.” You know, that just reminded me, I fed cattle for lots of years. I pastored in Eastern Colorado and fed cattle, and continued to feed cattle for. I fed cattle for over 30 years, but when I was first in Colorado Springs and it helped me make money and supplement the ministry, but my good friend was in Lamar, Colorado, and his wife, Carla Spitz, was my Sunday school teacher, and she used to come and say, “Pray for Joe,” and her husband, Joe, was just starting in business, but Joe became one of the largest cattle feeders in the world, he had many ranches, many feed lots, but I remember when he first started, when I was in Sunday school and I was 16-years-old and Carla was my Sunday school teacher, she’d say, “Pray, we got these cattle from Arkansas, and they’re dying.” But I remember one time when the cattle price was terrible and it was awful, and I talked to Joe, and he’s like, “There’s never been opportunity like this.” When you meditate the Word of God, there can be things that look awful in the outward realm, and there’s so many people that are just connected to the outward realm, but you start meditating in the Word of God, you say, “Hey, there’s never been opportunity like this.” And while other people are crying wolf and running away, I’m running to the battle, amen? I’m taking opportunities, and I have taken lots of risk at life, and you know what? It has worked out well for me. And some of these preachers that just preach fear all the time, they’re just making the problem worse. You know what? When I was in the cattle business, when everybody else was stopped, I was still walking, when everybody else was running, I was probably jockeying, I did about the opposite, many times, of what other people did, and God blessed me. And many times it’s like that with investments, and I have some of my preacher friends, and they’re always talking about how it’s gonna go down, it’s gonna crash, and it creates fear, and they’re not doing nothing, and you know what? I am not gonna live in fear, I am taking opportunity. And I learned that as a child, you know what? I lived with my grandfather when he was over 80-years-old, and he had opportunity to buy thousands and thousands of acres around him in the 1930s, in the Dirt Bowl in Eastern Colorado, and he had the money in the bank to do it, he could have bought this land for a dollar an acre, and he regretted doing it, and you know what I said as a young man? I was like in my twenties, I said, “You know what?” I’m never gonna be saying, “I wish I would’ve, I think I could’ve, I might’ve.” Now ,there’s some times I say, “I probably shouldn’t have done that,” amen? Because I got my faith out there working, but I am not gonna live with a pessimistic, negative, fearful attitude, and I am not gonna preach things that create fear in people. God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind. We need to have wisdom, but I am just not gonna do it because it just does not produce health long term, it creates fear and people don’t move forward, so I’m gonna keep preaching faith, and I am boldly and aggressively approaching life. And listen, it’s worked for me, so don’t tell me I’m, praise God? I’m keeping with what I started, hallelujah, this is the way I’ve been going, and God has been good to me, and you know what? God will be good to you, but if you’re always looking at the negative and you just got a old, pessimistic, sour attitude, and you’re always talking about how everything’s gonna go down, and everything’s gonna be bad, and everybody’s gonna go hungry. You know the Bible says, “As long as the earth remains, seed time and harvest, summer, winter, cold and night shall not cease,” and Lawson Perdue is not going hungry, and you know what? I am not storing up food in my basement, waiting for the crazy. Listen, guys, I am believing God and moving forward, and I’m gonna keep believing God and keep moving forward, and I’m not gonna preach things that cause fear in people, I want people to move forward in faith, and I just believe it’s better that way. And yes, once in a while, I incur some losses, but I got a lot more gain than I do loss, amen? So I’m gonna keep moving. So if you wanna be healed, if you wanna be blessed, keep meditating the Word of God. You know the Bible says this, you meditate it for the purpose of believing it. The Bible says in Isaiah 7:9 “If you will not believe, surely you will not be established.” I’ll be back right after this break. Praise the Lord, friends, we are teaching and sharing on the subject of divine healing. Thank God Jesus made provision for us at the cross, and we have just as much right to be healed in our body as we do to be forgiven for our sins, but how can we receive that in our life? We go through this in detail, and I have a healing bundle that I’m sharing with you, I wanna get this to you. You know the Bible says that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, and I know these teachings will build your faith. I have, first of all, my series on “Covenant of Healing,” and then I have my series on “The Cross is The Cure,” and then we have my wife Barbara’s series, and she’s a powerful teacher, and ministers healing in a very powerful and anointed way, on “Present to Heal, and how to receive divine healing and health in your life.” And I want you to call in today and get this, it will help you build your faith and receive from God, blessings.” Praise the Lord, friends, we have been here, we’ve been sharing, we’ve been talking about applying the cure. You know at the cross Jesus made salvation, healing, mental health, prosperity, all available to us. And if you believe the scripture, you can receive salvation, you can receive health, you can receive mental health, and you can receive financial and physical provision because of what God has provided for you at the cross in the gospel. And the scriptures that go with that are Isaiah 53:4-5, 1 Peter 2:24-25, and also 2 Corinthians 8:9. And if you just believe what the scripture says, you’ll have to come face to face with the facts that God’s made provision for us at the cross, but how do we receive that? We’ve been talking about, we said he first thing is we gotta begin to go to the Bible and meditate the Word, for the purpose of change in the way that we see and what we believe, believe what the scripture says. And as you begin to believe the Word, guess what you’re gonna do? You’re gonna start speaking the Word of God. You can’t help but speak. You remember the disciples in Acts 4? I think it was, they beat them, they commanded ’em no longer to preach or teach in the name of Jesus, and they said, “We can’t help but speak the things which we’ve seen and heard.” Man, when you meditate the Word, it changes how you think, and it changes how you speak. I’m gonna give an example here. If I get over there, I think, believe it’s in Matthew 8, but it’s talking about the Roman centurion that came to Jesus because his servant was sick, and he came for the reason to get his servant healed, this is in Matthew 8, beginning in verse five, when Jesus entered into Capernaum, there came a centurion, beseeching him, saying, “Lord, my servant lies at home, sick of the palsy, grievously tormented,” and Jesus said unto him, “I will come and heal him.” Now look at this, Jesus was willing to come and heal him, but this man, this Roman centurion, so he’s over 100 soldiers, he says, “Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof, but speak the word only and my servant shall be healed.” This man’s showing true humility, “I’m not even really worth that you come,” but just speak the word,” because he was a man of authority, he understood authority, and you know what? When you understand authority, and we have authority as believers, the way authority is released is through our words. And he says this in verse nine, “For I am a man under authority,” and he says, “I have soldiers under me, and I say to this man, ‘Go,’ and he goes, to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes, and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it. And when Jesus heard it, he marveled and said unto them the following, ‘Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great of faith, no, not in Israel, and I say unto you that many will come from the east and the west, and sit down,'” Gentiles, “‘sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, but the children of heaven, the children of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness.” There are people that have these things prepared for ’em, but they’re not gonna get ’em, and the reason they’re not gonna get ’em is they refuse to believe and speak what God says. “‘And there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,’ and Jesus said unto the centurion, ‘Go thy way, as you have believed, so be it done to you.’ And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.” I put down here, “The outsiders become insiders when they believe Jesus,” amen? And if you’ll believe Jesus you’ll turn into an outsider. But you see, in this realm of authority, this was a man of authority, and he understood that Jesus had authority in the realm of sickness and disease. And so the way that Jesus released his authority was by speaking his word, the way that this man released his authority as a Roman ruler was by speaking the word, and the way that we release authority as believers is by speaking the Word. You know the Bible actually says this in Proverbs 18:21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Jesus constantly spoke the Word in his ministry. There was a woman that came to him who had a spirit of infirmity for 18 years, she could in no way lift herself up, and in Luke 13:12, Jesus, the first thing he did was he spoke the Word of God to her. And he said, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.” In Mark 5, when he went to Jairus’s house, and his daughter had died. Jesus put everybody out and said, “Listen, she’s not dead, but she sleeps,” they laughed at him, just scorned, and then he went in, and took her by the hand, and said, “Daughter, I say to you, arise,” and she got up, praise God? In Mark 5, the woman with the issue of blood, she had an issue of blood for 12 years. She wasn’t any better, but rather got worse, but she heard about Jesus, when she heard about Jesus, she said within herself, she said, “If I could but touch him, I would be whole, I would be well, I would be healed,” and the Bible talks about how she pressed through the crowd when she saw Jesus come, and she touched Jesus, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her plague. Jesus looked around and said, “Who touched me?” And the disciples said, “Lord, the multitude is strong and you say, ‘Who touched me?’ But then he looked around and saw the woman, because the touch of faith is different, and he said, “Daughter, be of good cheer, your faith has made you whole, your faith has made you well.” But see, she said, she spoke. It says in Matthew’s gospel, when it talks about the same instance of Mark 5, I think it’s in Matthew 9, “She said within herself,” it says in one translation, “she said and kept on saying, ‘If I could but touch him, I would be healed.'” So the natural thing, once you’ve meditated the Word and believe the Word is you’ll begin to speak the Word of God, and as you begin to speak the Word of God, you’ll begin to see what God says about you come to pass. You know what? It’s not what everybody else says about you that matters, what matters is what God says about you, and what you need to start saying is what God says about you. You need to start saying, “I’m healthy, I’m strong, I’m doing the will of God, I’m blessed, I’m highly favored of the Lord, I have the mind of Christ, I’m healed by the stripes of Jesus, the same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in me and quickens my mortal body, God blesses my bread, he blesses my water, he takes sickness from the midst of me, I’m blessed by the Most High God, the possessor of heaven and earth, I’m healed by the stripes of Jesus, I’m healed, I was healed by the stripes of Jesus.” You need to start saying what God says about you. You see, it really doesn’t matter what everybody else thinks. I’m a pastor at church, and I got about a thousand people that show up every week. We have a couple thousand people call the church home, and we have many more that watch online, and there’s a lot of times people have different opinions about what I’m saying or what I’m doing, but I’m really only here trying to please one person. You say, “Pastor Lawson, who is that?” I’m here to please Jesus, amen? And if you start meditating the Word, and believe in the Word, and speak in the Word, I guarantee you your life is gonna change, amen? And it’s gonna change for good because God keeps his Word. I hope you’ve enjoyed the broadcast. I’ve been teaching today on “The Cross is The Cure,” and specifically on how we apply the cure, because that’s where a lot of people miss it, they understand that there are promises in the Word of God, but they don’t know how they apply it, but if you begin to apply the Word of God to your life, it will work. And this is part of my healing package. I’ve got “The Covenant of Healing,” I’ve got Barbara’s teachings on “Present to Heal.” And I think there’s nine or 10 hours of teaching total in these three series, and we got a special offer of this that we’re getting out to you, we’d like to get it to you. You know the Bible says faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, and you know what? If you will get a hold of the Word of God, the Word of God will change your life, and the Word of God will cause you to rise up in faith and receive what God has promised you. Friends, if you need healing, if you need prayer, if you wanna give an offering, if you want a product, give us a call, we have trained prayer ministers ready to take your call, thank you and God bless you.
[Announcer] Healing is just one of the many things that Jesus paid for on the cross. In this package containing “Covenant of Healing,” “The Cross is The Cure,” and “Present to Heal,” you’ll learn how to step out in faith and trust him to heal you. By his stripes you were healed. You can get this special package for $39 with free shipping, call 719-418-4000, or visit
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